Big dreams

Today I searched for ‘inspirational quote big’ and found and sent the quote “If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough.” from Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. And I chose it because today I got a bit scared, as it seems my biggest idea, my biggest project, or actually projects, seem to come alive. As one of the people I was talking to today was thinking about how to implement all the things I have in mind. And I felt scared because my dream is so big that nobody, or at least not people in their right mind, would dream that big.

But somehow I have been able to at least have people think about what I have in mind, and it seems more and more people are kind of supporting the idea. And I have no clue how this should all come together as I don’t even have the budget to fly to Manila or something, but somehow people seem to believe in the idea and consider it possible.

But yes, if Napoleon Hill is right, the the deepest downfalls can result in big things, big dreams, as everything I am working on right now goes back to about two years ago when my life fell apart for the second time and I even considered committing suicide. As I felt like I had nothing left, no friends, no business, no customers, no income, no money, no nothing. And looking back the strange thing is that at that time things came to me, like the book Think and Grow Rich, that somehow got my attention in a way that I started working from it. And I still feel a bit embarrassed about how I got it, the person I got it from, as I have some very bad memories related to that person. But it seems indeed that God or the Universe has strange ways to achieve things, as somehow things seem to start to come together right now, even though I don’t feel really successful yet and the financial success I am still looking for seems still far away.

But yes, somehow I started believing in the Principles of Success, so somehow my subconscious has taken up the idea that I can really get what I want and that I don’t even really need to do the effort for it, that I don’t need to do it all alone, something I felt I had to all my life, until recently. And those thoughts go back to Abraham Hicks, who indeed points to the Law of Attraction, some kind of law in the Universe where you indeed just have to think, have to feel what you want, and it will just come to you.

And looking back right now it is indeed a weird mix of all kind of things, like desire and belief and dreaming big. And somehow indeed action and persistence, but I can also confirm that it seems only inspired action works and that forcing things hardly ever or never work. And yes, somehow also autosuggestion works, but also there, only if you are really serious and defined about what you want.

And no, I’m not there yet. And yes, looking back one of the main things or maybe even the main or only things is something like self confidence. As somehow I am much more confident in what I want and what I do, as I don’t mind so much anymore what other people think, as it is my life and they are my dreams.

And yes, I was a bit scared today of what I have set in motion. But somehow it is also a very good feeling and makes me, again, more confident that anything is possible and that the things I have in mind have a good chance of becoming reality.

So yes, I can certainly recommend that you buy the book Think and Grow Rich and start working from it. Or any other book that suits you, helps you gain more confidence. As it seems that is the road to success.

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