Yes, yes, yes!

This morning felt like ‘yes, yes, yes’ as I received two e-mails, e-mails indicating that I had reached two people I had been trying to connect to for quite a while right now. And the feeling reminded me of one of the teachings of Abraham Hicks, that you will know when something really arrives, when you are really living your dream or something. And it is a bit strange, as those e-mails were not that important and nothing really happened, nothing really changed. But they gave me this enormous feeling of fulfillment and I actually have no clue why, but somehow the Universe must have answered my prayers or is answering my prayers, makes all those things I and many others started come true.

And tonight another e-mail, with kind of a negative tone like ‘it cannot be done’, but also this e-mail made me very happy as it was a very serious e-mail with a lot of information and it made me feel like someone cared, someone else also wants to make something happen. And this last e-mail reminded me again that you can convert negativity in something positive, that failures and defeat can be stepping stones to success and fulfillment.

So yes, today was a great day. Thank you, Lord!

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