Tag Archives: Happiness

Home safely

Well, I decided to skip to write on Saturday as I was at a wedding of a family member quite far away, something I don’t do lightly, but the trip was quite far.

And right now I just arrived home from that trip, that was also a bit a trip to bond with the family and my partner.

So I think it’s enough for now, but I guess the weekend gave me enough inspiration for writing here with some more inspiring stuff the rest of the week.

So hope to see you tomorrow here.

Like cells in a body

I have been thinking a lot about humans and humanity and about the similarity of human cells in a body compared to humans in a, yes, what? And the question is of course if there is some kind of higher consciousness than ‘human’. And indeed, how would humans fit into that than? We all like to think we are unique, but if I look around I see humans, and many other things and creatures, just acting in the world like cells and all kinds of things in the body.

The strange thing however still is that humans distinguish something like ‘good’ and ‘bad’, which the more I think about it is a crazy idea. As ‘things’, including ‘living things’ just are what they are. And somehow the human mind, the human consciousness seems to have created some kind of concept of ‘good’ and ‘bad’. And it’s everywhere, in religions and I guess also in philosophy, although I am basically only familiar with the christian religion as that’s what I grew up with. But especially there, at the start, there is something like a higher consciousness, a God, who made humans ‘in his own image’ or something. And the story of creation in Genesis is indeed about the human ‘fall’ understanding ‘good’ and ‘bad’, meaning becoming like God, like the higher being, like the higher consciousness.

But then what is this higher consciousness? And how do humans fit into that? Are humans really unique or do also have cells in a body some kind of consciousness?

And all of this is related to something I thought about our financial system at the moment, where I think things are ‘wrong’, or maybe better stated, are not working, at least not for me and for many other people. So I was wondering if the cells in a body also have some kind of paying system. And my first thinking was ‘no’, as I never heard of anything like that. As it seems the cells in a body just seem to work together to create something like the ‘higher being’ man. Or, while writing, animal. And they just seem to do what they are supposed to do, nothing more, nothing less, without any apparent payment or ‘feeling bad’ or ‘feeling good’.

And yes, behind all this, behind this post is also the thinking of Abraham Hicks, that everything has a ‘preference’, that everything has a choice. And yes, that’s also what The Matrix is all about, the problem of choice. And that’s what also the bible and probably other religions are also about.

Anyhow, what I was thinking was if we couldn’t look at the cells in our body cooperating with each other and with the ‘higher being’, the human, to create, well, the human. As that system seems to be a much more cooperative system than ‘humans’ and ‘the world’. But of course I cannot be sure, as how would I find out if the cells in my body are happy or sad? They apparently exist on a different level of consciousness than I am, similar to probably consciousnesses on higher levels than humans.

Or are we just on the road to something ‘higher’? Is that why so many people feel ‘bad’, why so many people are unhappy?

As indeed, I believe happiness and cooperation are the key, are the things that should be. And not unhappiness or separation.

So yes, let’s look more how the cells and the body do all this. how they relate to each other and try to make life easier for all.

A good day

Today I think was a good day, even though I found that the problem with my new hard disk is bigger than I thought.

But I can still work and most of the data is just there, even though I prefer to have some more safety like copies of all my important files and such.

But well, that is what all my safety is for, for situations like this. And it should be possible to move for a while without all the safety in place I would want to.

So yes, a good day.


I was very down today, and it started earlier this week when I gave in to my partner to invest again in some business venture of him, meaning we again have virtually nothing left, not even to pay our daily needs, while I just got going to stick with spending the money that is coming in. But the last decision was also kind of impossible to stick to anyhow as I decided to pay my health insurance and as basically not much money came in this month as a few customer projects have been delayed.

And somehow I see myself doing things over and over again, things that don’t seem to work. So I feel very tense and feel guilty about that, especially towards my partner, as I have the feeling he just wants me to be happy. But who doesn’t want to be happy?

And yes, some things are fun, like the progress of my new large crazy project, where I get some replies and there seem to be people supporting the idea. And my partner seems to be moving back to me, even though, again, there is money involved, money going to him, from me.

And today there was actually good news, as the damage related to a hard disk that broke down in one of my main computers was kind of limited, even though I can’t use a major database and I probably lost quite some movies.

So no real reason to feel so bad, except, yes, no money again. And actually that affects me a lot, as we can’t do shopping as usual, I can’t go out and indeed, we still don’t have a car or a new motorcycle, so it’s a bit of a hassle to go out, visit friends and such, even though as of the moment a friends car is available as she left it with my partner as she doesn’t need it right now.

Ah, yes, and nothing of the tricks I know, especially from Abraham Hicks, seems to work, like finding something to be happy about, finding something to be grateful about. But maybe indeed stick also with the idea that sometimes you are just limited in the areas of feeling range. Sometimes you are just stuck in an area where there is no real happiness, no real relaxation. Just tension and less tension. So maybe just look for the ‘less tension’.

Ah, and I didn’t even write the post I wanted to write. As I just wanted to write that I also need to change something with how to deal with Inspiration for Success, with this website. As I don’t feel I’m inspiring. And I’m certainly not inspired.

Somthing changed, somehow

Something changed, somehow. And I’m not fully sure if it will bring me happiness, but probably (some) success. As today I was sick and somehow still went to work and finished my daily to-do list. And even some more things. So somehow the habit I developed related to planning and discipline seems to be very strong.

And don’t get me wrong, I didn’t even force myself. On the contrary actually, as I took quite some breaks and at a certain moment just stopped. And at a certain moment I even felt like I had a lot of time left today, kind of unusual, as normally I often feel I don’t have time enough on a day, even if I didn’t plan so many things, like also today.

And no, I was not really ill, as to have to stay in bed, but just have a cold or something. So I could do the things I had planned for today. And the strange thing is that after Friday, when I missed my planning, which was a big deal for me, I missed another item on my planning on Saturday. A small item, that I kind of did half, but nonetheless, I missed it. And it worried me a bit, but somehow when I found out and also today I feel that I have a lot more confidence, confidence that I won’t let go anymore of this system of planning and discipline.

And even more strange is that today I even improved my planning further, like putting my pile of papers in a folder, where I was amazed that I finished my little goals that I had planned for June 14, 2014 or so already finished.

And no, I am still not really happy, there are still some major things in my life that I would like to see changed before I can feel really happy (again). But somehow these things I learned over the last one and a half year make that I feel that I have more control over my life. And yes, that even gave me some more happiness today.

But I think the main thing I gained was a lot of self confidence. And that was probably the main thing lacking in my life.

And don’t forget these things didn’t come easy. It all started with the deepest down in my life and from there started with ‘just’ making the bed. But the last I did every day, ever since. And that’s what me often keeps me going if I am down. So
please start small.