Things are falling into place

Dream, big dream

Things are falling into place. I ended up reading the last chapter of the part of Think and Grow Rich about the Power of the Master Mind. It seems all the answers to life, to success somehow are in that book, same as in many other books. It’s something like finding yourself, finding your destiny, finding your dreams. Then find people to share it with, the right people. Then think about how you can make that dream come true, make some kind of planning. And then put that plan into action.

But the whole thing works only from positive emotions, if you have conquered your fears, if you are able to stand on your own, believe in yourself, and in others. Allow yourself to be part of it, allow others to be part of it.

And yes, it takes thinking, a lot of thinking. I have been thinking a lot lately, and things are falling into place. And I still feel guilty, as my whole process took a lot of time, time I ‘should’ have spent on other things, useful things, things ‘they’ say I should do. And I feel guilty of ‘not taking action’, not ‘doing the right thing’. But somehow I’m starting to see that action without purpose, action without the right dream, action without a definite purpose, without desire, without planning, is useless, leads nowhere.

So my next question is how I can help you, use the thinking i did, use the experience I have, much of which is not pretty, looking back. And the site is called inspiration for success, as it started from me not being inspired, inspired by other people. So the site is planned to inspire, not planned as ‘self help’ site as there are already many very good sites on that. I think through there should be and there actually are already some ‘self help exercises‘ in the site, but I think we need to make sure they are inspiring, not just ‘exercises’.I k

So maybe for now, to inspire you, in my mind is something like, first go for your dream, find your destiny, find your definite purpose. And make sure you feel it, make sure it feels good for you, no matter what other people say, no matter what your limiting beliefs say. Don’t do anything else until you know deep inside it’s YOUR dream, your destiny, what YOU want to do in life.

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