Tag Archives: Beautiful people


Somehow I am still jealous at people who are successful at very young age. Recently I checked the story of Chris Colfer, a big star of Glee, or maybe even the biggest. I mean, he is 24 years old and it seems he has achieved many, many more successes than me, being 51 years old now. And yes, I am also convinced now that almost any famous or successful person has some kind of supporter, someone who believes in him or her and brings someone to the next level, just makes it possible for him or her to follow his or her heart or explore his talent to the fullest. And I think in the case of Chris Colfer I think that is or was Ryan Murphy. And Leonardo DiCaprio is also a famous sample for me to be jealous of.

And yes, I know many actors and probably other rich and famous people don’t have a smooth ride and may be as happy or unhappy as any of us. But I still believe it is easier to be unhappy in a Mercedes or Rolls Royce than without a car or other means of private transportation.

And yes, I was also thinking about outlook on life, on work, on career. As I realize my main outlook on work, on jobs is ‘losing my job’, fear of losing my job. And of course that type of outlook does not really help to be successful. And I still don’t fully know what’s the origin of that outlook. Yes, I know that it started when I was fired from a company in I think a very unfair way at a relatively young age. And yes, I understand now more how that happened, what was the background, what were the reasons of my boss and the management. But I also know many people are afraid to lose their job, as in 2014 that mostly means losing your income, losing your status, using your ability to do things.

And right now I am trying to change that. As I believe it can be different, should be different, than just judging people on how they do their work, their job. And making peoples standing depend on career, income, job performance. Because aren’t we much more than ‘performance’? Aren’t we all humans, all different, each with our own color? So why give so much benefits to people who ‘work’, who do their job ‘fitting in the system’, even while they don’t like it or don’t agree with the system?

And yes, I know I am part of the system. I know that I judge people the same way, often on performance, on job performance. And while thinking right now it seems ironic, as I seem to judge people on ‘success’, financial success, success in career, on being famous, being adored.

So let’s be careful judging people, maybe even most being careful judging ourselves. As we are all beautiful people, but I mostly see that in other people, not in myself. What about you?

You are beautiful, just the way you are. Just know that!