Improve my blogging, my writing

Recently I have been thinking a lot how to improve my writing, improve this site. As I think my posts are not really that inspiring. And I still compare myself to other bloggers I follow, like Alden Tan, Leo Babauta and Marc and Angel. And I consider them better than me.

But while opening their sites to add the links I realized that Inspiration for Success is different. As Marc and Angel write about practical tips for productive living. And Alden Tan writes about personal development. And Leo Babauta somehow stands for something like ‘simple living’. So at least my focus is different. My focus is ‘success‘. And I wanted Inspiration for Success to be different, inspirational. As most ‘success sites’ are about hard work and motivation and such. And I don’t believe in those things. As they didn’t work for me. As I worked hard and was very motivated. But that didn’t help me keep my job, my income. And yes, it did bring me quite some money. As when I was working hard I earned quite a bit. But it didn’t last, so I know there must be more than just ‘hard work’ and ‘motivation’ and ‘persistence (read stubbornness)’.

And then again, starting a new life in The Philippines, I started working hard, was very motivated, very persistent also. And it brought me a little, but not for long, not anything lasting.

So there must be more, next to all those things I read about ‘success’ and ‘motivation’ and ‘hard work’ and such. As it didn’t work for me.

And then I found ‘Napoleon Hill’. And the word ‘inspiration’. And recently I found something like ‘getting a break’. And yes, all those things, these more recent things, have given me a lot of insight in ‘succes’. And yes, I have gotten a lot of confidence now, self confidence. I am more myself, so to speak. And a few days ago, on October 19, 2014, I realized that those things are unimaginable more important than ‘money’, than financial success. But still, I don’t consider myself successful still. As there is still not enough money coming in to support myself, let alone support others or pay my debts or even the interest on my debts.

So how to go from here, how to apply all that knowledge I have now. How to ‘monetize’ everything I know, about success. And now, I don’t mean financial success anymore, even though I believe more and more that needs to be part of it, at least for me, as I always wanted to be rich, yes, in money, and I still want t be. But that’s me, not you. For you success may mean something completely different. And yes, also for me there is more, there is one more thing more important than money. But I still need money to achieve that, to nurture that, so money is still important.

Well, enough for today, even though this post is not finished yet. But it gives food for thought, food to nurture the seeds that I planted. So let’s wee what I can do tomorrow to go back to my goals and dreams, in my life and in this site. As I am quite sure I have the tools now to make both successful. And yes, somewhere hidden in this site, similar to what Napoleon Hill states in Think and Grow Rich, also lie the seeds for your success, for the things you want in life. So yes, you may want to keep reading everything in this site. And the sites and pages it points to. As I am quite sure there is a lot of knowledge hidden in this site that will help you on your road to success, on your road in life.

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