Business or not

Well, Inspiration for Success is in kind of a rut. And I know a bit why, but am not sure what’s next or how to get out of it. Someone pointed out to me it’s a business as in the end it’s about money. And maybe it is, maybe it’s not. Or maybe it’s just a personal thing of mine, something like a life struggle about money. I guess the whole background of the site and maybe of many things in my life is that I just want to be paid for the things I do, for who I am, for what I’m good at. And I guess most people would want that to happen kind of naturally. So why is it so rare that happens. If I read statistics and look around me it seems most people are not happy with what they are doing (to earn, a living or more). And I still believe that’s very bad, that we organized the world that way. I don’t want to believe that life is suffering, that life is about hard work, that life is about struggling to survive or to live. Humans are so much more than animals or trees, at least that’s what I always believed.

So yes, if humans are so much more than animals or plants or whatever it doesn’t seem right that humans are suffering, suffering more than animals or plants or stones or stars or …

And going back to Think and Grow Rich and what I know about the world many people are struggling to survive in an even lesser way than animals. If I look at animals they are much more themselves naturally than human beings are. They just accept situations and appear to suffer only when they are in pain or something.

And recently I realize more and more what humanity has achieved in the way also Napoleon Hill describes in what an enormous amount of capital and effort lies behind a simple breakfast. And I realize more and more how far that goes, not only in ‘simple’ toilet stuff and bicycles and motorcycles and cars and big buildings and planes.

But I also realize more and more how this all degraded people, or at least most people, to robots, to just being part of the system, being part of the system that creates all those things.

And somehow that idea is also behind this site, partly behind my own life as I already have availed a lot of the system, but mainly for all those people who never really benefited from the system.

I am quite sure technically the whole system is quite capable of producing and giving all people what they want and need. And I really mean ALL people. But somehow we were not able to organize the world in a way where that is happening. Maybe Karl Marx came closest to that idea with communism. And don’t get me wrong, I mean communism as a philosophy where everybody does what he or she feels like what he or she should do, not the way how it was implemented as a regime.

Or would we in the end still just be like cells in a body. But then, I presume cells in a body are happier than humans are, so to me there is still something to improve as I don’t think nature intends ‘suffering’. By the way, this way of thinking makes me sometimes focusing on the cells in my body, wishing them all well, as I know the ‘I’ that I feel or am is more than the sum of the cells. And I also know each individual cell is not important in itself. But in the end it is, as without all those individual cells the body wouldn’t exist.

So as I started this post, is this site about business? Yes, in the current system it is. So indeed, the business model would need to involve money if I would want to spend more time on it. So if you think the site and my ideas are worth spending more time on I guess money wise, which our current system is built on, you might want to consider to pay me for the work and effort I do. And yes, that would mean there is a business model.

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