No more mining
No more Electroneum mining, so this page is obsolete. Electroneum Ltd., the owner of Electroneum, has completely change the mining structure, only allowing ‘certified’ miners to do the mining. To me fully against the idea how cryptocurrency works, but to me Electroneum is more like a company than a cryptocurrency.
Sorry Electroneum and Electroneum enthusiasts.
You may want to read more on cryptocurrency here.
Bitcoin up
June 18, 2019
Recently I saw Bitcoin going up quite a bit, so I was wondering now how Electroneum would be doing. So checking now, and I am not really happy, but see what the mining is doing.
And I see many mining pools from before are offline, looking at below errors in the overview of Electroneum mining pools. But maybe worth another try to make some money here, as I put quite some effort in this page before.
I have not worked on this page for quite a while, partly because I was pretty discouraged Electroneum did not really take off until now. And that is not only about price, but also that it is still not listed on major exchanges. Also the difficulty went up so much that it does not really make sense anymore to mine Electroneum as a private person with just one or a few computers.
I also did not check the traffic to this page. I will do soon. If it is still pretty high I will do the updates necessary, like keeping up to some promises I made to add some pools and adjust the script to present live data for those pools.
Before I noticed quite some of pools seem to have stopped operation lately. Looking now most of the pools are still there and only a few have stopped operation, so I will update the table for that.
This page is slowly coming together as I finished the basic programming of the mining pool data and am focusing now on adding missing pools and making sure it is clear which data is manual and which data is fetched live. The basics for that are in place and I guess the data is at least 90% clear and correct. Best place to start is the table with an overview of all mining pools I included in this page right now. Most data is updated live, when you open this page. Just click on the block below to go to the summary table:
Clicking on the name of the pool in the table will bring you to a chapter about the pool lower in the page with more information about that pool.
There are some more pools I know of. I just did not find the time yet to add all pools. I did find a way to add new pools fast now. Please be patient to have all pools and all data as I, and probably you, have in mind. And no, I am not Richard Ells or Electroneum ☺.
Of course you are welcome to read the rest of the page, or the page from top to bottom, but as said, a bit chaotic now as I am focusing on programming the pool date. I will organize the information better later, including sort options and stuff, probably by also splitting the page in several pages or make a page for each pool. I already made a more general page about Electroneum and moved some of the previous content of this page there.
On <date/time> 1 ETN was USD <xxx> (courtesy CoinMarketCap).
Listing here and more
If you want a/your Electroneum (ETN) mining pool being listed here just send an e-mail to Please note this is a secure page and for now I need an ssl link to the json stats page in order to display live statistics. Please send that link to me, whether secure or not, either in the comments or in an e-mail. I won’t display that link publicly.
Comments on mining pools are very welcome. I just enabled the comments section.
And well, just wanted to know GitHub, so just used my (newbie) miner script. You can find it on GitHub: Electroneum mining miner script.
So I started mining Electroneum (ETN). And that meant that I had to find pools, as it doesn’t make much sense to do cryptomining alone. So I found a list somewhere. And then saw some in posts. And then I thought just now, why not try to get some traffic for that, create a page with an overview of Electroneum mining pools. So here it is. Let’s see where this goes.
Wow, I started with a few ETN pools and then wanted to create a simple page to help people find them. Now, while converting this page to a programmed page with live stats update I am finding myself in kind of an enormous job as there are plenty of pools now to mine Electroneum. So please forgive me this page is not up-to-date yet, although I am getting there, yes, much slower than I could have ever imagined. Good sign for Electroneum I guess, as there are plenty of people mining now and people providing mining pools.
Maybe first start with the remark that it is taking me more time to maintain this page than I initially anticipated. There are many more Electroneum pools than the small list I started with. The current Electroneum mining pool list is pretty complete right now and I started separating it into working pools and non-working pools, so you don’t have to check all.
Ah, yes, and I made a nice script to start mining on the different pools. First real Linux script I ever made, as I never really used Linux before as I was a Microsoft fan. Until Microsoft tried to improve Windows XP, which I think they never really managed to do, make something better than XP. So now I am using Ubuntu, slowly converting everything to Ubuntu, even though I miss the DFS functionality.
