
InceptionI didn’t know what to write today. And I didn’t really feel like writing also, as I’m tired and a bit out of inspiration. And I just finished watching the movie Inception, a movie I really like, just to watch, but also because of it’s kind of deep background, as most good movies have. And it’s about virtual and reality, things we don’t really know how it fits together. As somehow of course reality, the reality we all experience, doesn’t exist. So again, I wanted to write about the famous and not so famous, but still somehow known actors, about ‘success‘.

So before writing my post for today I was thinking about what quote to send today. And while doing that I ended up in Facebook, and of course saw the things that a good friend of mine wrote about her son, writing that it is her son’s birthday today, or actually that it was her son’s birthday today. And she posted a part of a poem he wrote. And I didn’t know he was a poet, but I thought it was a beautiful poem. So I decided to use a part of that poem as my daily quote, just because I thought it was a nice thing to share, but also to honor him. And I was a bit scared as I didn’t ask for permission to do that. But I also didn’t want to ask, as that didn’t feel good. So I decided to send the quote and also publish it in our Facebook page as I often do. And to share that post with my friend, so she would know. And fortunately she liked it, so I guess with taking the risk I did the right thing.

But that’s not what I wanted to write about. I wanted to write about the strangeness of life, where it seems that in our deepest downs or in death or in suffering we achieve the greatest things. As e.g. this whole site, the project Inspiration for Success started with one of the deepest downs in my life. And I’m not sure if it adds a lot of value already to people, but I do know some people like, or maybe appreciate, the quotes I send daily. And right now, the sharing of these parts of the poem of Andrei Brian Ramos, started with most probably a lot of pain that my friend must be feeling today, not having her son around anymore. And the fact that he is not with us anymore put more attention than usual to his poem.

So strange, how life works. As in the end we all live on in some kind of way, even after we die. In the end we all contribute something to ‘life’, in the end indeed life is something continuous, something we are all part of, something forever, something infinite.

So yes, let’s celebrate life, as we are here, as we experience it, as we contribute, while we contribute. And let’s celebrate all life before us, that made life as it is now. And let’s celebrate our contribution to life, no matter what it is or how big or how small it appears. As it’s all ‘life’.

What a miracle, what a wonder.

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