Working on myself, which inspired me to make this site goes back a long time. I’ve been in many groups, courses, visited psychologists, read a lot of books, etc. etc.
Recently, and it is weird, because I’m fifty years old now, things seem to slowly fall into place. And I’m starting to realize that people are different, that it may be that I am struggling more with life than the average person. Which I am a bit angry about, as I’m also starting to think that I missed a lot, missed a lot of fun, real fun, as i had my part, but mostly or always felt an underlying uneasiness.
Still not sure if I’m the minority in this. Could be. It could also be other people are less aware of it or something. Or are better in hiding it, burying it. Guess i or we will have to do some research on that for the site.
Anyhow, during my recent process related to this site I encountered quite some nice self help sites and was thinking to make a list of them, so if you are looking for some kind of self help program you could find some list here.
So how would I call that page? ‘Self help’ sounds too, well, don’t know how to say. Ah, maybe something like ‘self inspiration sites’, so that’s what I made: self inspiration sites.