Ah, if you like this page, my wallet address is “etnk67tbdXAB45wCP7c3ukE4fLNpQyQasYiDZNWenzUWEgfjgJxXdjjizpymwzuLfuNBznFocLD5KB7iwLq1YRmJ4BCvbkdwRm” (no, this is not a link). If you just send like 5 ETN, right now still much less than USD 1.00, I would be very grateful. Please add payment id “087828cd33931e3a44709fcbb9627c579c5d431f016828ee633e805ffaa34f1a“. Of course any amount is appreciated, even 1 ETN.
Thank you so much people who made a donation! Keep in mind it is not only about the money, also about feeling appreciated for doing the work making and updating this page.
And yes, I have the Electroneum blockchain and wallet software running. So yes, it just works, even though the Android app is not yet ready/released.
Electroneum mining pools
So these are the Electroneum mining pools I found until now. Behind the domain I put a friendly name that I use for: my script that starts my miner. Currently still updating and checking everything. And yes, I will try to make this into a table and try to make links to the sites easier.
For now this is what I could do. The links point to details lower in this page, if I put the details already. The details section hold information to the pools and related site or sites.
/issues/118And sorry I have not been updating a lot recently. Main reason is that I have been sick for the last week and rested most of the time. I started updating though. Also needed, as there have been quite some changes with new pools added and older pools somehow taken out of service, as you can see with the ‘errors’ in the table.
New pools:
Working sites (data is updated when you open this page unless stated otherwise):
More on ETN Heartbeat.
Known pools not working:
- 2-ZO ( Pool was working, but seems to be fully offline;
- Austro Hash ( I declared Austrohash dead as it has been offline for quite some days now.;
- Baliwae ( Pool has been unstable mostly and now not working for quite a while, so I decided to declare it dead;
- Charts ( Pool has been offline for quite a while, so I decided to declare it dead;
- CryptoMe ( This pool has worked as far as I know, but not online anymore;
- Cryptoxpool ( I think just never existed;
- CrypToxie ( Offline for quite some days now, so I decided to declare it dead.;
- DotPool ( Used to be working as far as I remember, but seems fully offine for more than a week now;
- Electroneum Asia ( Taken offline.;
- Electroneum Europe ( Taken offline.;
- Electroneum Mining Pool ( Does not seem to exist and/or never existed at all;
- Electroneum USA ( Taken offline.;
- ETNHash ( Seems just dead;
- ETN Pools ( Offline for quite some days now, so I decided to declare it dead.;
- Hashing Fun ( Nothing there;
- IO ( Nothing there;
- ETN Life ( Used to be working as far as I remember, but seems fully offine;
- My ETN UK ( Seems not to be a pool;
- NetForSpeed ( Pool without any data;
- PoolCA ( Pool has been offline and not working for quite a while, so I decided to declare it dead;
- PulsarCrypt ( Offline for mining for quite some days now. Strange, as the site is still there.;
- XZ Pool ( Pool was working, but shows no data for quite a while, so I decided to declare it dead.
Some nice review(s)/experiences on BitcoinTalk.
Electroneum was running three mining pools, one in Asia, one in Europe and one in the US. They have been shut down as the focus of Electroneum Ltd. is on business, not mining.
The related websites were, and
Mining software
I am running Ubuntu Linux and was able to just use the Lucas Jones mining software that can be used to mine Electroneum. You can install the software from Github with the command “git clone “.
And it took me a while to get it compiled as some software and libraries are/were not installed by default on the computers I use, but I got it going pretty fast. One command needed/used was “sudo apt-get install automake autoconf pkg-config libcurl4-openssl-dev libjansson-dev libssl-dev libgmp-dev make g++” and also git is normally not installed.
Over time I did some research and decided to change the mining software to xmrig. And I did not do any speedtests, but it seems it indeed mines faster, better, with higher profits. I am planning to do some comparison as I have it installed on several computers now. Using e.g. an old laptop to do mining as that laptop is running anyway. Not sure how much additional electricity it would consume though.
I was also able to use the Windows download from the Electroneum site, but that only gives options for the pools that are apparently owned by Electroneum:, and It appears Electroneum is/was trying to control the mining with these pools and it seems their pools also don’t show the full hash rate of the network, but only of the pools. Not nice, Electroneum guys. Please just be honest. And yes, I like the idea of smartphone use, but I guess that won’t work in the end. maybe just focus on ease of use of Electroneum, not mining with smartphones, as mining is just mining and just takes computer power. But that is just my opinion. Maybe with enough smartphone users mining the capacity will be bigger than from other mining methods. Time will tell.
