Tag Archives: Receiving

Fun things

So I learned how to plan and how to be (more) disciplined. But what I probably have to learn is to plan fun things, things that make me happy, things that I enjoy. As I see more and more that I just seem to see life as a list of things I have to do. And yes, I have learned to see that everything a human being does is a choice, so I know I choose to do those things, to put so much obligations onto myself.

And again I think of my mother, like yesterday or so. As she also always or mostly seems to focus on others, on helping and supporting others. Meaning she feels like she has nothing for herself and indeed also doesn’t have anything for herself.

So what happened to me, as I did have my part of fun things. But the last few years, when the money was gone, I didn’t feel like doing fun things anymore, as I just can’t afford. And the stupid thing is that I basically gave everything to my partner, gave in to all the demands and wishes of my partner. And yes, of course I enjoy the TV and the new refrigerator. But I would have never bought those myself, I would have spent my money differently, spending less on a TV and less on a refrigerator, and more on, yes, on what? Yes, travel I guess. And maybe renovating the house. And a new motorcycle.

And yes, when you have given everything away you feel drained and indeed are no fun to be with anymore. But I also still don’t see why I wouldn’t give my partner everything he wants. As that is also what I would like to happen. And they say something like you reap what you sow, so somehow I sowed something else than I thought.

So what did I sow? And how can I sow better? And what did you sow? And are you happy with what you are reaping?

What’s next?

I guess I used this name before, or actually I’m sure as the automatically created link indicates so. So what are we here to do (on earth), what am I here to do? I learned a lot, did a lot, but somehow I still don’t fit, somehow I still don’t add a lot of value, except learning, gaining knowledge. But that doesn’t add anything to other people and also doesn’t add to the world I guess. So what am I here to do?

And I started this site, this project, the project Inspiration for Success as something to give. And I feel like I am giving, as every day I send my daily quote and every day I write my daily post, although I feel like writing ‘every day I write something’ as often lately I feel like my writing doesn’t add much value.

And I know I didn’t chose an easy way, as until now I decided to stick with my model of give and receive. So no earnings from advertising or from selling links or article space. And no camera yet, even though my request for a camera is on every page.

So what’s next? Should I stick with my business model and my complaints related to e.g. Globe and Smart/PLDT, and yesterday to Microsoft? And please keep in mind, I do complain, but I am also doing some serious stuff to get it solved, to improve things, to improve the world, like the letters I wrote to the management of Smart/PLDT the management of Globe and the National Bureau of Investigation. And my questions in Facebook to find out what is the truth behind all the complaints and what is the real story of the telecom industry for implementing volume limits on unlimited plans.

And I think I am doing something good by opposing the script insertion by Globe as I really believe that is unethical so someone has to do something about it.

But until now I have the feeling I am getting nothing in return: no success, no money, no respect, no nothing, although maybe one exception is the e-mails I got from the management of Smart, as they say my suggestions are being taken very seriously.

But while writing maybe I should make some kind of desire document around this. Or indeed re-read my desire document more regularly, as often when doing so I realize this may all be part of it, part of what I want. And that my time of success will come, no matter what, if i only persist and do the right thing with the right intention.

But right now I still believe I deserve some more, some more for all my effort. Effort that is not only intended to make me rich or successful or something, but also intended to improve the world, to help other people, to make other people more happy, to bring more happiness in the world.

And I keep asking myself if all those (other) successful people felt the same, just tired of not getting anything in return for their actions or what they believed in.

What do you believe in? And what do you want? And how can I help you?

Please let me know.

A great day

I just updated my gratitude page and realize just now that I had a great day, even though there were some things I didn’t like. Like I just had a great conference call with my team. And earlier today I had an interesting conversation with missionaries from the Latter Day Saint movement.

And it seems I have learned something, as before I would just end up in some kind of argument with missionaries of churches like The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or other type of people who want to tell me about (their version of) Jesus Christ or how to live or improve my life by following Jesus Christ. And with my team I would just want something from them, for my own purpose.

But today was different. As I had a very interesting conversation with sister Lacuata and sister Landicho. They even opened up to me a bit, something I have never experienced before in conversations with missionaries trying to convince me their church or belief is the only.

And my conversation with the team of Inspiration for Success was also very enlightening. As before I was just trying to push my own agenda, trying to get my own things done, but tonight I decided to take another direction by asking each of them how I could help them, which of course brought me, brought us to their goals. And strange enough the last thing started with me defining a segment IFS, just before the meeting. And it was strange as I felt kind of pressured as I did not really plan the meeting, didn’t think about it before, didn’t make an agenda or something. So it seems somehow Infinite Intelligence came of help to make me do the right thing, ask the right questions.

So I learned that the website Geschichte Lernen is more important to Robin than I thought, than I knew. That it is even his main goal next to his work at Metamove and that he is even really investing in it. It always appeared to me some kind of sideline, some kind of blog where he wrote every now and then. But no, apparently it is a lot more than that and comes close to some kind of life goal, sharing something history (have to check with him to know more about what his real purpose is).

And i know David is working on a new project,  Maybe This Matters, but I didn’t know it is his full time job and how important it is to him. And that he needs some serious help with things like:

  • front end html;
  • graphic design;
  • server administration;
  • back-end programming in python;
  • writing explainer content;
  • designing a new landing page interaction.

