Tag Archives: Thinking

Like cells in a body

I have been thinking a lot about humans and humanity and about the similarity of human cells in a body compared to humans in a, yes, what? And the question is of course if there is some kind of higher consciousness than ‘human’. And indeed, how would humans fit into that than? We all like to think we are unique, but if I look around I see humans, and many other things and creatures, just acting in the world like cells and all kinds of things in the body.

The strange thing however still is that humans distinguish something like ‘good’ and ‘bad’, which the more I think about it is a crazy idea. As ‘things’, including ‘living things’ just are what they are. And somehow the human mind, the human consciousness seems to have created some kind of concept of ‘good’ and ‘bad’. And it’s everywhere, in religions and I guess also in philosophy, although I am basically only familiar with the christian religion as that’s what I grew up with. But especially there, at the start, there is something like a higher consciousness, a God, who made humans ‘in his own image’ or something. And the story of creation in Genesis is indeed about the human ‘fall’ understanding ‘good’ and ‘bad’, meaning becoming like God, like the higher being, like the higher consciousness.

But then what is this higher consciousness? And how do humans fit into that? Are humans really unique or do also have cells in a body some kind of consciousness?

And all of this is related to something I thought about our financial system at the moment, where I think things are ‘wrong’, or maybe better stated, are not working, at least not for me and for many other people. So I was wondering if the cells in a body also have some kind of paying system. And my first thinking was ‘no’, as I never heard of anything like that. As it seems the cells in a body just seem to work together to create something like the ‘higher being’ man. Or, while writing, animal. And they just seem to do what they are supposed to do, nothing more, nothing less, without any apparent payment or ‘feeling bad’ or ‘feeling good’.

And yes, behind all this, behind this post is also the thinking of Abraham Hicks, that everything has a ‘preference’, that everything has a choice. And yes, that’s also what The Matrix is all about, the problem of choice. And that’s what also the bible and probably other religions are also about.

Anyhow, what I was thinking was if we couldn’t look at the cells in our body cooperating with each other and with the ‘higher being’, the human, to create, well, the human. As that system seems to be a much more cooperative system than ‘humans’ and ‘the world’. But of course I cannot be sure, as how would I find out if the cells in my body are happy or sad? They apparently exist on a different level of consciousness than I am, similar to probably consciousnesses on higher levels than humans.

Or are we just on the road to something ‘higher’? Is that why so many people feel ‘bad’, why so many people are unhappy?

As indeed, I believe happiness and cooperation are the key, are the things that should be. And not unhappiness or separation.

So yes, let’s look more how the cells and the body do all this. how they relate to each other and try to make life easier for all.

Fun things

So I learned how to plan and how to be (more) disciplined. But what I probably have to learn is to plan fun things, things that make me happy, things that I enjoy. As I see more and more that I just seem to see life as a list of things I have to do. And yes, I have learned to see that everything a human being does is a choice, so I know I choose to do those things, to put so much obligations onto myself.

And again I think of my mother, like yesterday or so. As she also always or mostly seems to focus on others, on helping and supporting others. Meaning she feels like she has nothing for herself and indeed also doesn’t have anything for herself.

So what happened to me, as I did have my part of fun things. But the last few years, when the money was gone, I didn’t feel like doing fun things anymore, as I just can’t afford. And the stupid thing is that I basically gave everything to my partner, gave in to all the demands and wishes of my partner. And yes, of course I enjoy the TV and the new refrigerator. But I would have never bought those myself, I would have spent my money differently, spending less on a TV and less on a refrigerator, and more on, yes, on what? Yes, travel I guess. And maybe renovating the house. And a new motorcycle.

And yes, when you have given everything away you feel drained and indeed are no fun to be with anymore. But I also still don’t see why I wouldn’t give my partner everything he wants. As that is also what I would like to happen. And they say something like you reap what you sow, so somehow I sowed something else than I thought.

So what did I sow? And how can I sow better? And what did you sow? And are you happy with what you are reaping?


I still feel guilty,especially about my financial situation and that I can’t stop my partner from spending money we don’t have, that should go back to where it came from. But somehow it doesn’t make sense, as looking back I wouldn’t know how I should have done it differently. And I didn’t make myself, at least that’s what I believe. So how can I be guilty? Something like how can a dog be guilty or how can a stone be guilty. Or even a molecule. So somehow we humans are different from anything else, although somehow dogs, animals can feel guilty as far as I know. And thinking further, guilt seems to be something like violating rights of others. As that’s what dog-guilt is about I guess. As I presume a dog only feels guilty towards humans, when he or she does something against the rules of humans, of the higher species, the higher power.

And thinking further again, guilt seems to be something like violating the rules of the group. So in that respect it is about the survival of the group. And I guess that’s what human guilt is also all about, the guilt we are taught to feel when violating the rules.

But then were does conscience come in? Is there also something like violating your own rules? But again, thinking about dogs and stones, does that make any sense?