Electroneum pools details
New pool 2-ZO. Seems to be a Russian site.
Details of 2-ZO as of December 25, 2017:
- my shortname (also used in script): 2zo;
- status: dead or not working;
- website:;
- host:
Unique Selling Points of AiCrypto according to them are a low pool fee of 0% and pool hosted on a dedicated 32-core server with DDoS protection.
Current details of AI-Crypto:
- my shortname (also used in script): aicrypto;
- website:;
- host:;
- port(s): 3333, 5555, 7777 (manual);
- hashrate: <Fetching data>
- miners: <Fetching data>
- pool fee: <Fetching data>
- payout threshold: 10 ETN;
Austro Hash
Austrohash is a new pool. For now the pool fee is 0%. And yes, I always like if they make things like the logo in the site. Other nice feature, of course mainly for German speakers, is that the homepage is in German.
Details of Austro Hash as of now:
- my shortname (also used in script): austrohash;
- status: dead or not working;
- website:;
- host:
Baliwae has been pretty unstable and not working now, December 25, 2017 for a few days already.
Details of Baliwae as of now:
- my shortname (also used in script): baliwae;
- status: dead or not working;
- website:;
- host:
New pool I just found.
Details of BestMinePool as of January 7, 2018:
- my shortname (also used in script): bestpool;
- website:;
- host:;
- port(s): 3333, 5555, 7777, 99991;
- hashrate: 20 H/s;
- miners: 2;
- pool fee: 1%;
- payout threshold: 2 ETN;
- payout interval (manual): unknown.
I am sad to see that Charts seems to be dead, as it was one of the first pools as far as I remember.
Details of Charts as of now:
- my shortname (also used in script): charts;
- status: dead or not working;
- website:;
- host:
Cryptobits is a relatively new ETN mining pool. Please note the different hostname and the non-default ports.
Current details of CryptoBits:
- my shortname (also used in script): cryptobits;
- website:;
- host:;
- port(s): 6333, 6334, 6335, 6336 (manual);
- hashrate: <Fetching data>
- miners: <Fetching data>
- pool fee: <Fetching data>
- payout threshold: 15 ETN;
- payout interval (manual): 10 minutes.
Cryptoclub is a pretty large pool. They don't use (all) standard ports. Very low fee.
Current details of CryptoClub:
- my shortname (also used in script): cryptoclub;
- website:;
- host:;
- port(s): Individual (manual);
- hashrate: <Fetching data>
- miners: <Fetching data>
- pool fee: <Fetching data>
- payout threshold: 10 ETN;
Cryptoxie (cryptoxie) is a new mining pool I just found. They seem to be professional enough as the site is using SSL.
Details of CrypToxie as of now:
- my shortname (also used in script): cryptoxie;
- status: dead or not working;
- website:;
- host:
Just added Dedpewl.
Current details of Dedpewl:
- my shortname (also used in script): dedpewl;
- website:;
- host:;
- port(s): 3333, 5555, 7777, 9999, 19999 (manual);
- hashrate: <Fetching data>
- miners: <Fetching data>
- pool fee: <Fetching data>
- payout threshold: 10 ETN;
Dotpool escaped my attention until now. I always like if the pool has a logo, and Dotpool has.
Details of DotPool as of now:
- my shortname (also used in script): dotpool;
- status: dead or not working;
- website:;
- host:
Easyblock looks like a professional pool and even though I saw some complaint in Facebook I have no reason to believe there is anything wrong with this pool. As far as I know actually the opposite is true, as it seems they are doing a lot of thing to become a big and professional pool, maybe they even want to become the best and biggest Electroneum pool ever.
Details of Easyblock as of January 19, 2017:
- my shortname (also used in script): easyblock;
- website:;
- host:;
- port(s): 1111. 3333, 5555, 6666, 7777, 999911;
- hashrate: 208 KH/s;
- miners: 39;
- pool fee: 0.1%;
- payout threshold: 10 ETN;
- payout interval (manual): unknown.
