Leading is following?

Well, today I heard I was kind of too ‘pushy’ with where I want to go, what I expect from the team members and how fast I want to go. And yes, I think we’re going way too slow and I think the team should do a lot more than they do. But indeed, ‘pushing’ doesn’t really seem to be the right way, so I have to find a way to make things move in a different way. And that’s also exactly what I want, because I want the team to do things for Inspiration for Success in an inspired way. And I’m starting to believe, and that’s my message, that the world needs inspiration, not motivation, not ‘earning from hard work’ as at least one of the team members mentions when talking about priority. And not ‘work to make ends meet’ as one of the other team members seems to be doing. And I also tended and tend to do those things. But that’s exactly what I want to change, that’s exactly why I started this project, that’s exactly why Inspiration for Success exists. As I think that humans deserve much more than just work for money to make ends meet with or without a holiday once a year or something.

But yes, not easy with all the things we have learned about ‘earning a living’ and ‘working to live or at least survive’. And yes, that’s how the world works, of course I know that.

But wouldn’t it be nice if everybody could just do the things he likes to do. And wouldn’t it be nice that everybody could just receive what he wants to receive? It sounds like Utopia, but somehow I have the feeling it can be done and that when we achieve that situation the world would be a much happier place.

And the more I look around me, the more I see it could be done, the more I see there is capacity enough, capacity in service, in people liking to give service as well as capacity in products. And no, I didn’t do any research on how much we all would really produce if everybody would just do what he likes to do. But I’m quite sure we do have the technology and the knowledge to make something like that possible, to make something like that work.

It’s just a matter of changing our mindset, changing indeed to mindset of abundance. A mindset where everybody believes that money (=services of other people) does grow on trees. As I believe everybody likes to do ‘something’, everybody has some kind of passion what he wants to do. So why not all do it?

Ah, and the title of this post doesn’t seem to make much sense. But I just wanted to let you know that I’m trying to follow the guidelines that we are discussing as a team, the guidelines for creating better content, so I should have this post checked by someone else before posting. But for today I hope the team will forgive me that my urge to create ‘a daily post’ is higher than to produce ‘quality posts’, as the last is not (yet?) really my strength. So I’m not a good follower yet of our editor in chief, but I have decided to do better. And while writing, yes, I would need to set a date. So from October 31, 2013 or earlier I will follow the rules of the posting as set by our editor in chief.

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