Well, this thirty day Law of Attraction document has really done something to me. I accept my moods more and I accept other people and other people’s moods more. And it made me more easy on money, on spending. And the last I didn’t really write about here I think as somehow it didn’t come up. And I wasn’t really thinking about it when I was starting this post, but well, this seems the right time.
One of the ‘exercises’ in the document is to spend each day a certain amount of virtual money. And that amount is increasing. It starts with 1,000.00 units of your currency and it increases every day with that amount. And sometimes I still feel like a fool doing this, as I kept continuing this, but somehow it makes sense to do it. And the weirdest thing began when I started with the program. At first I wanted to use the US dollar as the currency. But somehow it didn’t feel right and I decided to stick with ‘my’ current currency, the Philippine peso. But spending an amount starting with PHP 1,000.00 every day and increasing with that amount every day is something completely different than spending USD 1,000.00 increasing with USD 1,000.00 every day. So I thought. And somehow I thought I felt a bit stupid starting with ‘only’ PHP 1,000.00 instead of USD 1,000.00. As after a year I would end up spending PHP 365,0000.00 per day instead of USD 365,000.00 is a completely different thing as the US dollar is around 40 or 45 times as much as the peso.
So I thought I was limiting myself in abundance, using PHP instead of USD. And maybe I was. But something completely different is happening. As as of the moment it’s around 45 days ago that I started doing this. So as of the moment I am spending a virtual amount of PHP 45,000.00 a day instead of USD 45,000.00 a day. But I can’t even spend the PHP 45,000.00 and I often even forget about it during the day as I just don’t need it and just wouldn’t know what to spend it on And while writing this I wouldn’t even know what to spend USD 45,000.00 on. Every day! And one of the rules is you have to spend it, you cannot give it away or ‘just save’ it. So while writing this actually I’m happy I chose the Philippine peso and not the US dollar. As I wouldn’t really know what to spend USD 45,000.00 on today, let alone USD 400,000.00 PER DAY about one year from now.
Ah, and what I actually wanted to tell you is that the amount increased so quickly, even starting with this PHP 1,000.00 per day increasing with PHP 1,000.00 per day that even today I wouldn’t have a clue what to spend it on. Lately often late at night, just before sleep I just make something up what to spend it on. I just forget about it during the day. And mostly it’s savings for my Bali holiday and savings for my Pajero, so it’s not even real spending ‘today’.
And yes, of course I know it’s not real money. And I can’t use it in real life and believe me, I could use some real money very much right now, more than ever. But that’s not the point.
The point is that I see more now what I really want. I don’t want the money, I just want the things I can buy with it. And it’s not even much what I really want related to the income group I think I belong to. And yes, I lowered my standards a bit being in such a financially rough shape I am now and I’ve never been before and couldn’t even imagine myself in. But again, that’s not the point. The point is that with just knowing that every day there is an increasing amount coming in I see more now that it’s better to live by the day, just use what you need, what you really want. And the point is that I don’t need ‘everything’, I don’t need hundred million dollars or so. And the point is that if I had it I wouldn’t even know what to spend it on. It’s just some kind of safety, but that kind of safety doesn’t exist in the world and somehow I’m starting to believe that it’s also not needed, maybe even unwanted.
Ah, and the main point is that I somehow learnt from it that worrying about ‘money’ doesn’t make sense. And that all those worries and ideas I have in real life about money indeed somehow prevent money coming in, prevent ‘abundance’.
And yeah, I really would like to continue writing about this and I can really recommend that you do this exercise also, maybe unless you’re a multimillionaire. And no, I have no clue where this goes in real life and of course I am very worried somehow, somewhere and I should be. But the exercise taught me things about money and about what worrying does. And what ‘knowing’ does. Things I didn’t know and didn’t realize until I did this exercise.
So yes, go for it and let me, let us know your experiences, if they are the same as mine or not.