Tag Archives: Time to relax


Well, it doesn’t happen often, but last night I was so tired and so late that I just went to bed and let the daily tasks related to Inspiration for Success for what they were and also my regular meeting with my virtual private cabinet. And thinking about the last, some strange things have happened lately. As the ordering of the seats, the people around the table has changed. And that just happened through the initiative of some people who wanted to sit closer to me, at the head, the end of the table. And while writing it were indeed the stronger personalities who just took their place closer by and kind of forced the other people more to the back. So it is true what Napoleon Hill describes about things like this. That the images you create in your mind kind of come alive by themselves. And yes, I am wondering if there is some real relation with those people related to some remark I read from Napoleon Hill about that.

Ulla and YokYokSo no progress with my self analysis questions as I just wanted to put some photos here I made with my new smartphone, my new camera. And one of the things I always wanted was to have some more photos of the dogs, so I’ll put one next to this paragraph, even though I didn’t make the photos I had in mind. But it is a start and right now it is dark and I noticed the flash is not so strong or something as photos made in the dark are not that clear.

SelfieAnd I tried to make a ‘selfie’, something I heard a lot about, but never did as I didn’t have a suitable device for that. And it doesn’t look that good I think, but I’ll just share it here. And with ‘doesn’t look good’ I mean that apparently I didn’t look in the lens and my eyes are closed, but I have the feeling that has partly to do with that the camera was so close to me and that a flat lens may not be as good as a ‘real’ lens, although apparently technology progresses very fast. And somehow I was pleasantly surprised that this ‘app’ thing I never wanted to deal with is able to put photos I make straight into Dropbox so they are available automatically on my computer shortly after I make them. So there are advantages of a smartphone above a normal camera. I still hope for the normal camera though, although for now I can at least share things more visually.

And no, I don’t really plan to use my smartphone privately, like using Facebook all the time, be online all the time. And for now I pretty well managed, but again, I am making good use of my phone/camera for my business as I was able to support my internet marketing project with posting photos in Facebook.

So well, somehow I am making progress, somehow things are changing, as my main project is going well and as also yesterday I got a payment from a new customer. But yes, all of this made me feel very tired, exhausted even last night. And I am still tired, but slowly getting back to normal.

Self analysis, question 21

Question 21 of the self analysis questions is “Do you neglect internal bathing until auto-intoxication makes you ill-tempered and irritable?”. And while writing it down I realize that also this question is stated a little different than the question that is in my mind. As in my mind is something whether I do internal bathing, but not the idea of neglecting, the prevention.

So yes, I allow myself internal bathing, but normally only when it is too late, when I am already sick or down or ill-tempered or irritable. And this is a similar thing to that I realize that I don’t know how to meditate, or at least I didn’t find a way to meditate, where I realize that all successful people seem to spend quite some time meditating.

But again, planning is not my strength, but yes, this question really makes me think that I need to put more time and effort to internal bathing and meditation as otherwise I will probably not be successful.

So what are small steps? Maybe first somehow include it in my daily planning and maybe just research something about what meditation methods are available so I can find one that suits me. And maybe put a regular reminder about whether I took the time to do some internal bathing.

Just do five

Sunday is my day off, the day I just do things I want, including not writing posts and sending my daily inspirational quote. But normally I do my daily exercise, but today I didn’t feel like it. So I asked my Higher Power, as I often do recently, what to do, but I didn’t get a clear answer. Just something like ‘it doesn’t matter’ or ‘do as you please’. And that answer didn’t satisfy me. And then I remembered something I learned from someone I can’t find the name or website from right now. And that person indicated that if your goal is too big or too far that you can start by doing one percent, imagining one percent. And then increase that every day, so at least you get the feel (and you can talk about it, pretend as if it’s already there fully).

So suddenly it became clear to me what to do: just do five where I normally do twenty. So I did and it felt very good. And next to feeling good to just do my daily exercise, follow my habit, something amazing happened. As I realized that doing five is very easy for me right now. As when I started my daily exercise a few months ago, I could barely do five, as my body was completely out of shape. And today it was just easy, just five.

So when you don’t feel like something, but still want to do it, just do five, or one, or one percent, or whatever feels good to you if it’s not the whole thing, the whole amount. And you’ll be amazed with what you find.

Leave it to the Universe

I never really believed in ‘leaving things to God’ or something. Or I never knew how to do that. But recently it seems I am more able to do that, and the results are amazing, like I am complaining less to other people and often outcomes are just stunning. Like earlier this week I had to wait a long time in the bank and I was a bit annoyed with it. But after leaving the bank I just bumped into some friends who passed by. Or actually they bumped into me. And it was nothing really special meeting them, but it was special realizing that my waiting in the bank had made it possible to meet them, for them to see me and stop and say ‘hi’.

And also today I was a bit annoyed as my partner and a visiting cousin wanted to go to the movie and I actually didn’t want to go as I still had a lot of unfinished things on my daily list. And amazingly the movie was not scheduled yet, so they decided we would not watch a movie. And then again I was a bit annoyed as my partner wanted to buy DVD’s in the city, so another time lost. Or so I thought. But while on the way I remembered I still wanted to see someone to finish a business deal who is often near the place where my partner normally buys DVD’s. So I asked them to drop me, which they did, and you already can guess that the person I wanted to see was there and was available to discuss the things I wanted to discuss.

And again, normally if my partner is at that place, he wants to stay longer than me. But not today, as after one beer he said he wanted to go home as he was tired. And that was also where I wanted to go.

So by just looking up, closing my eyes, and trusting ‘The Universe’ (and  not complaining to others) I got everything I wanted, including some spare time, as I came home and felt kind of sick, interpreting this that it was time to rest and re-plan my unfinished things for today. And again, it really was like it ‘came to me’, the thought it was enough for today, that it was time to be flexible and not stubborn, not stubbornly finish my things until deep in the night.

So amazing what happens, if you let go of the control, if you just leave things to God, to The Universe, and not complain so much anymore. As things then just come to you.

And yes, I remember now, that I got a strong message yesterday or so, that help is on the way. And today I wanted to force that, but something in me said that I just need to trust and wait, and not try to force it. As that just doesn’t work. Which doesn’t mean taking action is wrong or so, or not needed. But indeed, only inspired action seems to work and any uninspired action seems to be doomed to fail.

So yes, take action, but only if you feel like it, only if you feel inspired.


The Universe said something like ‘relax’ to me today. And at first I didn’t want to listen, but finally I gave in. And instead of chasing people for meetings I found some very nice people visiting me and had a very nice dinner with a friend in the city later on.

So yes, better listen to the Universe, like when you feel tired and just know you need rest.

So also right now it is time to relax a bit more.

Tomorrow more.