Wow, listening to Jordan Peterson has put something in motion it seems. One of the things he suggests is to do ‘micro steps’, like not to put too much pressure on yourself, as otherwise you just won’t do it; or give up very soon.
So I started doing some micro steps updating my James Bond page. And oh, my, in how bad shape that page was and is. Virtual all the torrent files seem to have disappeared from my server and many links are not working or out of date. So how can I ever expect to earn something from such a mess?
So I started updating that page, one torrent at the time, one movie at the time. And amazingly I had some fun in finishing some of the paragraphs, like adding missing information, like just the simple Wikipedia links and the movie posters. And yes, adding some (new) torrent links and torrent files.
One Step At The Time.
And then I ended up in this page with only “Will write here late. Just need the page here to prevent invalid links” as content. So again, how can I expect to be successful with this site if many pages are just placeholders and many pages not finished or updated?
And yes, I still need to work on the theme, change the theme, but that feels like too much, so for now maybe just not do it. So please bear with me with the theme, especially if you are using a mobile device using this site.