Fake it

I know I often put my (bad) moods here. And somehow I know I “shouldn’t” do that as basically Inspiration for Success is business. And business is business and should serve customers, regardless of, yes, of what? And yes, I want to inspire people, inspire you. For success or something. Or maybe happiness. But should I fake my moods? I’m not sure, as to me that would feel like being dishonest. And while writing this I remember my promise that I want to achieve my success in the open. And be open about what’s happening to me. But yes, it’s not very inspiring sometimes, or even often, my daily posts. Even though I normally try to make something inspiring or good out of it at the end, give some kind advice or thought or so.

So yesterday I was watching America’s next top model and was watching the feedback, the criticism of the jury to the candidates, especially one candidate. And it seemed that this candidate just had had a bad day or something. So here performance had not been that good. And the advice was that in that kind of situation she should just fake it. And it kind of hit me, as the jury had a point, especially related to success, success in business. As I notice more and more that if you want to reach the top in business, you really need to be good, no not good, perfect.

And it can be done. As every (Hollywood type) movie appears perfect to me. As are high quality dance shows, where everybody is in sync. And I realize more and more that that is just about practice and being good. And there are no second chances. It just has to be good, even though of course I know many things are edited. But yes, being a dancer, you wouldn’t want to hold up the whole group by not performing ‘perfect’. And if course it’s OK things go wrong every now and then and that you make mistakes. But in the end, the result needs to be perfect. As it can be perfect as many performers, magazines, movies and products show.

But there is a weird paradox here, as in the same America’s next top model we always here about some people, some photo’s there is no emotion. And that is NOT considered good. So could you fake emotion? I don’t think so. And somehow you shouldn’t. But maybe that’s where teamwork comes in, like show you emotion to the team and the team will help you create the perfect result no matter what. Or could you really fake it? I’m a bit confused now.

And somehow I know the answer, as a performance or product could and should indeed be perfect. Something like you really want it, desire it. And on the other hand it should be mixed with emotion, your real emotion, your real state of being, whether happy or sad. And yes, I know that can be done, as no matter my emotional state, if I’m in flow I can still do nice work, produce something, produce something nice, forget about everything.

And I’m sure you can also, so again, it’s all about state of mind, finding the right state of mind.


One thought on “Fake it

  1. John

    Hi Guus,

    the very last sentence was a very important one: it is all about the state of mind. If someone has a bad mood for example, it does not just occur to that person – it is a choice to have a bad mood, for whatever reason. Even in the worst situation a person can choose to be in a good mood, and I am not sure if that is equal to faking that emotion. If you really think as a singer that you gave your best and prepared well for your show you can still be in a good mood though other people were criticizing you


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