My private virtual cabinet

Outwitting the Devil

I just read the last chapter of Outwitting the Devil. And it reminded me of my virtual private cabinet, that I asked to help me, support me, a while ago. And I had some sessions with them, but shortly after creating my virtual private cabinet I stopped with it. And looking back I don’t really know why, as it seemed like a useful exercise, something useful to continue, to help me, to achieve what I want. And right now I realize it could be my Master Mind group, the thing I have longed for so long in the real world. And so maybe Napoleon Hill’s personal Master Mind group was also a virtual one, the one he describes in Think and Grow Rich and in the last chapter of Outwitting the Devil, the text I just read.

My personal private cabinet

And it is a long time ago I had a session with my personal private cabinet, but I remember at least some of the members, maybe all. Click on the link to read more.

And weird enough Bill Gates is often there, standing behind the people on the right side.

Let’s try again, and call my personal private cabinet, because I need it.

And below some more about each of the members of my virtual private cabinet as I want to follow Napoleon Hill by studying them and finding out why I chose them. Or did they choose me? Or did Infinite Intelligence decide?

Cesar Millan

Cesar MillanI am not fully sure why I wanted Cesar Millan in my cabinet. As far as I remember because he was poor and became very rich and famous. Or maybe because he seems to be a bit the same like me.

Donald Trump

Donald TrumpDonald Trump is, similar to Richard Branson, and famous, but especially rich. And it seems he gets what he wants, as people seem to listen to him, like in The Apprentice.

Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma GandhiI don’t remember why I wanted Gandhi in my personal private cabinet, but I think because he was so influential and according to the stories not rich, maybe even poor.


Not sure why I added Napoleon.Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon HillNapoleon Hill somehow belongs in my cabinet, even though I can’t fully explain why. It seems we have a lot in common, even confirmed by him in virtual meetings. Strange, isn’t it?

Richard Branson

Richard BransonRichard Branson  is rich and famous and I look up to him, want to be like him, except not for his accidents and the dangerous life threatening things he does.


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