Right now not so good experience with EasyHash right now. I have been mining a little, only a few hashes per second, but no real success. Could be that the total network hash rate has become too large for a small miner like me, just having a few, partly old, pc's. I also started mining with my newest computer as it seems the big miners have just taken over.
Current details of EasyHash:
- my shortname (also used in script): easyhash;
- website:;
- host:;
- port(s): 3630, 3631, 3632, 3633, 3634 (NiceHash) (manual);
- hashrate: <Fetching data>
- miners: <Fetching data>
- pool fee: <Fetching data>
- payout threshold: 2 ETN;
- payout interval (manual): 15 minutes.
Electroneum Asia
Official mining pool from Electroneum
Details of Electroneum Asia as of now:
- my shortname (also used in script): elasia;
- status: dead or not working;
- website:;
- host:
Electroneum Europe
Official mining pool from Electroneum. I see a lot of complaints about this pool not paying. Could be because of the relatively high payment threshold for samll miners.
Details of Electroneum Europe as of now:
- my shortname (also used in script): eleu;
- status: dead or not working;
- website:;
- host:
Electromining France
Electroneum Mining France seems to be okay. As far as I remember I was paid from there. The pool has shrunk a lot though since I started, regardless of the nice setup of the site, much bigger, nicer than most other ETN mining pools. When using/checking it, it appears less user friendly than the others though.
Current details of Electromining France:
- my shortname (also used in script): elfr;
- website:;
- host:;
- port(s): 3333, 5555, 7777, 10000 (manual);
- hashrate: <Fetching data>
- miners: <Fetching data>
- pool fee: <Fetching data>
- payout threshold: unknown;
Electroneum USA
Official mining pool from Electroneum
Details of Electroneum USA as of now:
- my shortname (also used in script): elus;
- status: dead or not working;
- website:;
- host:
ETN Pools
I know about ETN Pools already for a while from the overview on ETN Heartbeat, but never found the time to add. So doing now ☺.
Details of ETN Pools as of now:
- my shortname (also used in script): etnpools;
- status: dead or not working;
- website:;
- host:
HashVault looks like a very professional site and pool. More details later
Current details of Hashvault:
- my shortname (also used in script): hashvault;
- website:;
- host:;
- port(s): 80, 443, 3333, 5555, 7777 (manual);
- hashrate: <Fetching data>
- miners: <Fetching data>
- pool fee: <Fetching data>
- payout threshold: unknown;
Hashparty Asia
Hashparty seems to have three mining pools in three regions now of which Asia and US seem to be the same pool.
Current details of Hashparty Asia:
- my shortname (also used in script): hashpartyasia;
- website:;
- host:;
- port(s): (manual);
- hashrate: <Fetching data>
- miners: <Fetching data>
- pool fee: <Fetching data>
- payout threshold: 5 ETN;
- payout interval (manual): 15 minutes.
Hashparty UK
Hashparty seems to have three mining pools in three regions now. The minimum payout of 2 ETN worked for me as I got 2 ETN in a bit less than a day. After they changed the payout to 10 or 20 I got lost a bit. Still lost what it actually is right now, so below figures may not be correct.
Current details of Hashparty UK:
- my shortname (also used in script): hashpartyuk;
- website:;
- host:;
- port(s): (manual);
- hashrate: <Fetching data>
- miners: <Fetching data>
- pool fee: <Fetching data>
- payout threshold: 5 ETN;
- payout interval (manual): 15 minutes.
Hashparty USA
Hashparty seems to have three mining pools in three regions now. The minimum payout of 2 ETN worked for me as I got 2 ETN in a bit less than a day. After they changed the payout to 10 or 20 I got lost a bit. Still lost what it actually is right now, so below figures may not be correct.
Current details of Hashparty USA:
- my shortname (also used in script): hashpartyus;
- website:;
- host:;
- port(s): (manual);
- hashrate: <Fetching data>
- miners: <Fetching data>
- pool fee: <Fetching data>
- payout threshold: 5 ETN;
- payout interval (manual): 15 minutes.
I know about Hero Miners already for a while from the overview on ETN Heartbeat, but never found the time to add. So doing now ☺.
Current details of Herominers:
- my shortname (also used in script): herominers;
- website:;
- host:;
- port(s): 3333, 5555, 7777 (manual);
- hashrate: <Fetching data>
- miners: <Fetching data>
- pool fee: <Fetching data>
- payout threshold: 10 ETN;
ETN Life
ETN Life is the latest pool I added from my old manually entered data. Finished with the basics!
