Inspiration for this site
We realized we have been linking a lot to other sites about Think and Grow Rich, the book that was and still kind of is the great inspiration for this site. So we decided to make our own page about the book and make links from here, so everything is neatly summarized in the way I think is right for this site. So here some links:
- Cilck here for the download of the book in pdf format.
- Information of the book on
- Wikipedia about Think and Grow Rich.
- Think and Grow Rich on Amazon
(yes, it includes my affiliate code).
- Just found a free E-book site: Think and Grow Rich E-book website (holds my affiliate id, not sure yet what that means, but I’m certain you’ll help me when it is included). Looks like good initiative, will check out later. It has video’s and more information about the book and Napoleon Hill and also a personalized version of the book, but you may prefer to use the link on this site. as that is just a ‘pure’ copy without any commercial stuff.
- And I found Think and Grow Rich in a spoken version.
Related stuff
Some related pages are:
Revised by Guus on May 24, 2013.