Tag Archives: Hope

The ghost of fear of poverty

Recently I have been visited by the ghost of fear, especially the ghost of fear of poverty and believe me, it was no fun. And part of the last few days I have been feeling terrified and it indeed confirmed what I read in the last chapter of Think and Grow Rich: “The Six Ghosts of Fear”.

And I can confirm that the fear of poverty paralyzes the faculty of reason, destroys the faculty of imagination, kills off self reliance, undermines enthusiasm, discourages initiative, leads to uncertainty of purpose, encourages procrastination, wipes out enthusiasm and makes self control an impossibility. It takes the charm from one’s personality, destroys the possibility of accurate thinking, diverts concentration of effort, it masters persistence, turns the will-power into nothingness, destroys ambition, beclouds the memory and invites failure in every conceivable form; it kills love and assassinates the finer emotions of the heart, discourages friendship and invites disaster in a hundred forms, leads to sleeplessness, misery and unhappiness. As this is how I felt the last few days. And it was not just fear, I felt just terrified.

And I guess there is a reason that I felt this way, felt terrified most of the time the last few days. As I know I have done a lot of the things described in Think and Grow Rich, if not all, and it was just all gone, nothing was left but misery. And I thought I was well on the way to success, but apparently I have not mastered controlling fear, the six ghosts of fear, meaning that I still have work to do. So yes, there must be a reason this is the last chapter in the book, maybe the most important chapter in the book, as you can know everything about the Principles of Success and apply that knowledge, but when overtaken by fear everything just goes down the drain in a split second.

So maybe no wonder that I wanted to avoid the subject fear by just writing about positive things. As apparently my fear didn’t want to be found, didn’t want to be seen, so it could thrive or develop itself in the more hidden parts of my mind.

But somehow, somewhere today, or maybe yesterday, I realized that often reading in Think and Grow Rich gives me answers when I’m lost, when I don’t know anymore. And somehow I ended up reading the stuff I just copied above. And I forced myself to copy it by reading the text in the book and writing it, as to have an additional way of directing my brain towards the overcoming of fear, knowledge about fear.

And the solution is also given: fear is an enemy and in order to master it you need to analyze it, know everything about it, get after the truth, no matter the cost. And yes, somehow I am scared, have always been scared of the sentence to go after the truth about myself, the truth especially the weaknesses. I feared the sentence to be the court and the jury, be the prosecuting attorney and the attorney for the defense, that I am the plaintiff and the defendant. And the worst, that I am on trial.

So I wanted to start with answering the questions in the chapter about fear here, in this site, but while writing this now it feels like I first have to set up the court, the courtroom and the people in it, an imaginable courtroom and an imaginable jury, prosecuting attorney, attorney for the defense. And maybe be the judge, but maybe find someone else for that role, as suggested in the book.

And strange, I was crying a lot while writing the above. And there is also hope, it is not all negative, as there is also an attorney for the defense. And a judge, who should be fair. And a jury, who would take into account weaknesses, take into account I am only human.

And somehow I am relieved, as this IS the last chapter of the book. And I am there, I arrived, almost at the end. And I also still see myself going downstream, even though it is scary and very fast. But also exciting, event though, strangely enough, I am tempted to go back to the upstream part, as that is familiar and crowded.

But no, when thinking of the downstream I also feel excited, something like going to an easier life, a live in abundance, a life with riches, a life with a lot of money, a life that is a lot easier and full of joy.

So yes, somehow I am still making progress, even though it feels my financial situation only got worse. But somehow I know this is the end of the misery, the beginning of joy, the beginning of freedom the beginning of life.

The other side of the river

In Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill writes somewhere about a river, where one side is going ‘down’ towards poverty and the other side is going ‘up’ towards riches. And that image has been stuck in my mind for quite a while. And the strange thing is that until last night I always saw myself ‘in between’, in between the down current and the up current, trying to struggle myself from the down current to the up current. And last night I just felt myself in the up current, all alone, like in the stories that say that the top of the ladder is very empty, where the bottom is very crowded. And it was even more empty than I thought, but it felt good, even though I felt a bit scared as there was so much room and it went pretty fast and I didn’t know where it was going. But it felt good and next to the fear I actually felt excited.

And the strange thing is that in my real life nothing really changed. Actually it got worse, as right now I don’t have any income and debtors are coming after me, which never happened before. So is this then the ‘beyond’ I also read about? That success is ‘beyond’ the worst thing you thought could ever happen? But it also doesn’t feel like that, as somehow I am not scared anymore and somehow I am very scared. And somehow I am numb and somehow I am just, well, not sure how to phrase that.

So somehow exciting times, even though it is somehow worse than ever. And somehow beyond fear. But also beyond sadness, as I am far beyond what my original (and current) conscience approves of.

