I am still thinking how to add more value to this site by writing more inspirational posts. And that often makes me hesitant to start writing, like today, when I went to the other computer to write my daily post on this site.
And I was thinking where I mostly get my inspiration from. And yes, that is indeed from the e-mails I get from various sites I signed up for. Or at least some of them.
And yes, I am also considering to send e-mails like many blogs and inspirational sites do. But until now I decided not to, as I think my posts and pages and changes to pages are not yet good enough to share. And yes, also because I don’t want Inspiration for Success to be a blog, And I don’t want to write my posts like a blogger.
So that brings me of course to the question what I do want. And it always brings me back to the fact that I believe I had no one inspiring me, supporting me when I was a child. And later. And that I want this site to inspire you, support you, on your way to success in life. But not through myself. Or not through myself only. And while writing this I realize that I think I’m not inspiring. Or not inspiring enough. So I want other people to do the inspiration. But also while writing I realize there is no one else, at least not now. And I do have some things I am proud of, so I do have some reason to inspire you or talk about success.
As e.g. today I wrote in my Dutch blog that I made the WordPress plugin with which I am sending the daily inspirational quote myself. And I forgot about that, which is kind of weird, as it’s just working, I’m just using it every day. And as far as I know other people are also using it. But making it and having it approved by the WordPress team was not easy. As far as I remember it took me months as somehow I got stuck or didn’t have the time for it or something. So there was quite some persistence involved to finish it. And I did finish it, really finished it, as I’m using it every day (except Sunday) and it’s just working and I would not know anything that I would like to change, improve. And I know at least one person is using it as I got a request to add import functionality for e-mails. Or actually I think there were at least two persons involved in that request. So also other people are using it and apparently it is working fine for them also otherwise I guess I would get complaints.
And that plugin was not the only thing I was successful with related to Inspiration for Success. As I guess my biggest success is to write here and in my Dutch blog every day, yes, again, except Sunday. And mentioning the last every time of course doesn’t really make sense. Somehow I add that because otherwise I believe I wouldn’t be honest. As if that would make my achievement of doing several things every day less successful.
So this is often I guess how we pull ourselves down. As somehow we believe ‘the world’ considers writing every day not valid if we give ourselves a well needed break on Sunday. And I still don’t get where those ideas come from and I am quite sure I am not the only one pulling myself down like “I’m not good enough”. And of course that is complete nonsense as believe me, doing those things like writing every day is quite something. So I should be proud of myself instead of pulling myself down.
So what about you? When and how and where are you pulling yourself down when you should just be proud of yourself (I often avoid the word ‘should’ as no one ‘should’ do anything, but I think it’s appropriate here).
And yes, if you think you ‘should’ do more, be more disciplined, remember that I started much simpler than writing blog items every day. I started by just making the bed every day. And I made sure I didn’t miss one day, which I didn’t. But even if you do, just know you can start again every day. And do better if you want, if it feels good, if it makes you feel good.