Tag Archives: Damage

Self analysis, question 48

Today’s question is an interesting one to me: “By what rules do you judge who is helpful and who is damaging to you”? And I never really was explicit in answering it, so this may be the time.

And strangely enough nothing really comes to mind right now, so this may be a big opportunity to make progress as the question, and the answer, may be very important.

And maybe nothing comes to my mind because I wouldn’t consider people helpful or damaging. Or at least I can’t really imaging why people would (want to) be damaging, so I kind of implicitly presume everybody would be helpful, or at least not damaging.

But when writing about it I know there are people helpful to me. And I know there are people damaging to me.

And I keep turning around and around right now. So who would I consider helpful? Well, I guess people who would help me find work, or find a partner. Or people who would listen to me and/or give me advice.

But again, the last is not really a good answer, as advice, read ‘opinion’ is easily given by virtually everybody. So what would be good advice? Well, advice that would help me. But with that answer the circle is closed again, as what would be helpful to me?

So what would be damaging? Well, I guess people doing me physical or emotional or financial damage. And there are a lot of people out there who at least would want to do the last in exchange for their own personal gain.

And well, I am really stunned I don’t know anything more to say about today’s question. So maybe for the next few days I should ask myself about everybody I encounter whether I would consider them helpful or damaging, and maybe more important, why.