Details of ETN Life as of now:
- my shortname (also used in script): life;
- status: dead or not working;
- website:;
- host:
LuckyPool is supposed to replace UAX. Supposedly better, but to me UAX was and is fine and I can't get the live data yet for LuckyPool.
Current details of LuckyPool:
- my shortname (also used in script): luckypool;
- website:;
- host:;
- port(s): 3333, 5555, 7777, 9999 (manual);
- hashrate: <Fetching data>
- miners: <Fetching data>
- pool fee: <Fetching data>
- payout threshold: 5 ETN;
Mine Kitten stands out with a nice website design focused on beginners. Upon checking it is just a normal mining site, but it seems they also provide their own miner or at least a way to get started easily with mining.
Current details of MineKitten:
- my shortname (also used in script): minekitten;
- website:;
- host:;
- port(s): 3333, 5555, 7777, 9999 (NiceHash) (manual);
- hashrate: <Fetching data>
- miners: <Fetching data>
- pool fee: <Fetching data>
- payout threshold: 5 ETN;
MinerFact is the newest pool added to this page right now, December 20, 2017.
Current details of MinerFact:
- my shortname (also used in script): minerfact;
- website:;
- host:;
- port(s): 4100, 4200, 4300 (manual);
- hashrate: <Fetching data>
- miners: <Fetching data>
- pool fee: <Fetching data>
- payout threshold: 100 ETN;
ETN Miners
Not sure what to say about Miners right now. I did little mining and did not really earn. The pool is very small now, seems many miners left. Trying again now though. Professional setup with https.
Current details of ETN Miners:
- my shortname (also used in script): miners;
- website:;
- host:;
- port(s): 3333, 5555, 7777, 8888, 9999 (manual);
- hashrate: <Fetching data>
- miners: <Fetching data>
- pool fee: <Fetching data>
- payout threshold: Unknown ETN;
Mobile Mining
Mobile Mining (mobile) just seems to be another mining site, except no miners on November 21, 2017 while I am checking now. And the reason is obvious as while trying to mine on port 2052 I get a 'JSON' error. Same on port 2082, so it is not only about the port.
Current details of Mobile Mining:
- my shortname (also used in script): mobile;
- website:;
- host:;
- port(s): 1111, 1337, 3333, 5555, 7777, 8888 (manual);
- hashrate: <Fetching data>
- miners: <Fetching data>
- pool fee: <Fetching data>
- payout threshold: 2 ETN;
- payout interval (manual): 15 minutes.
First pool added for/in 2018. At least it is 2018 here right now.
Details of NocRoom as of January 1, 2018:
- my shortname (also used in script): nocroom;
- website:;
- host:;
- port(s): 3333, 5555, 77771;
- hashrate: 0 H/s;
- miners: 0;
- pool fee: 1%;
- payout threshold: 10 ETN.
Not sure what to say about OVH right now. Except that it is a bit strange it mines to There is no website at that address. And just see they have different options, like EU and US server. This data is about the EU server.
Current details of OVH:
- my shortname (also used in script): ovh;
- website:;
- host:;
- port(s): 3333, 5555, 6666, 7777 (manual);
- hashrate: <Fetching data>
- miners: <Fetching data>
- pool fee: <Fetching data>
- payout threshold: 5 ETN;
- payout interval (manual): 15 minutes.
PISLV is one of the newest pools I added, third week of December 2017.
Details of PISLV as of now:
- my shortname (also used in script): pislv;
- website:;
- pool fee: 0%;
I am sorry to see that PoolCA seems to be dead, as I have been mining on it a lot and it was there already in the beginning, one of the first pools. PoolCA gave an error before, but seems to be working fine now. Watch the domains to be used.
I think I got lucky on Poolca before, but I couldn't really check that at the time. Site is working fine now it seems and actually I am using it a lot. And this pool seems to be pretty profitable for me, at least I see many pay outs, but that may be related to the low payout threshold.
And I noticed the net mining rate on PoolCA is pretty low, at least for my computer. I only reached a net mining rate of far less than 100 H/s, where my computer does something like 160 H/s. And I don't know anything about statistics or settings, but it made me move to another mining pool right now.
