Author Archives: Guus

From Punishing Higher Power to Loving Higher Power

Still searching

Supporting Higher PowerI am still struggling with things like the word love and Loving Higher Power. So I keep searching the internet to find solutions and I found this article: finding a new Higher Power.

Find below my first attempt based on the suggested exercise in the article: first describe my current view of God, then my ideal view of God.

What do I think God is right now?

Somehow I still think God is that kind of old bearded man on the pulpit of the “Grote Kerk” in Vriezenveen. It seems I can’t really get rid of that image, that picture in my mind.

So it is a man, a man of like 60 or 70 years old. And he has a long grey beard, like Khomeini. And is giving all these laws, these rules and regulations, rules and regulations that I try to follow, but often don’t manage to follow, like I was not able to keep my relationship and I was not able to keep my jobs.

And some of my own rules, like not getting in debt, not having debt, and paying all my bills. I couldn’t even keep that simple rule, as I lost most of my money and was not able to earn enough. So humiliating.

God right now is almost always disagreeing with everything I do, with everything I want, with virtually every decision I make. And he lets me know, as he lets me fail in almost everything I do, e.g. does not allow me to meet the right partner, does not allow or help me to find the right team members for DoctorsConnect, does not allow or help me find team members and friends otherwise.

It is a very dispecible God as he mostly lets bad things happen to me, gives me hope at first, but then takes things away, like with the dog training recently.

It seems he finds pleasure in making my life as miserable as possible, including giving me these dreadful feelings of anxiety and such so I can’t even work, can’t even succeed, like putting time and effort in things I still want to do, still try to do, including doing Step Work and such.

So it seems my current God of my understanding is more like the devil, not like a loving God, helping me and supporting me. Recently I am starting to wonder why He even created me, as I am doing everything wrong in His eyes anyhow.

The worst of this God is that I can’t even escape Him in death, as He will keep haunting me in eternity, in life after death. So even suicide is not an option, as He will just continue annoying me after I die. He will just laugh at me, like, see, here I am again, here I still am, you can’t escape Me.

The kind of funny thing is that He created everything, and many or most things are really beautiful in this world, in this universe, even though of course there is pain and suffering. But yes, it seems most living creatures don’t suffer as much and as long as I am. Kind of weird, as how important am I to God anyhow. Just one of those six billion people or so, so why would He care to bother me so much, give me so much pain and suffering.

Or is that indeed love, finding a way to get my attention? Well, I guess He got it now. Except I don’t know if so much negative attention is really what He wants or needs from me. Wouldn’t He rather see me happy and satisfied?

Another image of God I have right now is some kind of universal force, but a force that is kind of neutral, a force that comes from ‘energy’, from the things I now know or believe the universe is made of, like strings from string theory.

Strange that that second image of God, of Higher Power, is kind of neutral. That force would not allow me or anyone else suffer so much. It would just be neutral and support any effort to create something, like me creating DoctorsConnect and get rich; or me earning enough in some kind of way.

If I could have anything I wanted, any God I wanted, what would that be?

Supporting Higher PowerIf I could have anything I wanted, any God I wanted, that God would give me everything I want and need. Or at least He would support me in my decisions and in the things I do. As to me that is what the word love implies: giving someone everything he wants, so he would lead a happy life, would enjoy life.

And of course this God might or would just use the worldly things to help and/or support me, like putting the right people on my path to help me with DoctorsConnect, even though there might be miracles, like letting go away my mental disease of having so much emotional pain and anxiety. And yes, he might let me win the lottery or something, so I could pay my debts and such and live a happy life without being a burden to other people. He would certainly not use my mom to let me survive financially. He would have allowed and allow me to visit her every year or so, by giving me the means, the financial funds to do so.

He also wouldn’t let me wait so long for my ING internet banking code, even though that long wait seems to have helped me with keeping my ABN AMRO account or something.

That God wouldn’t have made me like feeling guilty and ashamed almost all the time to other people and towards Him. As how could I be responsible, especially to Him, about who I am and about the decisions and choices I made?

He would never put me in the embarrassing position I am in now, not even being able to buy the normal daily things from the money I earn.

And I think I am just writing too much here. To me a loving God or a loving Higher Power would just give me anything I want and need to lead a joyful and loving life, being able to enjoy life myself and help others if needed.

And He wouldn’t come with those stupid ideas that I already have enough, that I already have what I want and need.

Yes, of course I have already what I need, like a roof over my head, a bed to sleep in and food to eat every day. I even have more, like a computer and internet access and people around me. But is that really all I need to be happy and joyful?

