Tag Archives: Time to relax


I was enjoying an evening out with friends and I was thinking about my daily posts. And that it would be probably very late when I would come home and that I had to choose between discipline and, well, yes what. Failure I guess. So I kind of decided not to write my daily posts, but I arrived earlier home than expected and decided still to write something here, although I want to keep it short. And yes, I knew what the subject would be: flexibility. As discipline is good, but I think we should allow ourselves every now and then to skip something, to do something more important, like being with friends, going out with friends.

And writing the last I still see the success video I saw quite a while ago, that video emphasizing doing all the work when others have fun. And yes, I certainly believe there is a point in that, I certainly believe that success is indeed about discipline and perseverance and such. But I’m not sure if overdoing is the right thing, as that what I sometimes feel I am doing.

So please be relaxed if you skip something some day. As life does not end by not doing your thing, your job or whatever it is you put on yourself. As long as you keep going and not use it as an excuse to not continue.

Just let life happen

Someone posted in Facebook the quote “You can’t control everything. Sometimes you just need to relax and have faith that things will work out. Let go a little and just let life happen“. And I think that is just what I needed to hear. As indeed, it is so little what you can do alone, as one human being. The more I look at it, the more I see that it is really humanity, or maybe ‘life’ that makes things happen. And yes, we are each part of it and we each contribute something to it. But in the bigger picture it is just ‘life’. So relax, let’s relax.

Learning to relax

I was tired the last few days and somehow (or of course) ended up with the following quote that I sent as the daily quote today:

“Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer.”William S. Burroughs

And yes, somehow I have the feeling I am forcing things (again). So maybe just time to relax and wait, as I have all the information I need and many things have been put into place for great things to happen.

So just wait.

Plan the work and work the plan

Wow, today was some day. As I managed to achieve two important things:

  1. Create the very first initial version of the IFS Tools.
  2. Plan a very minimal goal.

And it seems I just finished both, although they were kind of combined. But this being combined was not really intentional. And I am a bit confused right now, as I don’t have a feeling of having achieved something, having achieved something big. And I wrote about that before, as it seems that these kinds of achievements, achievements that require a lot of planning and effort and work, feel like kind of an anticlimax when you finally have achieved them. As I actually just feel tired right now, and even a bit confused. And that’s also what I often see when people achieve an important sports goal, like winning a race. When climbing the, well, whatever the name of the thing is they’re climbing on, they look also mostly just tired, or indeed, maybe also confused. As what I am seeing and experiencing more is that achieving something big just goes in small steps. And I wanted to write today’s post about how I planned for today to achieve a goal, as I want to learn to plan goals, not just activities. And I wanted to start small, so I chose a goal that I thought was very small, the goal of installing the first mini-version of the IFS Tools in this site. As that goal I thought was already practically reached as I had a working version on my local development system. So I planned the last steps, the last activities in detail to achieve the, I thought, very small goal for today: make sure people can register and save and update their definite purpose in https://www.inspiration-for-success.com/. But it was not as easy as I thought, as I am not yet very good with planning activities to make sure I can achieve a certain goal, a certain result. And things often take much more time and effort than I think, so also today. And I tend to deviate from the planning, just do it ‘my own way’, on the fly. But yes, as far as I know I made it. And it’s not perfect and the added value for you I guess is very limited. But I have the technical foundation now and I hope I can extend it very soon to useful tools to help you achieve success, to inspire you.

And no, I don’t feel like celebrating. But somehow I know this is a big day!

And just checking now, and it seems there is still something not okay. Not sure what to do now. Well, I did, as I didn’t reach my goal, the things I planned for today, so no option but to fix, which I did!


Well, somehow today was some kind of resting day. And I didn’t even really plan it, but yesterday or so I saw I had nothing really planned for today (and the next few days). So I added some little items for today yesterday, but just some small stuff, so basically I could do or not do what I wanted to do, without the pressure I still feel with my daily to-do list. And yes, I am still proud of my daily to-do list, as this time, unlike many times before in my life, I know I’m going to do the things that are on it. So it is somehow a different feeling, although until now I can’t really relate it to my definite purpose and other goals yet, making it a bit dull, a bit boring, not exciting like knowing where I am going.

But I still believe it is a step, or actually it are many steps, the things I started and learned since about one and a half year, or almost two years ago now.

And I hope one day I can share that it helped me to achieve real success, to achieve my definite purpose and to achieve some other goals I have in mind. As that indeed might be more convincing than hearing all those things from someone who is not really successful yet. Or am I?