Details of PoolCA as of now:
- my shortname (also used in script): poolca;
- status: dead or not working;
- website:;
- host:
Enthusiastic owner or team, which I consider positive, as they asked me to update the statistics about their pool as the pool is growing. Actually it is my favorite pool now as of end of December 2017.
Current details of PoolClub:
- my shortname (also used in script): poolclub;
- website:;
- host:;
- port(s): 3333, 5555, 7777, 8899 (NiceHash) (manual);
- hashrate: <Fetching data>
- miners: <Fetching data>
- pool fee: <Fetching data>
- payout threshold: unknown;
- payout interval (manual): 10 minutes.
Just added this pool to the details. Has been quite a while in the table already.
Current details of Poolinfo:
- my shortname (also used in script): poolinfo;
- website:;
- host:;
- port(s): 80, 3333, 5555, 7777, 8888 (NiceHash) (manual);
- hashrate: <Fetching data>
- miners: <Fetching data>
- pool fee: <Fetching data>
- payout threshold: unknown; had a referral program that gives discount on your pool fee. First time I encountered something like that. Might not make much of a difference in earnings, but I like the idea and it differentiates And I was not happy as somehow my statistics and my referral discount were reset or something.
According to the admin many changes were made and one of them was discarding the referral system. Not sure if that is a good move, as they really distinguished themselves with that. However, good (new) things are that they have a 'dedication system', meaning that the longer people mine with them, the lower the pool fee. This can go as low as 0%. Other good thing is a custom payment threshold.
Current details of
- my shortname (also used in script): poolnet;
- website:;
- host:;
- port(s): (manual);
- hashrate: <Fetching data>
- miners: <Fetching data>
- pool fee: <Fetching data>
- payout threshold: custom ETN;
- payout interval (manual): unknown.
Enthusiastic owner of PulsarCrypt who was really pushing me to add their site to my page. And they have a logo ☺.
Details of PulsarCrypt as of now:
- my shortname (also used in script): pulsarcrypt;
- status: dead or not working;
- website:;
- host:
ReidoCoin Brazil
ReidoCoin is a site I saw already a while ago, but did not find the time to add yet. So doing now. Three pools right now, Sao Paulo, New York and Amsterdam. Just the info for the Brazil pool here I guess. Not fully sure if they operate together or not.
Current details of ReidoCoin Brazil:
- my shortname (also used in script): reidospl;
- website:;
- host:;
- port(s): 9501 (manual);
- hashrate: <Fetching data>
- miners: <Fetching data>
- pool fee: <Fetching data>
- payout threshold: 20 ETN;
- payout interval (manual): 60 minutes.
Rusty Lock
Rusty Lock is a relatively new pool that requires you to register. I have been mining on it and it seems pretty stable. As of now, December 29, 2017, it seems to be finding a block every one or two days.
Current details of Rusty Lock:
- my shortname (also used in script): rustylock;
- website:;
- host:;
- port(s): 23333, 25555, 27777, 27443 (manual);
- hashrate: <Fetching data>
- miners: <Fetching data>
- pool fee: <Fetching data>
- payout threshold: 50 ETN;
- payout interval (manual): 10 minutes.
Before I did not know what to say about Space right now, except that they claimed to have the lowest pool fee, which was 0.5% at the time. While updating and with something in my mind of one of the pools having most of the Electroneum hashrate I see that space is a very large pool with indeed a significant part of the total Electroneum hashrate. Many ports available for different hash rates, from very small to 'monster' as they call it.
Current details of Spacepools:
- my shortname (also used in script): space;
- website:;
- host: (was;
- port(s): 1111, 1337, 3333, 5555, 7777, 9999 (NiceHash) (manual);
- hashrate: <Fetching data>
- miners: <Fetching data>
- pool fee: <Fetching data>
- payout threshold: 10 ETN;
Just added Strongpool. Nice to see it is running on https, meaning the owner or owners are doing some effort, are serious.
Current details of Strongpool:
- my shortname (also used in script): strongpool;
- website:;
- host:;
- port(s): 3333, 5555, 7777 (manual);
- hashrate: <Fetching data>
- miners: <Fetching data>
- pool fee: <Fetching data>
- payout threshold: 1 ETN;
- payout interval (manual): unknown.
