Site details
Author: Danielle LaPorte.
Category: Marketing and Sales.
About: Sermons on life, love, consciousness, some cash, and everyday liberation. And desire. It all gets back to desire.
I ended up in the page 55 quotes on desire & making things happen when searching for quotes on desire as I had just updated my desire document. And I didn’t really like the ‘making things happen’ part, but I decided to click anyhow, as it was a new site for me. Ah, but I like what I find on the homepage:
Sermons on life, love, consciousness, some cash, and everyday liberation.
And desire. It all gets back to desire.
Ah, but reading it further it is all about money, so not sure what to think right now. And yes, I still want money, need money even, but I am starting to believe focusing on it doesn’t really work.
Will check the site better later and of course you can leave comments or send me an e-mail if you have comments on the site of Danielle LaPorte.