Tag Archives: Positive thinking

Another day has passed

Another day has passed and it is late again. And yes, I did some useful things for Inspiration for Success lately, even today, as e.g. I changed the categories into tags in my personal blog. And I think last Saturday I added two sites to the page about top inspirational sites. And just now I added a paragraph about not so inspirational sites on that page, even though after writing it I realized it was kind of a negative paragraph and I try to avoid negative things.

But right now, with this post, with my daily post, I am still confused and a bit lost how to continue with it. As I want it to be inspirational and not some kind of complaining diary, even though while writing this that is kind of the origin of my daily writing of a post in this site. As I wanted to take you with me on my journey to success, so you would know how I got there, through all my struggles and doubts and such. I wanted you to find my site, my writing based on what I am going through, or was going through, as when you read this of course today and my current situation are past history.

So where do I stand with this, with my journey towards success? In my feeling not that good, as I still don’t have money, my business is still not doing well and my relationship could also still be better. But on the other hand, ‘only’ two years have passed since my deepest down in life, since I had the feeling I had nothing left, no relationship, no money, no friends, no place to stay, no nothing. But even though in a more material way I didn’t make any progress, in a spiritual way I did. As somehow my mindset changed and somehow I developed self confidence. And I am wore aware of my negativity, my negative thoughts and feelings, meaning I have developed awareness of those things and that means again that I can change them, control them. As indeed, the start with those things is awareness, as of course if you’re not aware of how negative your thoughts are and how negative (or positive) thoughts influence or even define your life, you can’t make changes.

So yes, I made quite some progress. But still, if I compare myself with Justin Bieber or Leonar DiCaprio or Steven Spielberg(?!) or many other people who became famous or rich at a relative young age, then I am far behind. Ah, and of course I forget people like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg. And I guess these people are exceptions, just being fortunate enough to be somehow priviliged being born at the right time, being at the right place at the right time with the right skills and meeting the right people and such.

And don’t get me wrong, this is not contrary to the Principles of Success I am writing about. As these principles say that you somehow can create your own break, meet your own right people and be in the right place at the right time. Except for the average person that may take a little longer than for those famous people who did something very fast or at very young age. It may take up to twenty or thirty years for the bigger kinds of dreams and successes and this figure is mentioned by Napoleon Hill himself, but also e.g. by Seth Godin.

So well, I guess there is hope, for you as well as for me, if you did not achieve the success you are looking for yet. Even though once I was taught ‘there is no hope’, which I guess is very true. Again, confirmed by Napoleon Hill and many, most or all successful people. As Napoleon Hill states that ‘there is no such thing like something for nothing’ and most famous and successful work or have worked very hard to get where they are. And no, I don’t believe in ‘hard work’. On the contrary, as there were periods in my life where I worked very hard and very long. And it did bring me money, quite a bit, but certainly no lasting success.

So right now I believe more in doing what you love and following your heart. And then the ‘work’ goes by itself.

So listen to your heart first, if you didn’t do that yet.

Self confidence, sick, belief?

Yeah, I gained a lot of self confidence lately as you may have read in my recent posts. But despite of what Abraham Hicks says, the last few days I have been very tired, kind of sick, and I can’t get out of that, well, feeling?

So no matter what I tell myself, I just feel, well, kind of sick, tired, gloomy. And yes, I did some things today, made some progress, but didn’t really feel inspired. And on top of that my partner was in ‘blaming mood’, so that didn’t help either.

But yes, I remember Abraham Hicks also said something about being in ‘that’ place. So I guess I am in ‘that’ place and it seems I don’t have any access to places that feel, well, ‘good’ or maybe inspired.

So maybe just accept that I am in ‘that’ place and just wait until it’s over and just try to get to the place I still have access to and that feels ‘best’, for now.

