Back to the origins

For a few days now I have in mind going back to the origins or Inspiration for Success, back to the beginning. And in my mind are things like that I wanted to share my journey to success using the Principles of Success as described by Napoleon Hill. And something like improving the world. And related to the principles of success something like that I was not good in Master Mind and that that was the thing to ‘work on’ as I made some kind of score table related to the Principles of Success. And then I wanted to add value, ‘give’ something, yes in order to be rich, become rich through this site, through this project. Ah, and yes, somehow the promise to myself to write every day, except Sunday, as I found that seven days a week is just too much, I found that a human being needs some rest, some point to let go of ‘work’, of obligations.

And I am afraid this is going to be quite a long post, as I did and wrote an awful lot of things since starting this site, since registering the domain on April 3, 2013. And am I successful? Well, not really, as I still don’t earn enough even to support my current life and I did not reach my main goal, my definite purpose yet as I wrote it down in my desire document around one and a half years ago. Ah, and yes, there is no team anymore, I am still doing everything myself, even though on some projects related to what I want it seems some kind of team is starting to form. And yes, my promise to the team to get one million dollar each still stands, as I found that indeed sticking with decisions is very important. Sticking with dates is more difficult though, as I passed quite some dates without achieving the goal I had set for those dates. Ah, yes, planning, that was also a weakness of mine and somehow still is. Although I do have a plan now, a way of planning things, and the method is improving and growing.

Ah, and yes, I am still jealous of all those people who seem to have ‘made it’ much more easy than me, especially if they did so at a very young age. Samples are Richard Branson and Donald Trump and Leonardo DiCaprio and more of those. But the more I look around I also see many people who indeed are (only?) successful at a later age, older than forty, sometimes older than fifty. Like I was amazed that the actors playing James Bond were often in their late forties and fifties. And yes, Richard Branson and Donald Trump are older, quite a bit, than me, so maybe not such good people to compare with as they also grew up in a different time. And also Bill Gates is a bit older than me, a bit younger though than Richard Branson and Donald Trump.

So where do I stand? Well, I’m not fully sure. The most amazing thing is that some of the things in my desire document changed from completely insane and impossible to at least possible or plausible. I also noticed that after a while, I think like six to nine months after I wrote the initial version, I started to ‘live’ my desire document, like everything that happened and happens to me somehow gets a place in the things I wrote in the desire document. And this happened quite naturally. And maybe the most important change that I noticed is that my self confidence grew from practically zero to ‘pretty self confident’ right now. And yes, any idea I get now I take quite seriously. I don’t consider any idea ‘crazy’ anymore.

So yes, no matter where I stand right now, the Principles of Success of Napoleon Hill, somehow make sense, somehow have put me on a road to, well, I guess success.

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