When we come across the word Perseverance, somehow we think of it as a big word. In fact too big to know what it is and how it can affect us in our life’s journey.
When we say persevere, it means something like being steadfast despite a difficult situation or a delay in achieving our personal goal in life. It could also mean continuance in a state of grace leading to a state of glory.
I remember watching OPRAH at one point in my life and she wisely said that to be able to reach your personal goal in life you have to close your eyes and imagine it as it happen. Make it believable that you are actually achieving it and it will happen for you. You just have to be steadfast and have a mindset that slowly but surely your goals will be achieved in no time.
In my career, I spent half my life being a banker and / or a service provider. But my ultimate goal is to work in a top outsourcing firm as Financial Analyst.
When opportunity knocks, I opened the door and embraced a slow pace leading to that ladder. Knowing that in the end I could use the technical skill to my advantage when the right time comes along. I accepted the job to a local BPO company as a Financial Analyst. Its like testing the water to know if its too deep kind-of-feeling. The job offer ranges from mediocre to impossibly low but I didn’t bother. Thus, I spent all my energy and effort in learning this new side of accounting skill.
After a year and a half, TOP foreign BPO firms wanted to hire me as financial analyst, not just one but two or three. I am amazed how they offer me so much in terms of compensation. But that just me and the word perseverance. I am about to get my job offer in no time after passing a tough interview (or series of interviews) for the last two weeks which is insanely impossible if you do not have a single hope that it is still attainable no matter how difficult your situation maybe. Just believe in yourself and be steadfast.
As they say… “Aim high and hit the mark…”