What a day

Wow, what a day was today. And I have no clue why it feels different as I didn’t do so much different things than I usually do. But I did finish the start of the software that enables the management and display of the (evaluation) of inspirational sites and motivational sites. And that was something I had looked forward to for quite a while, as especially the page top inspirational sites has become quite a chaos that I think is not of much use to readers unless they are willing to spend a little time to read through the rubbish and find the more interesting stuff. But the basis stands and I am very happy with that.

And yes, next to that there may be a little hope that finally my personal life, my life will improve, even though I am a little skeptical with that. Anyhow, the reason is that since two months or so I am participating in a group of Codependents Anonymous and this is the first time in my life I see a glimmer of hope to turn my life around for the good. As it seems I’m not the only one feeling like I feel and doing things that don’t work and it seems a twelve step program may be the solution for the change I have been longing for for so long.

And no, I certainly don’t want to create the impression that twelve step programs have anything to do with achieving success or inspiring people, but if you have the same feeling like me, a feeling I have had for a very, very long time, that you have done everything and nothing seems to work, then you may want to look into something like that. But only then, and not if you are just stuck in a ‘normal’ way.

So well, yes, it seems my start of 2015 is good and that is a feeling I have not had in a very long time. And it feels good.


I feel completely empty. Meaning something like I have no clue what to write here today, meaning something I have inspiration, zero. And that is strange, as mostly when I start to write here I just start and a subject to start with comes quite easy, even though often the subject changes when I am writing.

But right now nothing, nada, zero. So I could write about the meeting I had this afternoon with someone who seems as determined, as dedicated as I think I am. And time will tell if I’m right, but he seems to have the right attitude, a feeling I had when I met him the first time and he shared his idea with me.

And strange, as we only met twice now, but it might just be we complement each other and could pull this off.

Time will tell, but I’m very hopeful, maybe for the first time in my life.

Another day has passed

Another day has passed and it is late again. And yes, I did some useful things for Inspiration for Success lately, even today, as e.g. I changed the categories into tags in my personal blog. And I think last Saturday I added two sites to the page about top inspirational sites. And just now I added a paragraph about not so inspirational sites on that page, even though after writing it I realized it was kind of a negative paragraph and I try to avoid negative things.

But right now, with this post, with my daily post, I am still confused and a bit lost how to continue with it. As I want it to be inspirational and not some kind of complaining diary, even though while writing this that is kind of the origin of my daily writing of a post in this site. As I wanted to take you with me on my journey to success, so you would know how I got there, through all my struggles and doubts and such. I wanted you to find my site, my writing based on what I am going through, or was going through, as when you read this of course today and my current situation are past history.

So where do I stand with this, with my journey towards success? In my feeling not that good, as I still don’t have money, my business is still not doing well and my relationship could also still be better. But on the other hand, ‘only’ two years have passed since my deepest down in life, since I had the feeling I had nothing left, no relationship, no money, no friends, no place to stay, no nothing. But even though in a more material way I didn’t make any progress, in a spiritual way I did. As somehow my mindset changed and somehow I developed self confidence. And I am wore aware of my negativity, my negative thoughts and feelings, meaning I have developed awareness of those things and that means again that I can change them, control them. As indeed, the start with those things is awareness, as of course if you’re not aware of how negative your thoughts are and how negative (or positive) thoughts influence or even define your life, you can’t make changes.

So yes, I made quite some progress. But still, if I compare myself with Justin Bieber or Leonar DiCaprio or Steven Spielberg(?!) or many other people who became famous or rich at a relative young age, then I am far behind. Ah, and of course I forget people like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg. And I guess these people are exceptions, just being fortunate enough to be somehow priviliged being born at the right time, being at the right place at the right time with the right skills and meeting the right people and such.

And don’t get me wrong, this is not contrary to the Principles of Success I am writing about. As these principles say that you somehow can create your own break, meet your own right people and be in the right place at the right time. Except for the average person that may take a little longer than for those famous people who did something very fast or at very young age. It may take up to twenty or thirty years for the bigger kinds of dreams and successes and this figure is mentioned by Napoleon Hill himself, but also e.g. by Seth Godin.

So well, I guess there is hope, for you as well as for me, if you did not achieve the success you are looking for yet. Even though once I was taught ‘there is no hope’, which I guess is very true. Again, confirmed by Napoleon Hill and many, most or all successful people. As Napoleon Hill states that ‘there is no such thing like something for nothing’ and most famous and successful work or have worked very hard to get where they are. And no, I don’t believe in ‘hard work’. On the contrary, as there were periods in my life where I worked very hard and very long. And it did bring me money, quite a bit, but certainly no lasting success.

So right now I believe more in doing what you love and following your heart. And then the ‘work’ goes by itself.

So listen to your heart first, if you didn’t do that yet.