And yes, looking back He may have given me what I need in the form of suffering, of being poor, of loosing everything, so I know more about life, about where other people stand, how other people live. So yes, that is certainly a good thing. But I guess it is only a good thing if He would somehow find a way to give me the things I want, like money and a car and maybe a nice house again, this time in a way with having the funds to maintain it and such.

Ah, and he would certainly not have let my mom, and my dad before, to suffer financially. Or emotionally, like not allowing me to go home, go to The Netherlands regularly, like every year.

Going back to the exercise as described:

He would sound very nice, maybe whisper to me what I need to do, could do to be successful or something. Yeah, He would whisper guidance to me all the time, so I would make the right choice all the time. He would leave no doubt of what He means, unlike the God from the church, from the bible, who just tells me to be obedient and do His Will, without giving me any clue about what that exactly means.

He would not really think anything of me I guess. He would just let me be me and be successful. He also wouldn’t need to, as I guess He would be busy enough taking care of all things in the universe, so I wouldn’t really need a lot from Him. I can just manage alone, as long as I have enough funds and such. If He would give me enough money now I am pretty sure I can manage most things myself, without needing further assistance from Him. I would just want him to see me enjoy life, see me do good, good in the sense of material stuff I would enjoy, as well as me doing good to other people, do good in the world. He would laugh in a nice way, enjoying seeing me enjoy life, enjoying seeing me travel, build businesses, helping other people be happy and joyful.

Right now He would say about me something like “Hey, see, that is Guus. He suffered so much, but I gave him money, gave him what he wanted, and see him now, see how much he enjoys and how he does good in the world. Take a sample in him, as he overcame all this suffering, didn’t kill himself even, no matter how much pain and suffering I gave him, but he endured and finally got what he wanted and is living a perfect life now, a life as how I meant life to be”.

And I am not sure how He would look like. Maybe like a younger version of me, but then more handsome, like someone I would be sexually attracted to.

The Power of Concentration

I kind of accidentally stumbled upon the video of Dandapani about the power of concentration, the power of doing one thing at the time and I am really amazed how often I do or want to do multiple things at the time. So he says something like “do one thing at the time and finish it”. So I have been watching myself for the last few days and I am watching myself more and more, am more aware about what I am doing, what I want to do at the same time. And sometimes I still do, but I am more and more aware of when I do it. And indeed, how not concentrated I am when I do multiple things at the time.

Like tonight I decided to connect my laptop to my music collection on another computer and started playing music. And yes, music can be played in the background. So while I was cooking I played music in the background. But while eating I decided to turn the music off and focus on the eating. And the laptop was still on and open on my table and I was amazed how often my mind went to the screen, mostly resulting in thinking other thoughts and indeed forgetting about concentrating on the eating, on my food.

And finishing things and doing one thing at the time is hard sometimes. As while cooking sometimes I had to wait for the cooking process to finish. And normally, also this time, I started doing things next to the cooking. But my awareness was still with the “doing one thing at the time” and I realized that indeed starting doing something else may result in forgetting about the cooking and messing up the food, like letting it burn or cook too long or something.

Mmm, and hard now, as I don’t feel like finishing this post. I don’t really know what else to write right now. So maybe just put some links and maybe a picture. But indeed, starting this post without the intention to finish it puts me in a weird position now, at least that is how it feels.

So yes, very interesting being aware about doing one thing at the time and finishing things.

Doing one thing at the time...And I was looking for a picture about doing one thing at the time and then realized my current computer desktop would be a good sample of not doing one thing at the time. As using my computer for the last fifteen minutes or so I realized I am trying to do many things at the same time, indeed being distracted by many things on my computer desktop, in my browser and in my Facebook. And I did quite some things based on that. Not really wrong I guess, finishing things like putting a phone number someone sent me, but it is amazing indeed what a computer desktop or browser window with many things or a Facebook page with many options offers in opportunities to do many things at the same time. Or indeed not doing them or not finishing them.


I feel so much fear and I only realized how much fear I feel when I was just meditating with some videos from Lisa A. Romano on YouTube about healing the inner child and healing from narcissistic abuse. But the fear must be much older than suffering from narcissistic abuse from my last partner, as I realize as a child I was also scared, looked scared. So maybe indeed many or most or all things we feel or experience go back to childhood or even before that.