Supernova is a relatively old pool as it has been in my script for a long time. Somehow I did not include in the details until now, at a very late moment. A bit of a hassle is that you have to create an account, but that just works fine. I did it a while ago and it still works.
Current details of Supernova:
- my shortname (also used in script): supernova;
- website:;
- host: (or;
- port(s): 1111, 1337, 3333, 5555, 7777, 9999 (NiceHash) (manual);
- hashrate: <Fetching data>
- miners: <Fetching data>
- pool fee: <Fetching data>
- payout threshold: unknown;
- payout interval (manual): Unknown.
Not sure what to say about Sytes right now, except that the pool grew quite a bit since I last checked.
Current details of Sytes:
- my shortname (also used in script): sytes;
- website:;
- host:;
- port(s): 443, 3333, 5555, 7777, 8888 (manual);
- hashrate: <Fetching data>
- miners: <Fetching data>
- pool fee: <Fetching data>
- payout threshold: 20 ETN;
- payout interval (manual): 10 minutes.
Top Miningpool
Top Miningpool was launched on January 4, 2018 and wants us to build the largest ETN mining pool together with you.
Current details of Top Miningpool:
- my shortname (also used in script): topmining;
- website:;
- host:;
- port(s): 3333, 5555, 7777 (manual);
- hashrate: <Fetching data>
- miners: <Fetching data>
- pool fee: <Fetching data>
- payout threshold: 20 ETN;
- payout interval (manual): unknown.
UAX was one of the first (working) pools I found and started mining on. It is to be closed and replaced by LuckyPool. Balance upon close above 0.1 ETN will be paid, so you can keep mining here.
Current details of UAX:
- my shortname (also used in script): uax;
- website:;
- host:;
- port(s): (manual);
- hashrate: <Fetching data>
- miners: <Fetching data>
- pool fee: <Fetching data>
- payout threshold: 2 ETN;

Current details of VIP:
- my shortname (also used in script): vip;
- website:;
- host:;
- port(s): 3333, 5555, 7777, 9999 (manual);
- hashrate: <Fetching data>
- miners: <Fetching data>
- pool fee: <Fetching data>
- payout threshold: 5 ETN;
- payout interval (manual): 60 minutes.
XZ Pool
Wow, I got lucky on XZPool. I started mining on that for a while as it was just starting and apparently not able to attract miners. I even made it my featured pool as I just wanted to help them get going. Now I got lucky as they did found a block, far within the period I could have ever imagined. And apparently over time I did quite some share of that with my few hashes and got even ETN 240! Thank you XZPool.
Details of XZ Pool as of now:
- my shortname (also used in script): xzpool;
- status: dead or not working;
- website:;
- host:
========= Static text below =========
ETN Hash
ETN Hash seemed to be okay, but is not working anymore it seems. As far as I remember I was paid from there. Has become a very small pool.
Hashparty seems to have three mining pools in three regions now, Asia, Europe/UK and America/US, where the US and Asia pools seem to be the same server / mining pool. Sites:, and
See Hashparty Asia, Hashparty UK and Hashparty US for details about each of the pools.
I was finally able to get something accepted on Nanopool as it seems my few hashes arrive just too slot. Nanopool seems to be for big(ger) miners and starting (fixed?) difficulty of 120001 is kind of too high for my computer I guess. I read quite some negative comments on Facebook about Nanopool, but it seems to work.
Nanopool appears to be and probably is a very professional pool if I look at their website and has multiple pools. More details here later.
Net For Speed
Net For Speed does not seem to work until now (November 21, 2017). I can’t mine with error ‘connection refused’. The ‘getting started’ page also does not give ports and such. Statistics page does not give statistics either.
found the new :
Thanks for letting me know. I am working on adding more pools, but currently my first priority is a programmed page, as it is getting too much updating everything manually. And even adding all the pools in a programmed page is starting to be a lot of typing LOL. Made a lot of progress today though.
Hi, please add new Electroneum Pool Thank’s
Just did.
New ETN Pool
Cloud based to Amsterdam Netherlands Europe
Fees 0.5%
Minimum Payment: 5.00 ETN
Great work!
Can you add our pool to the list?
Thank you!
Thanks. Just added.
Add my new pool
Thanks for your request. It may take a little as I am sick and am mainly resting. Please note that for now I need a secure link to the json stats page in order to show live statistics.
