Tag Archives: Listen

Self analysis, question 35

Another question I don’t like and don’t fully understand: “Do you encourage people to bring their worries to you for sympathy”? And that raises the question if I am answering these questions for someone else like ‘what do they mean with this and what answer would they expect’ or that I am just answering the question just by myself to know more about myself.

And the answer to the last is that I want to answer this question to ‘score well’ on, yes, who’s scoreboard?

So I am asking myself if it would be a positive or a negative (towards leadership, towards success) to answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ which of course is completely out of the question. Or isn’t it?

Anyhow, I guess the real answer is that I don’t encourage people to bring their worries to me (for sympathy). At least that is what I think right now. But (some?) people do bring their worries to me, like my mam. And I don’t like it, as it just feels she is complaining (instead of helping me, being there for me).

And no, I don’t have much sympathy for people I guess. I do admire people when they are successful, but I merely pity people who are not successful.

So implicitly I pity myself as I don’t consider myself successful.

And all of this makes me think I may want to change something here like be more open to other peoples worries and such.

As I think that would be an improvement.

Stop and relax

I still feel very tired and like doing nothing and I keep feeling some kind of guilty about it. I still want to push, to force to do something. Which of course is kind of stupid, as it seems my body or my mind or the Universe or everything seems to tell me to stop. And no, I am not talking about quitting or avoiding something or procrastination, as that is not how it feels like. I just feel tired, exhausted, and indeed something like I should stop and relax.

And no, I still didn’t, as I am still writing this and I still planned some little things for today I am planning to do, to finish. So I did not stop yet. But yes, I should stop as soon as possible, as what I am doing now, kind of forcing myself doing things where everything in me, my whole being and everything around it says ‘stop’. As I am quite sure there is a reason for that feeling, that knowing.

So know the difference between ‘real’ procrastination (sorry, no link here) and listening to your body, to the Universe, to God. And make time to stop, to relax, if everything in and around you tells you to stop. As there is a reason for that and something better will come out of it if you listen.


The Universe said something like ‘relax’ to me today. And at first I didn’t want to listen, but finally I gave in. And instead of chasing people for meetings I found some very nice people visiting me and had a very nice dinner with a friend in the city later on.

So yes, better listen to the Universe, like when you feel tired and just know you need rest.

So also right now it is time to relax a bit more.

Tomorrow more.