You may be a bit amazed about the first few paragraphs, but please know this page and this site are about inspiration. So please read on if you are bored with the first few paragraphs, as I think they are important.
The page about what inspiration is for me would just be called ‘inspiration’, so that page is just there. My background is ‘internet’ and also things like ‘search engine optimization’, so I am very careful on how to phrase things, like what title I would give articles and what the url would be. As I saw that searches related to inspiration accumulate arount ‘What is Inspiration’ I decided to make a specific page on that subject, including this page optimized for that phrase.
Keep in mind that if you arrived on this page through Google or another search engine that is no accident. For any page or site it is virtually impossible to be on the first few positions of Google, especially for popular searches. Someone did effort for that, whether conscious or not conscious. In my case very conscious, as I want to create the best page about ‘What is Inspiration’ and be found on it in Google.
Additional thinking
So while preparing for this page, which may be or should be one of the most important pages on this site or even on the internet, I was actually a bit amazed that many people seem to search for ‘what is inspiration’ and not just ‘inspiration’. My first search for the research for this page and the related page ‘inspiration‘ was just on ‘inspiration’ and not on ‘what is inspiration’.
The phrase ‘what is inspiration’ made me think of what people are actually looking for when searching with that phrase. For me this page and the related page would just be focused on people who are looking for inspiration, like wanting to be inspired. Not people looking for what the word inspiration actually means, which the search phrase implies.
Anyhow, the whole thing made me rethink of what people would be actually looking for when searching for ‘what is inpiration’. And until now I couldn’t find an answer yet, so I would be very happy with comments about this, so I would have a better clue what information to provide on this page.
What is inspiration
So what is inspiration? Wikipedia, mostly my first resource, does not give an answer I’m looking for. It mentions things like artistic inspiration, biblical inspiration and creative inspiration related to the subject of this site. Inspiration in the sense of this site does seem to relate however to inspiration in the sense of inhalation, something i did not think about yet, that meaning, although it is related I am starting to realize while reading further in Wikipedia.
Maybe the best description would be ‘breathe into’, as what I am meaning with the title of this site is to ‘breath’ something ‘into’ you so you will have success. Somehow what I am trying to do with this site also relates to artistic inspiration as success in my opinion certainly has to do with creativity, with creation. So going back to the purpose of this site, I certainly want to do something like ‘breathing something new into you so you will achieve success’. And i realize that I may go too fast now, as much of the inspiration for this site came from Think and Grow Rich and one of the principles in that book says that real (financial) success comes from an idea, where I think ‘idea’ has to do with ‘something new’, with creation.
So inspiration in the sense as being used in this site means something like ‘breathing something into you so you will do things, new things, in order to achieve success’.
So what are you looking for
So going back to what you are actually looking for on this page? Well, if it is simply something like the meaning in the sense of ‘breathing air into’, like inhalation then I guess you don’t have to read on here, but better go to inhalation on Wikipedia (Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean this sarcastic, I just try to make useful links). Although of course also in that case you may want to read on, as I guess in the end everybody needs inspiration in the sense as what this site is about, inspiration as in support for achieving something, creating something.
So if the last is the case, I suggest you read on on the page inspiration.
Spiritual inspiration
Well, a whole new world about inspiration opened up an hour ago or so I think. I may want to add information about spiritual inspiration, like inspiration for the soul. Maybe even much more than earthly inspiration, what most of the site is about by now.
Have to think about that. For now you may want to check my post troubled soul searching for destiny about how this idea came to me.