When you are down

I’m not sure where I am standing with this site and my goals in life the moment you are reading this, but as of the moment I am at one of the lowest points in my life, and despite I often feel paralyzed and do nothing, I keep on going and found that working on this site inspires me, even though I did not integrate it in my planning to achieve my definite purpose yet.

So if you are down, and probably you are, otherwise you probably wouldn’t arrive on this page, just be assured that the only way to get up again is to get moving again, take action again. And no, not action without any direction, but even though you don’t know what action to take, there must be something that feels good and that you can do now. Otherwise just start with some little steps, like making coffee, clean your desk, empty the dustbin, things like that. And when you have done that, even the smallest thing, just be proud of yourself and know you did the right thing!

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