And when thinking about that fear I am often thinking it is the fear of being conscious, the fear of being alive, the fear of being. As I guess even God or Whatever created us, may feel the same fear, may also feel alone, be alone. Although what I was just writing doesn’t make sense if there is indeed a Creator of Everything. Or does it?

Ah, these things go beyond the human mind, beyond what humans are capable of understanding.

And I have no clue where this post is going. I just felt the need to write, to share. Ah, maybe it would be nice to see some comments here, comments about being alone, maybe comments about being The One.

Thanks for reading this, Guus.

Reprogramming my subconscious mind to get more money

Public commitment

So let’s do some public commitment by reprogramming my subconscious mind according to the method described in “Reprogramming the subconscious mind” through the idea described in my page “subconscious mind“. And of course checking if what is written in that page actually works.

And I started this post yesterday, November 20, 2018. Today is November 21, 2018, and I have been practicing some things, like keeping focus on the one thing I want to reprogram my subconscious mind for and doing some mantra type things with my “Money is good for me” sentence.

Knowing what I want (rule #1)

Rule number one is knowing what I want and that is where I already got into trouble. Or not really into trouble, but there were several things in my mind that were kind of conflicting as my initial focus was ‘money’, but then I realized in my mind ‘money’ is related to ‘working’ where in real life of course they are not necessarily. Most of my money I guess I did not get by working, even though in my mind money seems to be (mainly?) related to work. Or actually completely related to work.

A second thought came up and that is that I want my emotional pain to stop as that is kind of much more important to me than money. But that is just a feeling, as if nothing happens I will very soon completely run out of money, so I guess money is more important than getting rid of my emotional pain.

The whole exercise teaches me already that it is not that easy to be specific when just thinking about knowing what I want and I think that would be the same for most or all people.

Anyhow, I need to make a decision here I think and I choose to program my subconscious mind to attract more money to me. And I ended up on YouTube related to programming the subconscious mind and one of the things I found is that I need some kind of mantra to reprogram the subconscious mind and the mantra I came up with is something like “Money is good for me”. I also thought about “I am a money magnet”, but I want the money to flow, I want to do something with it, not let it stick with me, even though I like to have a pile of money to feel safe. But “Money is good for me” matches the things mentioned in the video I think.

And why did I choose “Money is good for me”? I think mainly because I think I was taught in childhood that money is not ‘good’, that money is something bad.

And yes, I think it is a subconscious mind thing, not just a goal I can achieve with ordinary willpower and such as I tried many things and can be pretty persistent, but nothing seemed to work, things just got worse in money matters over time, especially the last ten years, but also before.

Reveal the subconscious patterns that stop me (rule #2)

So I have to have a dialog with myself and find related subconscious mind patterns that stop me from having enough or an abundant amount of money. And I did not really work on that yet, as I believe I need some quiet time with myself to find out more about this.

Maybe this is the time to do that, but I don’t feel like it right now. But I guess I can give it a try. Now.

November 25, 2018

And I did, but it is November 25, 2018 now and I didn’t really make progress. Good I made a commitment here though as now I kind of feel obliged to continue and try again.

When I stopped writing I really tried to ask my subconscious mind what stops me from having, earning or getting enough money but I couldn’t really connect. I felt no connection with my subconscious mind. I did do some mantra type repeating of my “Money is good for me” mantra, but also not so much the last few days. So again, good I made a commitment here in this post.

I’ll try again now to meditate and see if I can make a connection to my subconscious mind about it. And I had the feeling I was not really able to as I saw some strange things in my mind, like rotten programs in some kind of eerie computer environment. It made me think there is indeed something really wrong with the programming of my subconscious mind, but I couldn’t really connect to it or change it. So I finally decided to do some meditation related to inner child healing and/or subconscious mind reprogramming: Heal Inner Child Shame and Guilt.

December 4, 2018

It is December 4, 2018 and somehow the mantra “Money is good for me” is still with me and I think of it, well, regularly, but not as often as I want or should(?!). But somehow it is in my mind, so I hope that my subconscious mind is picking it up. And somehow I added some other mantra’s, even though it was advised to just stick with one. The two others are “Traveling makes me happy” and “I would love to see my mom”.

My main thing is trying to be more positive, have positive, good thoughts in my mind, which has proven not to be easy, but I think I have made progress and those three sentences help me. Not easy to keep negative thoughts out of my mind though, but I am trying to learn to let them blow up, let them dissolve when I notice I am thinking any negative thought.