I seriously started to build and maintain ETN pool.
First version is ready to use. It will be 0% forever, as my pure interest is crypto-currencies.
Block payout 5 ETN.
I would appreciate you can add it to a list.
Thank you!
Will add soon.
Did already, quite a while ago ☺.
could you add to your list?
I suggest you to have a look at the detailed “Getting Started” and “About” tab.
Hi, I just did. Thanks for informing me. It seems the (JSON) statistics page is non-standard, so I can’t display the live data yet. Will figure that out later as I saw the data is there. I prefer a secure (https) stats page as I am getting it from this (secure) site, Guus
Add new pool:
PPLNS Fee – 0.1%
Hi guys, we’re running an ETN pool with proportional reward split. Currently 100kh, stable block a day, even 2 recently. Servers hosted in Europe on Azure and AWS. Low commission (now 0%), restricted access to ensure maximum profits without efficiency compromise.
Send your wallet to to start mined
Since December 3, 15 blocks
Very informative. Thanks. If you can add a section to teach people how to convert ETN to real money, that would be great!
Thanks for your compliment. And I decided to just start working on your suggestion here convert Electroneum to fiat currency. I am even thinking of adding a list of exchanges and companies that provide that service.
There is a new ETN POOL, with reward system: RBPPS – 0.5% Fee / Secure and highly scalable Electroneum mining pool!
Our first pool – ELECTRONEUM:
Right now it’s only useful for guys(or for a group) who can make block per day. And It’s not needed to share your income with others.
Join ) And check!
Here is pool with 0.9% fee
Useful information not reported here is the average frequency with which blocks are found in the different pools. You can be mining for days without any profit if your pool doesn’t find any block, as it’s happening to me in ReiDoCoin pool…
Hi Justin,
Thanks for your comment. My next venture is adding things like ‘last block found’ and how often blocks are found. Actually I started preparing changes to my script today to add those features, even before seeing your comment.
An indication how often blocks are found is the pool hash rate, but I will try to add a more human readable format in hours or days like in the pools itself.
Again, thanks for your suggestion,
Please can you add new pool to your list.
Cloud based to Paris France Europe
Fees 2%
Minimum Payment: 20.00 ETN
Thank you, – Fast, Stable and Reliable anonymous mining pool.
Fee – 0.5%
Also available Aeon and Monero coins mining.
Im an admin of and we have changed some stuff. The name Poolnet is not correct it should be
Furthermore we have removed the referral fee and integrated the following:
– Dedication system. (the longer people mine with us, the lower the pool fee. This can go as low as 0%)
– Custom payment threshold. (for larger mining rigs who don’t want payouts from 1 etn.)
Also our telegram community is spamless and full of helpful and kind people. And last but not least we have 5 nodes around the globe improving the pool performance.
I hope you can change the information about our pool at your website. We have completely renewed all our pool sofware and upgraded hardware. Sorry for the bad expierience you had before. But based on feedback we get we will improve our pool. We listen to our community!
Marcel ( Admin)
Thanks for your comment.
The names I use are just randomly chosen by me in order to distinguish pools. I guess I can change it to
Add ETN Pool
Already there.
I started this pool because I was very tired of getting 10%-50% less on the pools for electroneum. Feel free to join, we find normally 30-40 blocks per day. Now hashrate 5Mh over 1500 miners
I hope you are feeling better and fully recovered.
When you have a chance, have look at
It’s a very well managed and growing pool.
Servers in US, EU and Japan.
Pool Fee 0.3%
Min Pay 10 ETN
ETN Mining Pool:
This is ETN mining pool, stable mining services with very low fees. Efficient, secure, community-friendy and transparent electroneum mining pool. Proportional reward split, regular payouts:
– Server in Vietnam with DDoS protection.
– Min payout 1 ETN
– Pool fee: 0%
Thank you.
Hello Staff,
Another Electroneum (ETN) pool.
Pool Fee: %0.9
Minimum Payout: 10 ETN
Thank You.
I am sorry for not updating the page recently. The downfall of Electroneum and other crypto currency has discouraged me to do a lot of effort still. And believe me, keeping a page like this updated requires a lot of effort and that effort somehow needs to come back to me as I am not earning enough to even sustain myself.