Tag Archives: Big things

Just do five

Sunday is my day off, the day I just do things I want, including not writing posts and sending my daily inspirational quote. But normally I do my daily exercise, but today I didn’t feel like it. So I asked my Higher Power, as I often do recently, what to do, but I didn’t get a clear answer. Just something like ‘it doesn’t matter’ or ‘do as you please’. And that answer didn’t satisfy me. And then I remembered something I learned from someone I can’t find the name or website from right now. And that person indicated that if your goal is too big or too far that you can start by doing one percent, imagining one percent. And then increase that every day, so at least you get the feel (and you can talk about it, pretend as if it’s already there fully).

So suddenly it became clear to me what to do: just do five where I normally do twenty. So I did and it felt very good. And next to feeling good to just do my daily exercise, follow my habit, something amazing happened. As I realized that doing five is very easy for me right now. As when I started my daily exercise a few months ago, I could barely do five, as my body was completely out of shape. And today it was just easy, just five.

So when you don’t feel like something, but still want to do it, just do five, or one, or one percent, or whatever feels good to you if it’s not the whole thing, the whole amount. And you’ll be amazed with what you find.

Laws of the Universe

The things I found (again) in the chapter The Brain of Think and Grow Rich stay stuck in my mind, together with the things I encountered in the Twelve Steps of Co-Dependents Anonymous. As somehow it seems you need to leave things to your (the?) Higher Power, somehow it seems you can’t do anything alone as a human being. Or just can’t do anything.

So then what is my purpose, comes up immediately. Or why am I suffering so much then. And what about my free will and my needs and wants?

So I am thinking about that Napoleon Hill puts a remark that the book is not about anything religious or God or something, but somehow it still seems to be, somehow the more and more I read it, the book is (also) about religion, about how it all came to be, how it all works. And he phrases it very nicely in the chapter The Brain: “all of us are controlled by forces which are unseen and intangible”. But somehow we have the power of Thought, of Creation through thought. And somehow something is listening to us and answering us. As I experimented with that today and somehow I had the feeling that my questions were answered by ‘something’ outside of myself.

And yes, I have been setting myself up for those things, as the last few days I had some encounters and meetings with my virtual cabinet. And somehow it seemed, it seems that you can summon others, can summon ‘things’. And I experienced that strongest in some Family Constellations meetings.

So today I strongly asked for help in a way passing it to the spiritual world, I think in a way as I never have done before. And the answer was very strong, that help was on the way, that there was more help on the way than I could have ever imagined. And something that I should be careful with what I have wished for, that there is some kind of danger in what I want, what I wanted, what I asked for.

But the general feeling was positive, that there is help on the way and that my suffering will be over soon.

So I am very curious what is going to happen next. And yes, this was the first time I really let go of wanting to control things, this was one of the few times I really left it to the Higher Power how to let things happen…

No need, thanks

Strange, how the Universe works. Or God, if you prefer that, if you believe in that. As just now someone complained to me about something I had posted in Facebook and was kind of asking me, pushing me, ‘as we are friends’, to delete it. And I didn’t really like it, as to me it was a genuine comment on something he had posted. But somehow I decided to give in to the request and remove the comment. As somehow I had the feeling that for ‘Filipino friendship’ reasons that would be the right thing to do.

And then, somehow we continued chatting. And somehow we ended up me sharing about the problems I have in life, with business and with my partner, even though these two things are quite related, as it is mainly about ‘finance’, about income, about how my/our business is doing.

And it was strange, as this person is not a really close friend of mine, even though he related to ‘friendship’. But I guess, again, this is something Filipino, and I am trying to learn, trying to understand more about that.

So I found myself sharing a lot about my problems, basically my relationship problems. And he was just listening, responding to that. So yes, after quite a while I realized it was all about me. And I realized I was tired, as I guess these things are quite emotional for me. Yes, of course they are emotional for me, as these are things I have been struggling with for a long time and I never found a real solution to them, except starting this huge project that is supposed to, well, make me rich and finally make me successful. But that is future and for now I still believe the best option for my, for our daily needs is my knowledge and experience with ‘anything internet‘.

So I found myself getting very tired and wanting to stop the conversation. So I told him. And then I realized this conversation had mostly been about me. And that is sensitive for me, as my partner often says that my conversations are mostly about me.

And of course he understood, he agreed. So he just wished me goodnight. And then I realized that it had been most or all about me. So I said ‘I hope I can do something back’. And the reply was very simple: “No need. Thanks.”. And that hit me. As something was just given to me, for free, no questions asked, no returns asked, no favors asked. Where I often think people don’t give things to me, for free. And where I think I give a lot, without getting anything in return. But that is not true. As I do get things, and no, not in return. I just receive things, things just given to me. Like tonight.

So I felt very grateful, for this friend listening to me, spending his time with me. So yes, thank you <name better kept private>. And thank you, Lord, as I felt very grateful for this unexpected chat, this unexpected friendship.

Yes, the Lord, the Universe has strange ways. As it all began with a complaint, with some kind of ‘negative’. And it ended up sooooo positive.

How to write an inspiring post

Yes, it is still in my mind how to write an inspiring post. And I still don’t know how to do that, as it is quite late and I don’t feel like writing. But of course that is none of your business as an inspiring post should inspire you, and knowing about my current feeling or status is probably not that inspiring. Or is it?

