Today the post of Leo Babauta stuck kind of in my mind. As he states something like ‘write every day’. And ‘create a blog’. And in my mind is now something that I’m not really a writer as Leo states that he started writing when he was seven or so. And right now I was reading I should not just write about myself, as I mostly do. I should have a purpose. And that’s what lately has been missing a bit. Where lately I guess means quite some time already.
But yes, let’s not forget that no matter what I have been writing every day. And I am writing now, even though it’s late, my back aches, I’m coughing and I just want to rest. And I don’t know what to write. Or at least I don’t know what to write that would be of use. But again, I guess I’m too hard on myself, as I want to inspire people, before for success as I thought what success was. But now more inspire people to achieve their goals. Or their main goal in life.
And yes, I am writing to improve the world. And that’s also why I have been writing so much about my internet problems and such. As I want people to read it and have some influence. And yes, I’m good in search engine optimization, so consciously or unconsciously I have been and am building some kind of internet structure to do something about what Globe and Smart could improve, should improve. And through them I want to reach other companies to improve, to make the world for humans again, not for organizations.
So well, maybe this post is part of all that. Of me trying to improve the world, trying to reach out, trying to find readers. So I would have some influence. As I’m sure Leo has.