Tag Archives: Wise words

Lots of things in my mind

Rita HayworthA lot of things in my mind right now. Like I am still a bit sick and could’t sleep last night, mainly because of my coughing. And the result was that I got out of bed very late, also partly because I still didn’t feel well. And next to this I was thinking that last night I wanted to write about the movie The Shawshank Redemption. A fantastic film, especially knowing now the Principles of Success from Napoleon Hill as I see the main character, Andy Dufresne, applying many of those principles to achieve what he wants to achieve. And despite the enormous setbacks he encounters and the enormous amount of time involved, he achieves what he wants to achieve. So that’s what I would call a success story.

And one of the strange things about the movie is that it is based on a short story of Stephen King. And I don’t like the books of Stephen King so much as they are too full of horror type things, horror kind of believable to happen in real life.

Ah, and I now see the story is much older and based on God Sees the Truth, But Waits by Leo Tolstoy. And it seems that story is about forgiveness, something I have been thinking about for quite a while now. So no wonder I am and was impressed by the story and the film as apparently it has a very long history and a deep background.

And yes, thinking about forgiveness I can relate to the film, where it doesn’t seem to make any sense to lock up people for a very long time as you just destroy them. That is a similar thing I am struggling with, as I borrowed a lot of money, which I don’t know how to pay back as of the moment and it feels kind of unfair to me that I have to suffer so much for mistakes I made in the past. Yes, to me it also feels like a lifetime sentence, the situation I am in now with my debts. And it doesn’t make any sense, it even takes away most of my joy in life. And that’s even what people are complaining about, that I should have more fun, join friends more, go out more. But for me there is always that debt that I feel I need to pay back. So I’d rather save money than have fun.

So how can we get out of those things? How can we go out of those lifetime sentences? How can we really forgive people and let them free?


Actually I wanted to write about this yesterday, but somehow the other idea took charge, so what happened to me last Saturday or so needed to wait.

And it wasn’t that special what happened last Saturday, but somehow it also was. And it’s worth thinking about I guess, it’s worth contemplating.

And you may or not know, but for quite a while I have been trying to start with the tools section in this website. Tools like helping you create a desire document or helping you get more clarity on your goals and how to reach them. And me being me I want to build that part of the site in my own way, according to the standards of Active Discovery Designs. As I believe building it in WordPress, according to the WordPress standards, will be too complicated and too time consuming. And next to that I don’t want to depend on the way WordPress is going as I don’t have good experience with Open Source systems when you have to support them, want to maintain them, want to expand them. And don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against Open Source systems as e.g. most of the web servers on the internet are even running on Open Source systems like LInux, PHP and mySQL. And until now this whole site has been built with WordPress according to the WordPress standards.

Anyhow, I didn’t want to talk about Open Source systems and such, but about my experience with something that had been bothering me for weeks already, maybe even months. As I was looking for a way to create a simple signup procedure where you only have to enter your e-mail address and a password to either sign in to this site or to register. And yes, at the same time go to my own, much simpler, way of programming a website, a web application. But I got stuck.

And getting stuck when writing software is quite a common thing, at least for me. Sometimes you ‘just don’t see it’ and you get stuck in some very weird process where you just can’t find the bug, can’t find the error, can’t find why something doesn’t work. And it can keep you busy for days, where in the end the solution is often just one or two lines of code or some very stupid simple programming error. So I got stuck in the problem of automatically logging the user in after signing up, after entering a new e-mail address. And no, this website is not a full time job or something, especially the programming part, but I did spend quite some hours spent over a few weeks to solve this problem. And I couldn’t find it, I just couldn’t find why it didn’t work. And last Saturday I did one small search in Google and suddenly I found the solution as also other people had experienced the same thing. And indeed, also this time the solution took like fifteen minutes or less to implement. And it will take me probably hours to take out all the ‘debugging code’ that I have added to find the problem. But again, I don’t want to talk about software development.

No, I wanted to talk about that sometimes, or even mostly, solutions just ‘come to you’. And that is maybe also what the teachings of Abraham Hicks are trying to tell us. That all the pushing and shoving and hammering that we often do when things don’t work, when we want to put something into place, are not needed or even can have a negative impact. As when I would have just searched in a relaxed way in Google instead of trying and trying and trying to solve this problem I would have saved a lot of time, effort, energy and annoyance. So yes, often stopping and thinking works better than just ‘work, work, work’.

And I remember another sample of a similar situation. As I was on the way to the wake of a friend of mine who had died. And I didn’t know exactly where it was, but the name of the funeral home made me think it was somewhere near a subdivision with the same name. And that subdivision is something like six kilometers away from the city center, the city center where I started my search. And it took me I think even hours to find out I was in the wrong place. While if I would have just asked someone in the city center, where I was, close to the funeral home, I would have saved a lot of time and effort and even money. But no, I just had a wrong perception and was too, well, maybe preoccupied, with what I thought was right, to consider asking.

So better think and ask first, before doing a lot of effort.

A beautiful link

Well, today the e-mail of Marc and Angel brought me to this page: 12 Rules for Being Beatifully Human.

And often this self help stuff, these self help sites trying to sell books or other stuff are too much for me, but today I’ll just share the link and would recommend to open it.

Fake it

I know I often put my (bad) moods here. And somehow I know I “shouldn’t” do that as basically Inspiration for Success is business. And business is business and should serve customers, regardless of, yes, of what? And yes, I want to inspire people, inspire you. For success or something. Or maybe happiness. But should I fake my moods? I’m not sure, as to me that would feel like being dishonest. And while writing this I remember my promise that I want to achieve my success in the open. And be open about what’s happening to me. But yes, it’s not very inspiring sometimes, or even often, my daily posts. Even though I normally try to make something inspiring or good out of it at the end, give some kind advice or thought or so.

So yesterday I was watching America’s next top model and was watching the feedback, the criticism of the jury to the candidates, especially one candidate. And it seemed that this candidate just had had a bad day or something. So here performance had not been that good. And the advice was that in that kind of situation she should just fake it. And it kind of hit me, as the jury had a point, especially related to success, success in business. As I notice more and more that if you want to reach the top in business, you really need to be good, no not good, perfect.

And it can be done. As every (Hollywood type) movie appears perfect to me. As are high quality dance shows, where everybody is in sync. And I realize more and more that that is just about practice and being good. And there are no second chances. It just has to be good, even though of course I know many things are edited. But yes, being a dancer, you wouldn’t want to hold up the whole group by not performing ‘perfect’. And if course it’s OK things go wrong every now and then and that you make mistakes. But in the end, the result needs to be perfect. As it can be perfect as many performers, magazines, movies and products show.

But there is a weird paradox here, as in the same America’s next top model we always here about some people, some photo’s there is no emotion. And that is NOT considered good. So could you fake emotion? I don’t think so. And somehow you shouldn’t. But maybe that’s where teamwork comes in, like show you emotion to the team and the team will help you create the perfect result no matter what. Or could you really fake it? I’m a bit confused now.

And somehow I know the answer, as a performance or product could and should indeed be perfect. Something like you really want it, desire it. And on the other hand it should be mixed with emotion, your real emotion, your real state of being, whether happy or sad. And yes, I know that can be done, as no matter my emotional state, if I’m in flow I can still do nice work, produce something, produce something nice, forget about everything.

And I’m sure you can also, so again, it’s all about state of mind, finding the right state of mind.


Enough is enough

Well, enough is enough, at least for today.

And no, I didn’t finish what i wanted to finish, but somehow Infinite Intelligence didn’t seem to want me to finish it.

So enough is enough.