As I just finished installing Caesar IV on the PC of a friend of mine. And over the day that started to worry me, as it was one of the few things on my planning list for today. And it was supposed to be a pretty straightforward thing as I had done it before on one of our own PC’s here. So I knew a bit what to expect, except the PC of my friend runs Windows 8 where our own PC I installed Caesar IV on runs Windows 7. But as the game, a pretty old game not made for newer versions of Windows, ran on Windows 7 without too many problems, I expected the installation a bit similar to the one before, not really straightforward, but doable within a few hours and without too much effort. How wrong I was, as the installation of .NET 3.X is quite different on Windows 8 compared to Windows 7. And it needed to download something, which didn’t work and that didn’t make much sense to me.

Anyhow, I did manage to install the game, and that is kind of the inspiring part of this post. As I used quite some of the Principles of Success to get this task done today. At first I used the principle of decision, as I decided quite a while ago that I will finish my daily to do list, no matter what. And I have become pretty good at that, as it is very rare that I fail to finish all the items on the list that I have marked as ‘definite’. So with this list I have developed the habit of planning things and finishing them at the time specified. And keep in mind that this is not particularly difficult, as when I started with this habit I started with just one little thing per day. So I was 99% sure I could finish that thing. And I did that for quite a while, weeks, if not months, to get started with this.

And still, recently I didn’t feel like doing a lot of things. And I have been on a short holiday. So for the last weeks, months, my daily planning has been pretty empty, like many days where I planned nothing. And over time I learned to specify things more specific, like adding the word ‘maybe’ or ‘probably’ or stating something like ‘if pushes through’. As I noticed that for some things you depend on other people and as I don’t think it is healthy to force other people to follow your planning I am very careful making statements about that (thanks Mike, for pointing out to me how this works).

So also today I thought I had a pretty simple list that could easily be finished. How wrong I was, as somewhere during the evening I really started to believe that this game installation might not work out today. However, for those things the principle of persistence comes in handy, together with the earlier mentioned decision. As those two things just made me push through where other people, or I myself before I learned all this, would stop, would declare defeat or failure. But I didn’t, as somehow I have developed to just go further, a lot further, than I used to before. And finally it did work out, although in this case it might not have worked out today. But it did.

And most important what I learned, what I can confirm also from what Napoleon Hill and many other famous ‘self help’ writers state, is that it doesn’t really take a lot of effort or energy. As it is just a habit I developed. It is just ‘something I do’.

So well, even though it is later than I wanted, expected, and even though I feel a bit tired and didn’t really feel to write a post, I think I managed to write something useful which even might be inspiring. So maybe I am also slowly developing the habit of writing, writing inspiring posts. How successful is that?

And what about you? Do you finish things? Have you developed habits that help you finish things? And yes, looking back it is all worth the effort. As with all these things I have changed, where the major change has been that I have an awful lot more self confidence, which I think is a big thing.

River of poverty, or richess

Tonight in a conversation and the last few days, weeks, the image of the river of poverty/riches as described by Napoleon Hill came into my mind quite a few times. As somehow it feels like I have moved myself or am moving from the down stream side to the up stream side, even though I don’t see any sign of real money coming my way. But somehow I do feel different, somehow I did gain a lot of confidence, self confidence, recently. Somehow I conquered or am conquering my fear or my fears. As right now somehow I am really worried, as right now I don’t have any real income, no actual projects to work on, at least not from Active Discovery, at least not paid. But unlike before the feeling is different. Yes, I do feel a little uncomfortable, but somehow I know I did the right thing, like focusing on customer satisfaction, focusing on the customer, focusing on service. And it did pay off, as a few days ago I got the message from one of my customers, my main customer for the last few months, that his people were very happy with the data entry system that I have built. And keep in mind, this is and was one of the most difficult customers I have ever encountered. And it has not been easy to fulfill his needs, even though, especially looking back, his needs are very normal and reasonable from his point of view. So yes, I felt very proud and satisfied with that compliment, even though it didn’t result in any more work from him, or any references (yet).

More amazing was, that I found that his most recent venture seems to be life coaching, a bit related to what I am trying to do with this site, with Inspiration for Success, and am also trying to do in life in general, when meeting people. And his site, his work, Ga voor goud, seems to be a bit the standard type coaching stuff which can be found anywhere on the internet, but somehow, while checking the content, it seems he is really into this. And that amazes me a bit, as I never imagined that type of more ‘soft’, social stuff from him, like he mentions e.g. meditation. As he appears to be a pretty ‘business type’ business man, mainly commercial. But looking at his site Ga voor goud, there must be more. So there is often more to people than meets the eye…

But I am getting a bit off my subject, the subject of going ‘downstream’, towards poverty (or mishap or misery or…), or going ‘upstream’, towards riches (or happiness, ‘luck’ or …).

So amazingly, even though in my real life nothing really changed, maybe even got worse related to business and finance, I am realizing more and more that somehow my mindset has changed. That somehow I am much, much more self confident, much, much more confident that what I am doing is the right thing. And next to this I am much more focused on ‘positive’, on seeing the positive side of everything. And somehow the Universe, the world, the people around me, seem to respond to that. Somehow indeed by just looking at the positive, expecting the positive, the positive also happens, happens in my life. So somehow I am getting more and more confirmed that ‘thoughts’, whether positive or negative or whatever, not only attract similar thoughts, but also attract similar events, similar responses from the environment, from people.

Amazing, isn’t it?