Sample principles of success

When would I consider myself successful

I wanted to give the page success a bit more body and found out that I need to state a bit more what I would consider successful for myself. Related to my sample goal for this website of course it would be easy to state just here something like ‘when I have reached that goal’, so 1 million hits per month for this site and 1 million dollar trough this site in October 2013.

My road towards success

Well, I am organizing my journey to success according to the Principles of Success:

  1. My desire.
  2. My Faith.
  3. My Auto-suggestion.
  4. My Specialized Knowledge.
  5. My Imagination.
  6. My planning.
  7. My decision.
  8. My persistence.
  9. My Master Mind.
  10. My Sex Transmutation.
  11. My Subconscious Mind.
  12. My Brain.
  13. My Sixth Sense.
  14. My indecision, my doubt and my fear.

Score of Guus


And let’s do my own exercise, ranking in what I’m good at and what not. The lowest ranking I guess I should work on.

And please keep in mind this is not really intended as a ‘score’ like improving. It’s more meant as an analysis tool, like ‘where do I stand’.

Score October 2, 2013

Well, time to update as the team is complete with five team members as I intended although I did not manage to induce them to do the I wanted and expected, but it seems my next principle of success to work on is planning. And that also relates to the team effort, as I did not set a clear road map.

Let’s check the score.

Principle Score Remarks
Desire  7 I know what I want and yesterday when I was kind of angry with the team I felt a bit like ‘I’m going to do it, not matter what’, so I’ll increase the score for desire from 6 to 7.
Faith  6  I do believe anything can be done and I even have recent proof of impossible things that I have realized. No real change on this since last time I checked, so I’ll leave this at 6.
Auto Suggestion  4 I did not put enough attention to auto suggestion recently, so I’ll decrease the score from 5 to 4. That’s what i wrote last time. And nothing changed, so this is something to work on and I’ll keep the score.
Specialized knowledge  5 I’m learning, so I’ll increase my score from 5 to 6.
Imagination  6 Was too bad on myself last time. Let’s make it 6 from 5.
Planning  5 I’ll increase from 4 to 5 as I made this my main focus, so realization is moving to action.
Decision  7 I know what it’s about and i have improved a lot before. I don’t always put enough emphasis I think, but I’ll just leave the score for now, even though my performance dropped a bit.
 Persistence  7 Improving here, so I’ll make it 7 from 6.
Master Mind  6 Master mind is OK related to feedback from the team, cooperation like a team. But the ‘working team type thing’ I need is not yet there, even though it’s moving a little bit. Just leave 6.
Sex transmutation  5 Not sure what to put here. I’m a bit lost with this. I’ll just leave 5.
Subconscious mind 5 I see things happening, feel things happening. Have still some issues with controlling my thoughts, moving them from negative to positive. I’ll just leave the 5 for now.
 Brain  ?  Need to check the book what the principle means again.
 Sixth Sense  6 I am listening to my inner self a lot more and mostly follow it. And it seems to pay off. Sufficient for now, so I’ll just put 6.
 Indecision, doubt and fear 5 I have been ruled by negative emotions a lot lately and couldn’t turn them around, couldn’t change my thoughts. I’ll just leave 5 for now.

Score September 10, 2013

Well, long time since I, Guus, updated this or actually I never did. Reason to update is that I believe that I made big progress on my weakest point: Master Mind or ‘team’ so it is time to celebrate some progress, even though I am far from the especially financial success I’m looking for. In my feeling I also made progress on decision and discipline and I learned a bit more on the real meaning of e.g. persistence.

Principle Score Remarks
Desire  6  I know what I want, but I don’t have the right feeling (anymore?). WRiting this helps, so I increased my score from 5 to 6.
Faith  6  I do believe anything can be done and I even have recent proof of impossible things that I have realized. And somehow I don’t have faith related to finance, money. Writing this I feel I made progress, so I increased my score from 5 to 6.
Auto Suggestion  4 I did not put enough attention to auto suggestion recently, so I’ll decrease the score from 5 to 4.
Specialized knowledge  5 I realize I lack specialized knowledge in especially planning and management, so I decrease my score from 6 to 5.
Imagination  5 I think I could use my imagination a lot more, so I’ll decrease the score from 7 to 5.
Planning  4 I realize more and more how important planning is, especially actions without planning. So I think I improved here in realization, but the score is still far below what it needs to be, so I’ll leave the 4 for now.
Decision  7 I have improved a lot on decision, especially making them and sticking to them. Sometimes I don’t stick to decisions or don’t make a decision to actually change the decision, so I’ll increase this from 5 to 7 and not higher, even though I made big progress here.
 Persistence  6 I have to decrease this from 9 to 6 as persistence is something else than being stubborn. I just re-read the chapter on persistence and it needs a lot of fine tuning in my case.
Master Mind  6 I focused on this and it paid off, as I think I am at ‘sufficient’ level, so I can increase to 6.
Sex Transmutation  5 I am more honest to myself and show more honestly who I am, so I think I improved here. Still not at par I think, so I’ll leave the 5.
Subconscious Mind 5 Want to work on this, see also the remarks on Autosuggestion.
 Brain  ?  Need to check the book what the principle means again.
 Sixth Sense  6 I am listening to my inner self a lot more and mostly follow it. And it seems to pay off. Sufficient for now, so I’ll just put 6.
 Indecision, doubt and fear 5 I am making decisions more consciously, but I am often still ruled by doubt and fear.

Original score (date to be checked, presumbably mid April 2013).

Principle Score Remarks
 Desire  5  I know what I want, but sometimes i lose the feeling with it as things are not going as i want to.
 Faith  5  I do believe, but sometimes I lose the connection with it.
 Auto Suggestion  5  I can do this and it’s part of the reason why this site is here, but sometimes i don’t have the discipline to work on it as i think is necessary. This all goes back to fear.
 Specialized knowledge  6  I do have a lot of specialized knowledge for this goal, but I may underestimate the additional knowledge needed. Basically the last goes back to the Master Mind principle.
 Imagination  7  I guess I have a strong imagination, although sometimes i lose connection with it and can’t ‘see’ anymore what my desire is. Although the last I guess would be more like visualization or auto-suggestion.
 Planning  4  I think I often mix goals and actions. My current thinking is that you cannot plan goals, you can only plan actions. My doubt is about not reaching goals according to plan, like how can you make sure to arrive at the goal. Or according to the book: how to make a sound plan.
 Decision  5  I am learning here, to make better decisions and stick with them.
 Persistence  9  I am very persistent, but it may be too much. Need to check.
 Master Mind  1  I think connecting to other people and finding and giving support is my biggest issue. Basically this weakness also is behind going public, although behind that is also my ‘playing the victim‘ issue.
 Sex Transmutation  5 I’d rather keep the remarks private.
 Subconscious Mind  ?  Well, I do see things happen, but am often in doubt about hunches.
 Brain  ?  Need to check the book what the principle means again.
 Sixth Sense  7   Well, I do see things happen, but am often in doubt about hunches.
 Indecision, doubt and fear  N/A  I am starting to see how this works, like why it is important to make decisions. As i am very emotional and impulsive I have to be careful though to make decisions too fast.

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