Segment intending


We encountered segment intending in a workbook we found on the internet related to Abraham Hicks. We’re not sure about copyrights and stuff, but we want to give you some short explanation how it works.

Dividing your day

Segment intending starts with something like dividing your day into ‘segments’ where a segment is something like a group of activities related to one ‘chunk’. A segment could be for example ‘waking up’, ‘preparing yourself for the day physically (taking a bath and stuff), ‘having breakfast’, ‘driving to work’, etc.

Preparing for a segment

Then the idea of segment intending is like preparing yourself for a segment so you have control over what’s going to happen or at least over how you want to feel.

So give each segment a title and ask yourself the following questions and write the answers down:

  • What are you doing?
  • What do you want to acccomplish?
  • How do you want to feel?

So the answers would look like:

  • In this segment I am ……………………………………….. (write down what you are going to do).
  • I want to accomplish ……………………………………….. (write down what you want to accomplish).
  • I want to feel ………………………………………………….. (write down how you want to feel).


You may be amazed with the result if you do this for everything you do over the day (and night).

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