River of poverty, or richess

Tonight in a conversation and the last few days, weeks, the image of the river of poverty/riches as described by Napoleon Hill came into my mind quite a few times. As somehow it feels like I have moved myself or am moving from the down stream side to the up stream side, even though I don’t see any sign of real money coming my way. But somehow I do feel different, somehow I did gain a lot of confidence, self confidence, recently. Somehow I conquered or am conquering my fear or my fears. As right now somehow I am really worried, as right now I don’t have any real income, no actual projects to work on, at least not from Active Discovery, at least not paid. But unlike before the feeling is different. Yes, I do feel a little uncomfortable, but somehow I know I did the right thing, like focusing on customer satisfaction, focusing on the customer, focusing on service. And it did pay off, as a few days ago I got the message from one of my customers, my main customer for the last few months, that his people were very happy with the data entry system that I have built. And keep in mind, this is and was one of the most difficult customers I have ever encountered. And it has not been easy to fulfill his needs, even though, especially looking back, his needs are very normal and reasonable from his point of view. So yes, I felt very proud and satisfied with that compliment, even though it didn’t result in any more work from him, or any references (yet).

More amazing was, that I found that his most recent venture seems to be life coaching, a bit related to what I am trying to do with this site, with Inspiration for Success, and am also trying to do in life in general, when meeting people. And his site, his work, Ga voor goud, seems to be a bit the standard type coaching stuff which can be found anywhere on the internet, but somehow, while checking the content, it seems he is really into this. And that amazes me a bit, as I never imagined that type of more ‘soft’, social stuff from him, like he mentions e.g. meditation. As he appears to be a pretty ‘business type’ business man, mainly commercial. But looking at his site Ga voor goud, there must be more. So there is often more to people than meets the eye…

But I am getting a bit off my subject, the subject of going ‘downstream’, towards poverty (or mishap or misery or…), or going ‘upstream’, towards riches (or happiness, ‘luck’ or …).

So amazingly, even though in my real life nothing really changed, maybe even got worse related to business and finance, I am realizing more and more that somehow my mindset has changed. That somehow I am much, much more self confident, much, much more confident that what I am doing is the right thing. And next to this I am much more focused on ‘positive’, on seeing the positive side of everything. And somehow the Universe, the world, the people around me, seem to respond to that. Somehow indeed by just looking at the positive, expecting the positive, the positive also happens, happens in my life. So somehow I am getting more and more confirmed that ‘thoughts’, whether positive or negative or whatever, not only attract similar thoughts, but also attract similar events, similar responses from the environment, from people.

Amazing, isn’t it?

Success consciousness

I never really understood the idea of success consciousness, but especially recently I am starting to feel more and more success… conscious. And I still can’t fully figure out how it happened, even though I know it started somewhere in my deepest down in life around two years ago, towards the end of the year 2012. And, if you have read more here you will know, it started somehow with the book Think and Grow Rich from Napoleon Hill. And while writing this I realize I often think I never got my ‘break’, the thing I believe most or all successful people have. But maybe this was just my ‘break’, meeting Napoleon Hill and his ideas about how to achieve success. And maybe was the person who gave me the book, actually lent me his, the person who gave me my break. As I also believe there must be some person giving someone his or her ‘break’ towards success. But no, while writing this it was not really like that, but please note how I somehow am looking very positively at that event, where before I would just have not realized how a simple event like lending someone a book could be something very special, something very positive.

And that is what I notice more and more, how I see most things happening to me now as a positive, as the Universe helping me to achieve success, where before I was just annoyed, as I guess most people are, when I had to wait for something or if things don’t turn out the way I expected them to be. Like today I was in such a situation where my two meetings, the main reason I went to the city for, were cancelled, postponed. And before I would just be annoyed and would end up in a very bad mood. But today I just thought that something better must be on the way, that there must be a reason for the delay. And it doesn’t mean that that feeling of being annoyed is not really there and it didn’t mean I didn’t try to push through with the meetings, but I just left it to the Universe, to the other people to decide whether they would still be able or want to entertain me. And I just went my way, did my errands, enjoyed the extra time I had, relaxed a bit and finally decided to just go home. Or not go home, as I decided to visit an acquaintance I wanted to visit already for quite some time, but never really did. And that person was not there, but his brother was, and he offered me a cup of coffee, which I decided to take. And he didn’t really seem to want to entertain me, but when he was out for a smoke another visitor and me found ourselves having a nice chat.