And I didn’t know he is so focused on helping others by creating a website with the following features:

  1. being a place for you to share the issues that you care most about
  2. provide information to learn specific things you can do to make the world better
  3. build communities around other people that care about fixing similar issues.

Who wouldn’t support something like that?

And I know John is working on a new business related to his website Philippinen Tours, being a tour guide for German tourists wanting to visit The Philippines on individual tours. But I didn’t know he wanted to be the number one travel operator for Germans visiting The Philippines. That is some awesome goal isn’t it?

And I know that Christian is very focused on his church activities. But I didn’t know he is even considering giving up his job for that. That is quite something and perfectly fits the idea of definite purpose.

So yes, quite some day today, with a lot of positive interaction.

Thank you Lord!

I did it again

I did it again today, even though somewhere during the day I realized I had planned too much. But somehow I managed to finish again all the things I planned for today and I have been doing that for a week now or so. Or maybe even a bit longer. And around fifteen minutes ago it felt as if Infinite Intelligence came to help me, as I had planned to reconnect a computer i was installing for a friend to the network again as inexplicably that computer was not able to connect to other computers anymore. But somehow I did the right things and suddenly it reconnected without re-installing anything I had planned.

So now only left this post and my Dutch post and the daily update of my gratitude page.

And somehow I still feel a little insecure if I’m not doing the same I did my whole life, like pushing through when I shouldn’t, like being very stubborn. But somehow I also feel proud and somehow I also feel I may be doing the right things in the right way, or at least in a better way. As I understand habits are very strong and proper habits would lead to success. And as far as I have read things like planning, discipline, not changing decisions easily and persistence are considered good habits. And those are the things I have been doing for the last week or so.

And I know I’m not there yet as there are some things I don’t know how to deal with. But somehow it seems have I planning much more careful now, in a way that I really can finish my planning every day. And I don’t feel really inspired at the moment, but somehow I’m proud that it seems that I have improved in planning and pushing through with it. And the main things seem to be to plan very carefully, state very carefully what I am going to do or accomplish, and to NOT do things I did not plan, but plan them somewhere else, on another day.

And one major thing that is bothering me is that it seems so little, the things I can do in one day. And another thing that is bothering me is how to deal with things that are beyond my control. And still the most difficult thing is ‘people’, how to find people to cooperate with or how to find people to do the things I want to get done. As again, it seems so little what one person in one day can do. And I know I am good at the things I do, like Internet Marketing and web development.

But yes, I guess I have reason to be proud of myself, that somehow I have been able to find a way to plan that suits me, that works, starting with a plan for one day and now a plan for a week, even though I was not able to fully extend my planning for a week the last few days. But it’s not one day anymore, so what if I can manage to extend it to a month or a year. That would be something and that is certainly my goal.

And that is where the success can start, will start.

So yes, start with one day at the time, start with a little thing like making the bed every day. And then extend it a bit. And do it slowly, very slowly. And just go back to be proud of making the bed only if you can’t make it yet.

Good luck!

Everything is going to be OK.

Source CodeI just finished downloading the movie Source Code and I couldn’t resist watching it while I actually wanted to do some other things, even though I kind of finished the things I had planned for today. And I guess I wrote a similar post before, or actually I’m sure, as I found the image of the movie poster as shown next to this text already uploaded to the site.

And I still love the movie and especially the quote “Everything is going to be okay.” as stated quite some time by Captain Colter Stevens, the main character in the film. So I sent it as the daily quote of today, even though I’m quite sure I also sent the quote before. But I guess that’s what we all want to hear, always, that everything is going to be okay.

And while watching I had some strange feelings and strange thoughts as I downloaded the movie illegally through a torrent, especially as I was complaining quite a bit about one of my internet service providers violating the copyright of web pages recently, although that’s a bit of a different story, as they make changes to something while I just downloaded Source Code in it’s original form. At least that’s what I believe. And especially with movies I often watch the trailer and am always amazed about how many people are involved in making a movie. And I am grateful for all those people making such a thing. And no, in this case I didn’t pay for it. And also for most of the music I have on my system I didn’t pay. Most of it is downloaded, copied. And that’s the biggest problem with digital stuff, that you can copy it, for free mostly, even in the original quality. And no, I don’t really feel guilty about it, which is kind of strange, as I also certainly believe the people making the movie should be paid or at least have something in return for what they made. But again, this is kind of what this site, my project Inspiration for Success is all about, or partly about. As the more I think about ‘work’ and ‘business’ and ‘industry’ and ‘paying’ I get the feeling we need some kind of new way to distribute the wealth and maybe the work. As slowly we can produce anything anybody could ever need, slowly we can give any service anybody would ever need. And somehow the payment system we have is standing in the way to let everybody have what he wants to have, at least related to ‘stuff’.

And no, I wouldn’t know how to get there, although we did it before, as I guess in ancient times there was no such thing as money or X-deals. And the weird thing is that technically we are basically at a level what we always wanted, what humanity has striven for so long: ‘have’ stuff without having to work for it.

So let’s find a way, let’s find a way to make sure everybody has the food, the ‘stuff’ and the services he wants. Without continuous asking whether he worked for it or not.

As yes, there is enough of everything, we can produce anything and I’m quite sure most people would (still) love to ‘give’ the work, the effort to make that happen.

So let’s make that happen.