Tag Archives: Party time

Party time

Well, what will I write now, being in the middle of a party. And writing in a situation like this reminds me of stories about successful people, how they do it, doing things like I am doing right now. Like writing my daily post no matter what, even though I guess this post will be pretty short as I think it is better for everybody if I stay with the party instead of writing a post that in the end is not that important. As I guess nobody would really care if I write this post today or not, as I don’t have that many people reading these daily posts and I don’t send any e-mails to inform people there is something new on the site.

And yes, of course I am doubting more and more if what I am doing here makes any sense, or especially if anybody would read it some day. As as far as I know my daily posts are not really read by anybody. And also I may need to learn a bit more flexibility, so it might be a better option to skip my writing on a day like today. And yes, as you may or may not know, I did skip some days, but not many. And not for reasons like today, for ‘having a party’. I skipped only on days where I was really on the way or I was really, really down and felt like I could not write.

So what is true about those stories about success, about doing more, doing different than ‘other people’. Like I do right now, as I am sure not many people would do what I am doing right now. Will my persistence and discipline really pay off on the long term? As until now in my feeling this site has not been really successful, at least not in adding value to other people by most of my posts, at least if I look at the traffic to the site, at most of the pages, or the posts. Or should I be a little more flexible, a little less stubborn. And yes, as you can read today, until now I still choose to do my daily writing, as somehow I believe that my persistence and discipline will pay off, also in the long term, for the site, for the visitors of the site. And yes, for the short time it somehow pays off already, as I learned an awful lot about persistence, discipline and the habit that I have developed with this daily writing. So I think it’s good I just finished this post.