So yes, something I never realized before, never wanted to believe before, most or maybe even all what happens to us, or at least the way it happens to us or what we do with it, how we feel about it, is just in the mind. And if your mindset is negative, you will experience negative, as if your mindset is negative you will focus on the negative, and more important, your environment will react to it, will indeed join you in your vibration, as Abraham Hicks often points it out so nice. And there is not even a real secret to it. Just imagine what would have happened if I had reacted to my cancelled, my postponed meetings in a negative way, in a disappointed or frustrated way. I would have just been annoyed or angry. Or just blame the other parties for not keeping to their agreement with me. So I would have reacted differently to the other people I met, I would have behaved differently, would have done different things, something like finishing my errands in stress and trying to go home as quickly as possible or something. So I would feel right now that I had a bad day, a shitty day and I would have probably experienced that other people had reacted very different to me, in my angry, annoyed mood. And I would certainly not have visited my friends place, meaning no coffee and no nice chat.

And don’t get me wrong, I can still get annoyed and I was certainly not happy while I was just on the way and my first meeting partner cancelled the meeting. And also not when my second meeting partner also wanted to postpone the meeting, meaning that I could have just skipped my visit to the city, something that still involves quite some time and effort as I don’t have a car. But I quickly changed my thoughts, starting indeed with the thought that there must be a good reason for this and that the Universe had its reasons for what happened, maybe even meeting that person I met the end of the day.

Please note that if you are still more into the negative thinking and don’t understand those things yet, those things took me more than half a life time to learn, to understand, to experience. But if even a hard headed person like me can turn around and learn to see the positive side of things, I’m sure you also can learn this. As it seems it’s just a learned skill, a habit, that can be learned, acquired by just a little bit of practice. And yes, step one is awareness, be aware of your thoughts. Once you got there, the rest is relatively easy.


Somehow I am still jealous at people who are successful at very young age. Recently I checked the story of Chris Colfer, a big star of Glee, or maybe even the biggest. I mean, he is 24 years old and it seems he has achieved many, many more successes than me, being 51 years old now. And yes, I am also convinced now that almost any famous or successful person has some kind of supporter, someone who believes in him or her and brings someone to the next level, just makes it possible for him or her to follow his or her heart or explore his talent to the fullest. And I think in the case of Chris Colfer I think that is or was Ryan Murphy. And Leonardo DiCaprio is also a famous sample for me to be jealous of.

And yes, I know many actors and probably other rich and famous people don’t have a smooth ride and may be as happy or unhappy as any of us. But I still believe it is easier to be unhappy in a Mercedes or Rolls Royce than without a car or other means of private transportation.

And yes, I was also thinking about outlook on life, on work, on career. As I realize my main outlook on work, on jobs is ‘losing my job’, fear of losing my job. And of course that type of outlook does not really help to be successful. And I still don’t fully know what’s the origin of that outlook. Yes, I know that it started when I was fired from a company in I think a very unfair way at a relatively young age. And yes, I understand now more how that happened, what was the background, what were the reasons of my boss and the management. But I also know many people are afraid to lose their job, as in 2014 that mostly means losing your income, losing your status, using your ability to do things.

And right now I am trying to change that. As I believe it can be different, should be different, than just judging people on how they do their work, their job. And making peoples standing depend on career, income, job performance. Because aren’t we much more than ‘performance’? Aren’t we all humans, all different, each with our own color? So why give so much benefits to people who ‘work’, who do their job ‘fitting in the system’, even while they don’t like it or don’t agree with the system?

And yes, I know I am part of the system. I know that I judge people the same way, often on performance, on job performance. And while thinking right now it seems ironic, as I seem to judge people on ‘success’, financial success, success in career, on being famous, being adored.

So let’s be careful judging people, maybe even most being careful judging ourselves. As we are all beautiful people, but I mostly see that in other people, not in myself. What about you?

You are beautiful, just the way you are. Just know that!