Tag Archives: Wise words

Don’t compare yourself to others, or to the world

Today I (still) found myself in a very negative thinking pattern. And the reasons behind this negativity and sadness seem to be something like comparing yourself to others and (high) expectations.

I was hit yesterday with what a friend said, that I was beautiful, that if I would look inside, behind all the negativity, all the mud, all the dirt, I would see myself as I really am, I would see a diamond or diamonds. And I’m still not sure what hit me, as I know it’s true, but somehow I don’t feel it, can’t accept it, can’t deal with it. And I guess this is true for most people, so probably also for you.

How weird most human beings are, mostly seeing themselves as negative, telling themselves how bad they are, mostly telling themselves they’re not OK. And it seems it’s all about uprising, about culture, all about how often we have heard not to do something because it’s bad. But how can we be bad? We didn’t make ourselves, create ourselves, or maybe we did. We just ‘are’. And are baby’s bad? Are we bad when we are born?

So what is all this. Christian culture? Being born in sin? Or even Buddhism, having karma, being born with karma?

And why I am writing this? Well, I am still inspired by the words of Lynn Grabhorn that we have the right to be happy, that we have the right to wish for things, want things, where most cultures would consider ‘wanting’ something bad, or having a lot, especially money being bad. But why would it be bad to want something, or have a lot of money. In the end there is enough or even a lot of everything, including money. And does it hurt anybody to want things, have things, except maybe that others might be jealous? And even it it would hurt someone else, then still, what would be wrong with wanting something? We just are who we are.

And I want to finish with some paragraphs from the book of Lynn Grabhorn, as I think they are very, very true and not applying this stands in the way of a lot of happiness and success:

Now here’s the big news: you don’t have to be worthy of a blasted thing to have your desires.

You don’t have to prove, or witness, or demonstrate, or pass a moral test.

You don’t have to explain your reasons, or make excuses to your family, to yourself or to God.

You don’t have to be any more worthy or deserving, or trustworthy, or upstanding than you are now.

You only have to make one decision…, just one…, and that is to be happy.

But you will never start down that road until you allow your Wants – your dreams, your desires, your hankerings – to come out of the closet, not just peek around the corner of a cracked-open door, but come all the way out!

Like any hidden talent that you’ve either consciously or unconsciously known was there but didn’t feel comfortable bringing out, once you accept the fact that wanting is part of you, and that doing it sis really okay, it becomes fun. Joy starts to flow. You begin to vibrate differently, for when you are in joy with Life you cannot vibrate negatively and you cannot attract negatively, only positively.

When you are in joy with Life, you cannot feel insecure, ashamed, unworthy, unsafe, guilty, or inferior in any manner, because you aren’t vibrating there. You cannot feel lack of any kind. Nor can you attract it.

The only thing you will do as you begin to unlock your Wants is vibrate more joy, more abundance, and more freedom in your experience. Small price to pay for dreaming, wouldn’t you say?

And it makes no difference what you choose to dream! Choose your dream because it makes you happy, and you’ll vibrate it into your life. Dream the dream of joy, dream the dream of fulfillment, dream the dream of frivolity, but DREAM!

Having desires – wanting – is no more a sin than breathing. Never again think you have to justify your Wants. Just don’t! You cannot be justifying, defending or rationalizing – which is all negative flowing – and remain to your core energy.

You need to make no excuses to anything, anybody or any higher or lower authority for your desires. Certainly not to God. To do so is to turn your back on your own higher energy, thus denying your very existence, your divine right to Life. Contrary to common teachings, gaining happiness is your hallowed right of birth.

So let yourself go, and dream. You are already creating your life every moment of every day by how you think and vibrate; you might as well create it the way you’d like it to be.

So what are your dreams? Maybe long forgotten? Your own dreams, not the dreams of others?

Cannot be coincidence

I just kind of accidental walked to our book closed, took out the book The Buddha and his Dhamaa, opened it somewhere, and found this:

34. “When I see how the nature of pleasure and pain are mixed, i consider royalty and slavery as the same; a king does not always smile, nor is a slave always in pain.

35. “Since to be a king involves a wider range of responsibility, therefore, the sorrows of a king are great; for a king is like a peg, – he endures trouble for the sake of the world.

36. “A king is unfortunate, if he places his trust in his royalty which is apt to desert and loves crooked turns; and, on the other hand, if he does not trust in it, then what can be the happiness of a timid king?

37. “And since after even conquering the whole earth, one city only can serve as a dwelling place and even there only one house can be inhabited, is not royalty mere labour for others?

38. “And even in royalty nothing more than one pair of garments is all he needs, and just enough food to keep off hunger; so only one bed, and only one seat is all that a king needs; other distinctions ar only for pride.

Just what I needed today, so Infinite Intelligence is there and helping me, and you.