
Today it struck my mind that it’s completely crazy to feel bad about things that you did in the past and that worked out bad, even though they have effects that you experience. I made some bad decisions related to money, to investments and that has put me in a very bad position. And i don’t know how to solve it. And I feel very guilty and bad about it. And I have no clue how to solve it. But today I suddenly realized that I can’t change the past and that I can’t change the situation I’m in right now. Or maybe never.

And the weird thing is that this whole thing goes back to beliefs I have and to thoughts like what other people think about it. And those beliefs and this ‘what other people think about it’ create an awful amount of guilt and ‘feeling bad’ in me. And looking at it, at how I feel and what effect it has on me that can’t be a good thing. Because especially this guilt is having a devastating effect on me. And not only me, but also on my environment, the people around me.

So I thought I should write about this, as I’m quite sure I’m not the only one being confronted with some bad decision or bad decisions made in the past. And suffering so much from it.

And no, I didn’t find an answer yet, I didn’t find answers yet. As the main problem right now is that I am in a situation i don’t like and that I don’t know how to solve it. And that it affects my life in a very bad way. So this is kind of reality and a reality I don’t like and that also kind of paralyzes me.

The good thing though now is that I’m starting to realize why some people are not moving anymore, don’t do anything anymore. As the ‘issues’ they’re confronted with are too big, too big to oversee or to overcome. And I’m a person who doesn’t easily give up. You may even say never gives up. But my current financial situation feels so hopeless that, indeed,sometimes, or even mostly lately, I just don’t move anymore, just don’t do anything anymore. Because it’s just too big for me to deal with. I see no way out.

So yes, I always had answers to people, still have even. Sometimes my own opinion or sometimes just quotes. But being here now, even with all that I know, even with the best quotes and stuff and with the best self help sites and blogs and stuff i read, I often don’t know what to say anymore to myself.

And yes, today I somehow got moving again, after quite a period of being quite inert. But i still don’t see a way out and that affects my life and the life of the people around me in a very negative way.

But somehow this is also what inspiration for Success is all about. Give people hope, give people inspiration when they don’t see it themselves anymore.

So yes, maybe this experience is good for me, is still something given to me. So I would be more understanding about people who just don’t see how to get out of a bad, a very bad situation that they consider impossible to solve.

Bur for now I can only say to myself that I can’t change my past decision, my  past decisions. And that looking back, trying to learn from it would be OK. But feeling guilty about it or thinking about what other people think about it as I do makes no sense, just makes things worse.

So let’s say to ourselves that we should avoid feeling (too much) guilt about something we can’t change anymore. And that there is always hope, that things can always be better, even better than the past and even better than anything before. Even if we can’t believe that right now, as belief is just belief, something that someone believes.

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