December 25, 2018

Today I felt a bit down and I guess it had to do with the phone call I had with my mom last night. And during that phone call I realized how negative my mom is. As many, many times she says “I can’t…”, like yesterday she told me she can’t use her right arm anymore. And of course that affects me, a lot I guess, as it is not nice hearing she can’t really manage alone anymore. But it is also teaching me that there may be some truth in that as long as she keeps saying “I can’t…” with many, many things, the result indeed must be that she can’t do many things.

And I know the feeling myself, like for a long time I couldn’t do many things emotionally. And that was very hard to deal with, knowing that I can technically do something, but am blocked emotionally. But maybe again, it is all in the mind and I am learning from that that indeed probably my subconsious mind is much more powerful than my conscious mind.

Anyhow, I don’t want to talk about the negative, although it kind of opened my mind (more). I wanted to talk about how I am going with my ‘Money is good for me” mantra. And actually that is going pretty well I think, as every time I have negative thoughts, especially about money, my mind is repeating the “Money is good for me” and mostly makes my mind shift into at least a more positive mindset.

The next thing I wanted to share is that I have two or three more mantra’s in my mind. And even though I read that it is best to focus on one thing at the time, the other two or three mantra’s are in my mind already. And they are:

  • Traveling makes me happy.
  • I would love to visit my mom.
  • Having a car is convenient.

And whenever I have negative thoughts e.g. being in a Jeepney, like thinking I don’t have my own transportation, I am trying to think that at least I am traveling and that traveling makes me happy. And slowly I am realizing that probably indeed I could visit my mom if I wanted to. Main limitation there is that I would like to be in a financial position I could pay for that myself easily. But maybe I can already, as somehow money is coming to me in a more positive way and somehow my financial situation has improved, even though it is not even close to what I want or what I want to manifest.

And the “Having a car is convenient” produces the image of my black Mitsubishi Pajero in my mind. So there is a strong link between car or my car and the car I imagined for so long as being my dream car. And a Mitsubishi Pajero is not really my dream car, as that would be an Aston Martin V8 Volante, but the image is there and I think I am creating positive thoughts around having a car or manifesting a Mitsubishi Pajero.

So I think I am making progress and also started reading “Manifest Now” from “Idil Ahmed”, again, literature producing positive thoughts, a positive mindset.

Rule #3: Apply the subconscious shifting methods before sleep

And I only realize now, December 4, 2018, while I am writing in the previous paragraph, that I missed something.

The site says:

When using those techniques that are presented below to program your subconscious mind, it must be before sleeping time or right when you wake up in the morning.About 15 minutes before falling asleep, the mind and body begin to calm down, the muscles loosen up, the breathing becomes more at ease, the heartbeats start to slow down and the whole system gets into a deeper relaxation mode. At this point, the brain produces alpha waves.Researcher’s EEG studies show that in this 15-minute window between wakefulness and sleep, the brain waves slow down and there are between 7-14 electrical waves each second – those are Alpha waves.

In this stage, according to research, The subconscious mind’s tunnel is “open” to receive messages.

Lost everything

So I lost virtually everything, at least for now. And I heard about that, something like that, read about it, but I would never have expected something like that would happen to me. I also never knew there was so much evil in the world, as even after I lost virtually everything someone scammed me, using my emotional instability to kind of extort money from me.

And yes, I guess I learned something, or maybe many things.

Ah, yes, I lost more. I lost YokYok, one of my dogs, my eldest dog, just like that, shortly after I moved to a new location, shortly after I rescued him. I buried him last Saturday.

It is okay, as now the fights have stopped between YokYok and Arf. There is peace in the house now. But I didn’t want YokYok to leave so soon. I would have loved to have him around for a little while longer.

So yes, why am I writing here? I guess just to share, to at least make sure someone could read this, someone would be listening. And I am a bit hesitant, as there are some people I don’t want to read this, as I don’t want them to know that e.g. YokYok died. But I guess it’s okay and I guess I want to write here more, start writing in “Inspiration for Success”, share my experiences, share my knowledge. So I guess I’ll just start here.

The strange thing after loosing virtually everything was that I didn’t really feel different. I didn’t really feel like a different me. That was and is an interesting experience. And I guess I learned a lot, which is want to share here, as ‘success’ as I had it in mind when starting this site is not here, not with me, in no way, more of the opposite. So many of the things I am reading on the internet and many of the quotes I have been copying and sharing are not true, at least not for me, not here and now, and not for a long time also.

So that is what I want to share. That also apparently what is written on the internet, all the success stories, are not true, or at least not the whole truth, at least not for everybody.