And going back to my financial stuff, am I still doing harm? Yes, I live in a big house and I allow my partner to overspend, spend money that I borrowed, that I am responsible for. But the consequences of leaving the house are unimaginable. And I wouldn’t really know how that would improve things, although of course if the house my debts could be paid off and I would be clean towards my debtors. And I want to stay with my partner. And I know somehow he is blackmailing me and controlling me with anger, with violence.

But the basic problem is still income, other people willing to pay me, somehow, or pay me for what I do, for work I do. And somehow there are too many of ‘me’, too many people, too much capacity to do the things other people need, other people are willing to pay for.

So while writing I keep asking myself if I indeed should sell the house, pay off my debts and live in a cheaper place and live a cheaper lifestyle. And based on the rules I grew up with, based on the law I should do that. And even my conscience agrees with it.

But still something inside of me says that I shouldn’t do that. As it doesn’t really solve anything. And while writing this I am starting to think that it would make things worse. As it would mean somehow that I would give up, would never work again, would never do anything anymore.

Recognize anything?

Persistence again

Happy SunWell, today was about persistence again as it seemed that everything that could go wrong did go wrong, even until fifteen minutes ago.

And I am still wondering if this is what all successful people seem to say, that you just need to go on until you’re there, no matter what.

So right now I am kind of asking myself if I’m successful. And somehow I am, as I am writing this post which is something I wanted to do today. And I just worked a little on the tools page, the part of the site that is going to give value to the site in the form of some kind of service. And I did do some work today, also something I planned. And in the mean time my biggest desire, my greatest dream, the impossible thing that I wanted to happen seems to start happening. So yes, somehow I am successful.

But some part of the success is still missing and I have no clue how to get there. And that is still the financial success I am looking for. And that type of success has different stages, where as of the moment somehow my biggest issue is that I have debts that don’t suit me and that I never expected to have. And somehow I just had some kind of discussion about abundance with someone in Facebook where she was pointing out that abundance comes from cost cutting. But to me abundance is about things coming to you and that is quite the opposite to cutting, cutting anything.

And yes, thinking from reason and what everybody believes you would get richer financially by living within your means and indeed cost cutting if you are living beyond your means or want to save for the future. But thinking from the ideas of Abraham Hicks and the Law of Attraction cost cutting wouldn’t bring you anywhere, except from, indeed, cost cutting, not using stuff. And yes, also Napoleon Hill states that living beyond your means will get you in trouble, will be an issue on the road to success, on the way to financial success.

But looking at myself just working hard also doesn’t bring you anywhere in the end. I used to have some very good jobs and made quite some money, and yes, I saved a lot. And most of my life I have been very frugal and that also brought me to the point where I had quite some money in the bank. And in that period I also spent a lot, on holidays and all kinds of nice stuff.

But in the end it didn’t bring me anywhere. And looking back somehow I was going on ‘strength’, not on ‘feeling’. And from that feeling I went down. Yes, indeed, very slowly, but down I went. But recently I go more from feeling and with that it seems I am going up, no matter how frustrated I am with my financial situation. But up I went, at least emotionally and as a person.

So as of the moment I don’t know for sure what to believe, what to do, how to choose between abundance and cost cutting.

So looking forward to your thoughts.

Cold weather

Today’s post is inspired by a friend of mine who is visiting us at the moment. And the subject cold weather is a bit strange to me as being Dutch cold weather has nothing inspiring to me as the Dutch normally associate cold weather with temperatures below twenty degrees Celsius and with moist or rainy weather that in general quite unpleasant in countries like The Netherlands. But my friend kind of insisted that she considered cold weather quite inspirational or is even inspired by cold weather and when thinking a bit further of course I also knew why.

As my friend is from The Philippines where it is normally quite hot, hotter than most Philippine people like, opposite to the Dutch in The Netherlands. So in The Philippines cold weather is related to cool weather, cooler weather than ‘hot’, where hot means that you can’t do so much and would like to have air conditioning to make the temperature a bit more comfortable than the common ‘hot’. And yes, Philippine people often like cooler areas to relax, to have holiday, to enjoy a weekend or so and where cooler to me has no association with cold, of course Philippine people would associate cold, especially when related to weather, with cool weather, weather that is agreeable opposite to ‘hot’, something like twenty five degrees Celsius that I would also consider a nice ‘cool’ temperature.

So this whole thing made me think that ‘cold’ is really relative and that ‘cold weather’ can mean many things to people like either nice or positive or not so nice or negative. It is indeed a matter of perspective, of where you come from or what association you have with a certain word or condition.

And the message I wanted to pass in this post is that we have to be very careful in interpreting things, interpreting things other people say or mean, as we may fully misunderstand what is being said, what is being conveyed just by words that have a fully different meaning to us than to the other person.

And also that my first association with ‘cold’ in general is negative, because somehow I prefer ‘warm’ over ‘cold’. But only in certain situations, for certain things. As of course I would want my ice cream cold, ice cold and not warm. And I want my refrigerator or freezer also cold. And indeed, when it’s too hot outside I would also want it cooler or want to use air conditioning.

So again, it’s all in the mind, in the thoughts we have when hearing a certain word, a certain sound.

So be careful how to interpret things, whether it is from what others say or whether they are just thoughts in our own mind. As it is all a matter of perspective, of perception.