Good intentions

Today started for me very slow as I didn’t feel like doing anything as I didn’t feel inspired. So based on the idea that any action from a place of resistance in general would produce negative results I decided to wait, do nothing, just lie down for a while pondering what I wanted.

So finally the inspiration came and i decided to write some more about the quotes of Abraham Hicks for day eleven, like indeed that uninspired action is worse than doing nothing.

So I started inspired, intending to write this blog post, or actually a better version of it and found myself handling some e-mail and doing some little things. So I didn’t work on the thing I intended. And then my partner started a whole sermon about our financial situation, which is indeed very bad. And then basically the whole rest of the day i found myself caught up in all kinds of ‘little things’ feeling like i was ‘doing nothing’ and making no progress.

And I still feel a bit that way and i would love to write some inspiring quote right now. But it’s quite late now and I don’t really feel like it anymore. So I guess I’ll just stop for now and maybe try tomorrow.

One thought in my mind though still I wanted to share, because somehow I have the feeling that indeed the Universe is lining up to make my dreams come true, to make the things happen, to make the things possible I have been longing for so long.

And somehow the whole sermon of my partner was a very good thing and kind of fits in what I want as I wanted him more involved in our relationship in these kind of things. So he is taking charge and that’s exactly what I wanted I realized slowly while it was happening. And my dream was to have more visitors in the house and the last weeks, even months, more and more people are visiting.

So things are happening, even though I’m not there yet. But indeed, quoting Abraham Hicks again from today’s quote: “Your Inner Being is aware of where you stand and what you want and where yo stand relative to what you want. Your Inner Being knows how close or how far you are, vibrationally and time wise from all things. Your Inner Being is also knowing what is in your heart and what is in your mind and what is in your vibration. At any point in time your Inner Being knows exactly the action or thought or word that would be appropriate for you.”.

And that’s exactly how i am starting to feel and to know. And i’m not so far anymore from what I want, that’s what I feel. Not very, very close, but certainly not far anymore. Maybe even closer than I want to admit.

So not bad, even kind of writing the quote I intended to write. Seems I’m becoming very successful, doing the things I plan and be disciplined and such. But that’s another story.

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