Tag Archives: Goals

Disciplined or stubborn?

Lately I am asking myself more and more why I am writing here every day, yes, except on Sunday’s, as it doesn’t feel that inspiring anymore and it also feels like it doesn’t have any purpose except to kind of show to myself that I can do it, that I can be disciplined or something. Or that I am persistent. But somehow it also feels that I am just stubborn.

So what is it? Or maybe all? And yes, I guess this is the most difficult time in the ‘race’ that I started and that I somehow wanted to continue for at least two years. As two years is somehow the milestone that I consider Google considers the period when a website is really serious. But Google changed and I’m not really sure if that two year mark or something is still there. Or even existed anyhow. And then, should I write my blog, my posts, these words that don’t make any sense to anybody lately, or probably don’t make any sense to anybody lately, because of Google? Or some policy or algorithm of Google?

But yes,  while writing this somehow the answer is still yes. As somehow this is what persistence is all about. Going on when you don’t feel like it anymore, going on when it doesn’t make sense anymore, going on when all the excitement is gone, going on no matter what.

And yes, I know somehow this time is different, this time is more about persistence and less about being stubborn. As somehow I have decided that this time I want to be successful, no matter what. This time I have decided that I won’t give up, won’t give up until I finally have or feel the success that I have been waiting for, struggled for all my life. And right now I’m not fully sure how that success would look like, like how I would achieve it. As I am working on many things right now. And no, somehow I also haven’t lost focus, somehow I am finishing things now, determined to finish things, finish everything, everything I have started and am starting.

So yes, the things I am writing here and in my personal blog may not make much sense recently. But sending the daily quote does and keeping my gratitude journal also. And my persistence in some other projects has brought me closer to some unimaginable goals.

So yes, let’s continue here for now. And yes, let’s celebrate how far I have gotten.

And thank you, Napoleon Hill. As somehow your book Think and Grow Rich has brought me closer to success, big success, than ever.

Successful people

So how do successful people deal with where I am standing now, just tired, kind of sick, not really knowing what to do, no real progress, no real friends.

And yes, I did make progress, I learned a bit about determination, persistence contrary to being stubborn, but still, I’m fifty one years old, have great ideas and big plans, more determined than ever, but still no clue how to make it all work.

And yes,  I ‘know’ how to do it. But somehow something else is needed. The Secret?

Bruce Lee give and receive

Letter of Bruce Lee to himself.I am still subscribed to some of the kind of self help sites from the beginning of my journey with Inspiration for Success. And while I somehow believe often they are a bit too commercial, sometimes I click a link to ‘read the full story’. So today I got an e-mail from http://authenticnumerology.com that got my attention: Bruce Lee give and receive. And I am not sure if the story is true, but I guess so. And it fits exactly the ideas of Napoleon Hill, so I just wanted to share it. The story is that Bruce Lee wrote a letter to himself in 1970, stamped “secret”, with the following text: “By 1980 I will be the best known Oriental movie star in the United States and will have secured $10 million dollars… And in return I will give the very best acting I could possible give every single time I am in the front of the camera and I will live in peace and harmony.”. And it seems that’s what he did, although I don’t remember when he died and how much money he had in 1980. But we all know he was a famous and probably the best Oriental movie star in The United States (ever?).

So I searched the internet for that statement and found some sites that confirmed it. Together with some more advice, like it’s not only about the statement, you have to live it, plan it.

Letter of Bruce Lee to himself.And it inspired me to re-read my desire document. And while reading it I realized that it needs some updates. As I missed some date. Yes, you read this well, I missed some dates. But no matter what, it is still the most important document I ever wrote. As I am starting to live it, it is just me, now, nothing more, nothing less. AND I WON’T CHANGE IT, at least not the basics, not the original idea, the original thing I stated as my definite purpose, the original thing I decided to give, even though I adapted the ‘giving part’ a little as the very first original statement was just too much, like fully giving myself away, which is not the right thing to do. And I won’t change the plan, the ways to achieve my original purpose, even though they don’t really sound like a plan, but more like another goal or definite purpose. BUT THE DOCUMENT IS MINE, I OWN IT NOW. And keep in mind, what I wrote here quite some time before, when I wrote it, my definite purpose were completely impossible. Literally impossible, at least that is what I believed when I first set my basic goal.

And right now I am living the document, on my way to my goals, on the way to my definite purpose. So don’t wait, write down what you want and don’t forget to state what you’re willing to give. You can even do that right now in this site by registering or logging in: login or register.

Plan the work and work the plan

Wow, today was some day. As I managed to achieve two important things:

  1. Create the very first initial version of the IFS Tools.
  2. Plan a very minimal goal.

And it seems I just finished both, although they were kind of combined. But this being combined was not really intentional. And I am a bit confused right now, as I don’t have a feeling of having achieved something, having achieved something big. And I wrote about that before, as it seems that these kinds of achievements, achievements that require a lot of planning and effort and work, feel like kind of an anticlimax when you finally have achieved them. As I actually just feel tired right now, and even a bit confused. And that’s also what I often see when people achieve an important sports goal, like winning a race. When climbing the, well, whatever the name of the thing is they’re climbing on, they look also mostly just tired, or indeed, maybe also confused. As what I am seeing and experiencing more is that achieving something big just goes in small steps. And I wanted to write today’s post about how I planned for today to achieve a goal, as I want to learn to plan goals, not just activities. And I wanted to start small, so I chose a goal that I thought was very small, the goal of installing the first mini-version of the IFS Tools in this site. As that goal I thought was already practically reached as I had a working version on my local development system. So I planned the last steps, the last activities in detail to achieve the, I thought, very small goal for today: make sure people can register and save and update their definite purpose in https://www.inspiration-for-success.com/. But it was not as easy as I thought, as I am not yet very good with planning activities to make sure I can achieve a certain goal, a certain result. And things often take much more time and effort than I think, so also today. And I tend to deviate from the planning, just do it ‘my own way’, on the fly. But yes, as far as I know I made it. And it’s not perfect and the added value for you I guess is very limited. But I have the technical foundation now and I hope I can extend it very soon to useful tools to help you achieve success, to inspire you.

And no, I don’t feel like celebrating. But somehow I know this is a big day!

And just checking now, and it seems there is still something not okay. Not sure what to do now. Well, I did, as I didn’t reach my goal, the things I planned for today, so no option but to fix, which I did!


Well, somehow today was some kind of resting day. And I didn’t even really plan it, but yesterday or so I saw I had nothing really planned for today (and the next few days). So I added some little items for today yesterday, but just some small stuff, so basically I could do or not do what I wanted to do, without the pressure I still feel with my daily to-do list. And yes, I am still proud of my daily to-do list, as this time, unlike many times before in my life, I know I’m going to do the things that are on it. So it is somehow a different feeling, although until now I can’t really relate it to my definite purpose and other goals yet, making it a bit dull, a bit boring, not exciting like knowing where I am going.

But I still believe it is a step, or actually it are many steps, the things I started and learned since about one and a half year, or almost two years ago now.

And I hope one day I can share that it helped me to achieve real success, to achieve my definite purpose and to achieve some other goals I have in mind. As that indeed might be more convincing than hearing all those things from someone who is not really successful yet. Or am I?