Inspirational quotes sites


When sending my daily inspirational quote I of course find it somewhere else. And where to find inspirational quotes easiest in 2014, well of course in websites. And how to find inspirational quotes on these websites, well, of course through Google, the major search engine. So mostly I end up with the major quotes sites BrainyQuotes and GoodReads and find something there, but today I ended up in a completely different page searching for ‘inspirational quote negotiation’, a page on AgBeat. And for quite some time I want to honor those sites, the people behind those sites, as they make it possible for me to find a quote of any kind very quickly, so today I thought I’ll just start a page about that, honoring those sites and people by at least mentioning them here and making a link to their sites. So here it is, the inspirational quotes and pages page.

Main quotes sites

Mostly I end up with the two main quotes sites I know of:

There are more sites on (inspirational) quotes though and I will add them when I encounter them in my daily search for inspirational quotes to send to my subscribers for that.


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