For the record, this is a personal document of Guus Ellenkamp, but it is stated as a page, not as a post as it is part of the project Inspiration for Success. Actually it goes back to the origin, to the very start of the project.
One of the Principles of Success as described in Think and Grow Rich is to create a text, a document that states what one wants and what one is willing to give. And then read that aloud twice a day. I have found that a very powerful tool. As I have decided at the very beginning of the project I want to achieve success through this project through these principles of success it is about time to write such a desire document related to this project.
To read more on the how and why of this page just read my post my desire document.
As I have noticed it is of the utmost importance to write the perfect desire document to achieve the result that one wants I will start with a draft now. But I am unlikely to change the basics (principle decision) and I probably won’t need to change the decisions, the basic desire and ‘willing to give’ as this document builds upon an awful lot of things, even though it may sound simple.
IFS one million dollar desire
Adapted version of October 16, 2013 (some minor changes).
I, Guus Ellenkamp, desire to receive one million dollar for me and one million dollar for each of the other core team members of Inspiration for Success: John Rüth, Christian Maderazo, Robin Brunold and David Ernst. I desire to have received the total amount on or before October 19, 2014.
In order to achieve this goal I am willing to be the leader of the project Inspiration for Success, a project that is intended to inspire people to achieve success. I am willing to achieve this success fully in the open as I originally intended, so people can see the ups and downs related to achieving the success I desire to achieve. The result would be a real life, live, sample application of the Principles of Success with indeed also a money goal, as described by Napoleon Hill in his book Think and Grow Rich. I am willing to learn better leadership skills like being patient and inspiring as I consider these some of my weaknesses.
I have already been implementing the plan or the plans that I wrote and had in mind at the beginning of the project and I have achieved some successes as planned. A major success was completing the core team of five members, a real challenge for me.
I also want to give to make a stand for a change in thinking in the world about money, where money as I have learned is just a means of exchange for services instead of something to crave for or accumulate. There is enough service in the world for everybody, unlike what many people experience. So someone has to do something about that. Everybody deserves to receive the services he or she needs and wants and everybody deserves to give the services he or she wants.
So my desire is also to make the project Inspiration for Success a sample for how people can happily give services based on their talents and receive money (representing services of other people) from people who are happy with the services given.
The main reason for this desire document now is that I need better plans for achieving the goal, the receiving and the giving part as the Principles of Success state that plans for this type of thing need to be flawless so I need a flawless plan to achieve my goal.
IFS one million dollar desire (second draft)
Adapted draft version of September 24, 2013.
I, Guus Ellenkamp, desire to receive one million dollar for me and one million dollar for each of the other core team members of Inspiration for Success: John Rüth, Christian Maderazo, Robin Brunold and David Ernst. I desire to have received the total amount on or before October 19, 2014.
In order to achieve this goal I am willing to be the leader of the project Inspiration for Success, a project that is intended to inspire people to achieve success. I am willing to achieve this success fully in the open as i originally intended, so people can see the ups and downs related to achieving the success I desire to achieve. The result would be a real life, live, sample application of the Principles of Success with indeed also a money goal, as described by Napoleon Hill in his book Think and Grow Rich. I am willing to learn better leadership skills like being patient and inspiring as I consider these some of my weaknesses.
I have already been implementing the plan or the plans that I wrote and had in mind at the beginning of the project and I have achieved some successes as planned. A major success was completing the core team of five members, a real challenge for me.
I also want to give to make a stand for a change in thinking in the world about money, where money as I have learned is just a means of exchange for services instead of something to crave for or accumulate. There is enough service in the world for everybody, unlike what many people experience. So someone has to do something about that. Everybody deserves to receive the services he or she needs and wants and everybody deserves to give the services he or she wants.
So my desire is also to make the project Inspiration for Success a sample for how people can happily give services based on their talents and receive money (representing services of other people) from people who are happy with the services of Inspiration for Success and happy to give back (money).
The main reason for this desire document now is that I need better plans for achieving the goal, the receiving and the giving part as the Principles of Success state that plans for this type of thing need to be flawless so I need a flawless plan to achieve my goal.
IFS one million dollar desire (original)
Draft version of September 21, 2013.
I, Guus Ellenkamp, desire to receive one million dollar for me and one million dollar for each of the core team members John Rüth, Christian Maderazo, Robin Brunold and David Ernst on or before October 19, 2014.
In order to achieve this goal I am willing to be the leader of the project Inspiration for Success, a project that is intended to inspire people to achieve success, to achieve the success that they are looking for.
I am also willing to give, indeed to achieve this success fully in the open, as i originally intended, so there would be a real life, live sample, live application of the Principles of Success, as described in his book Think and Grow Rich. I am also willing to learn better leadership skills like being patient and inspiring.
I have already been implementing the plan or the plans that I wrote and had in mind at the beginning of the project. The main reason for this desire document now is that I need better plans for achieving the goal, the receiving and the giving part as the plans for this type of thing need to be flawless.
I want to give also to make a stand for a change in thinking in the world about money, where money as I have learned is just a means of exchange for services. There is enough service in the world for everybody, unlike what many people experience. So someone has to do something about that. As everybody deserves to receive the services he or she wants. And give the services he or she wants. And this is part of the plan, to make the project Inspiration for Success a sample of how people can happily give services and receive money (representing services of other people) from people who are happy with the services of Inspiration for Success.