I was watching, kind of accidentally, an episode of the documentary Ancient Aliens. And just zapping a bit around I also ended up with one of the newer Star Trek movies. And of course that made me think about humanity, about being human. And what being human means. And also of course I was and am wondering when humans or humanity are really going to look for the stars as depicted in Star Trek and many other science fiction movies and books. As I guess in the end everybody will agree that humans somehow, some time, will leave earth and go explore the universe. And actually it is a bit strange to me that we don’t put more effort into that. As it seems that after we went to the moon in the nineteen sixties and nineteen seventies, nothing really happened anymore, nothing really beyond ‘the ordinary’, beyond more of the same.
And maybe I am wrong. Maybe there are people doing things beyond the ordinary, beyond improving existing stuff. But I don’t think so.
And yes, I think I wrote about this before. That humanity seems to have stopped really innovating, have stopped doing really exciting things, things really ‘out of the box’.
So yes where are the leaders giving us new ‘impossible’ goals, like John F. Kennedy and other politicians of the time did? And why aren’t we looking for them, choosing them?
Or do we really want just to play games, have the latest model TV or iPhone or car?
Where are the dreams? Where are the real human dreams, where are the real human dreamers?