Tag Archives: Rehabilitation


The Shawshank RedemptionI was watching the movie The Shawshank Redemption again. And I thought I wrote about it before and I must have, but I can’t find the movie poster, something I mostly put when writing about it. But I couldn’t find it straight away.

Anyhow, The Shawshank Redemption is a beautiful movie, one of the best I know and it is all about the Principles of Success, like persistence and about the uselessness of putting people for a long, long time in prison.

And no, I don’t know what to say to people who have been victims, real victims of criminals, but somehow the movie points out that things change over time, especially over long time like ten, twenty or forty years. So should we really punish people that long, destroy their lives?

And I am especially touched by it because I also committed ‘crimes’ years ago, crimes I don’t know how to correct them. But does it make sense to punish me for that so bad while it is such a long time ago? And yes, I could commit the same mistake again, but don’t we have all weaknesses?

But again, a movie I can certainly recommend.