Tag Archives: Keeping promises


Nice, having one of the team members visiting, for two reasons. The first because I just enjoy philosophizing a bit in general and of course about Inspiration for Success, about what I want to achieve, in life, for the world. And second because this was the time to ask him why he and the other team members don’t spend any time on the project anymore, at least not any visible effort. And part of the answer was because the project doesn’t pay now, there is no financial return as of the moment. And that amazed me a bit as I though I never promised any quick return and certainly no money as I thought each of the team members knows or could have know I don’t have money to invest, at least not for this project, even though it may be even the most important project in my life as of the moment.

And on my question why he has not fulfilled his promises, like writing monthly a certain amount of content, the answer was basically the same: I am not being paid for this, so this has low priority. And this answer amazed me a bit as to me a promise is a promise, while to him apparently a business promise (with contract and payment and such) is a promise and a non-business promise is, well, I don’t know, but something that can be broken relatively easy. And this surprised me, as to me a promise is a promise, whether business or private. And I don’t make so much difference between business and private.

And somewhere during the conversation we came to talk about some business problem I have, which has some similarities with the team issues in Inspiration for Success as I don’t understand why the customer doesn’t make a decision, while in my opinion he is putting his business in danger by having a kind of undefined situation with his website, basically meaning I could cut him off any moment if I want to, which would put him in a very difficult position as his business is, at least in my opinion, in a large part dependent on his website. But somehow he doesn’t seem to realize, where e.g. my team doesn’t seem to realize that my commitment on receiving one million dollar for each of the team members on or before October 19, 2014 was and still is a very serious statement and commitment, which in my opinion was also my ‘giving’ part of the business deal for their effort for Inspiration for Success, especially for their activities, their promises for contributing regularly to the website.

And suggestion of my team member today related to my issue with this customer was just to make a clear statement and ask him to make a decision as I am fully lost what this customer wants from me while I have the feeling I gave him everything and more and have the best solution for him, while at the moment his is even shopping around for other solutions, which business wise does not make any sense to me for all kinds of reasons (and I think I know what I’m talking about here). But maybe my team member was right, maybe it is just not clear to him where he stands. Maybe I was and am not clear enough.

And the same may apply to my team, to my team members. Maybe I was not clear enough about my statement about the one million dollar each, where today I heard they probably didn’t believe it. And yes, I can imagine they don’t believe it, but my statement was very serious and my related desire document was also very serious, even though the last few weeks, months I didn’t read it aloud anymore. But yes, today’s conversation made clear I need to take these things seriously again myself. And be more clear what I want and what I stand for.

So also question to you: are you clear and do you know what you stand for? And do other people know?