I have entered a strange virtual reality recently, mainly because if my virtual private cabinet, but also because I get many answers by just closing my eyes and just ‘listening’. So tonight I had this meeting with my my virtual private cabinet, and indeed, as Napoleon Hill indicates, the members have their own personality and answer and do as they please. And of course I don’t know if my mind is playing tricks on me by just giving answers and showing behavior that it presumes belongs to the specific person, but it is strange indeed that I am getting answers that I can’t imagine just coming from my own mind, from my own imagination. The strangest thing I heard was Bill Gates saying he didn’t know anything about money. And yes, I know I didn’t make him an official member of my my virtual private cabinet, but I think he was and somehow he is standing on the right side behind Gandhi, so he was present, but not fully.
Ah, and why this virtual private cabinet? Well, I guess because I had and still have problems getting one or more Master Mind groups together for my projects. And a few days ago, when I again encountered Napoleon Hill’s story about his virtual private cabinet, it came to my mind that his own Master Mind could have no more or less than his own virtual private cabinet. And the more I think about it, this may be just a way for me to have something like a Master Mind, as in real life I can’t seem to realize this.
And yes, if it is true that I am really a bit like Napoleon Hill this may just be a way for us to get the cooperation and feedback we need (or needed in the case of Napoleon Hill). And Napoleon Hill never mentions in his book anything about his own Master Mind, but he does mention his own virtual private cabinet. So they may just be the same. And the same may be true for you.