Tag Archives: Principles of Success

The ghost of fear of poverty

Recently I have been visited by the ghost of fear, especially the ghost of fear of poverty and believe me, it was no fun. And part of the last few days I have been feeling terrified and it indeed confirmed what I read in the last chapter of Think and Grow Rich: “The Six Ghosts of Fear”.

And I can confirm that the fear of poverty paralyzes the faculty of reason, destroys the faculty of imagination, kills off self reliance, undermines enthusiasm, discourages initiative, leads to uncertainty of purpose, encourages procrastination, wipes out enthusiasm and makes self control an impossibility. It takes the charm from one’s personality, destroys the possibility of accurate thinking, diverts concentration of effort, it masters persistence, turns the will-power into nothingness, destroys ambition, beclouds the memory and invites failure in every conceivable form; it kills love and assassinates the finer emotions of the heart, discourages friendship and invites disaster in a hundred forms, leads to sleeplessness, misery and unhappiness. As this is how I felt the last few days. And it was not just fear, I felt just terrified.

And I guess there is a reason that I felt this way, felt terrified most of the time the last few days. As I know I have done a lot of the things described in Think and Grow Rich, if not all, and it was just all gone, nothing was left but misery. And I thought I was well on the way to success, but apparently I have not mastered controlling fear, the six ghosts of fear, meaning that I still have work to do. So yes, there must be a reason this is the last chapter in the book, maybe the most important chapter in the book, as you can know everything about the Principles of Success and apply that knowledge, but when overtaken by fear everything just goes down the drain in a split second.

So maybe no wonder that I wanted to avoid the subject fear by just writing about positive things. As apparently my fear didn’t want to be found, didn’t want to be seen, so it could thrive or develop itself in the more hidden parts of my mind.

But somehow, somewhere today, or maybe yesterday, I realized that often reading in Think and Grow Rich gives me answers when I’m lost, when I don’t know anymore. And somehow I ended up reading the stuff I just copied above. And I forced myself to copy it by reading the text in the book and writing it, as to have an additional way of directing my brain towards the overcoming of fear, knowledge about fear.

And the solution is also given: fear is an enemy and in order to master it you need to analyze it, know everything about it, get after the truth, no matter the cost. And yes, somehow I am scared, have always been scared of the sentence to go after the truth about myself, the truth especially the weaknesses. I feared the sentence to be the court and the jury, be the prosecuting attorney and the attorney for the defense, that I am the plaintiff and the defendant. And the worst, that I am on trial.

So I wanted to start with answering the questions in the chapter about fear here, in this site, but while writing this now it feels like I first have to set up the court, the courtroom and the people in it, an imaginable courtroom and an imaginable jury, prosecuting attorney, attorney for the defense. And maybe be the judge, but maybe find someone else for that role, as suggested in the book.

And strange, I was crying a lot while writing the above. And there is also hope, it is not all negative, as there is also an attorney for the defense. And a judge, who should be fair. And a jury, who would take into account weaknesses, take into account I am only human.

And somehow I am relieved, as this IS the last chapter of the book. And I am there, I arrived, almost at the end. And I also still see myself going downstream, even though it is scary and very fast. But also exciting, event though, strangely enough, I am tempted to go back to the upstream part, as that is familiar and crowded.

But no, when thinking of the downstream I also feel excited, something like going to an easier life, a live in abundance, a life with riches, a life with a lot of money, a life that is a lot easier and full of joy.

So yes, somehow I am still making progress, even though it feels my financial situation only got worse. But somehow I know this is the end of the misery, the beginning of joy, the beginning of freedom the beginning of life.


Well, it seems something is different with my new project, with DoctorsConnect, so I decided to push through (again) and buy the domain doctorsconnect.ph. But of course I am a bit scared as it seems I am going full speed and my business partner seems to go a bit slower. Which is logical as, fortunately or unfortunately, I have the time for it and I think my business partner doesn’t. And I don’t really mind doing more, as I like the project, believe in it and also like working on it, but some memories of previous projects come into my mind. Memories about where I was in similar situations, working very hard, investing even, but finding myself alone in the end, without a business partner and with a product I did not know how to sell.

Some things are different though, as I have a better feeling with my current business partner. And I think the project is easier to market, even if I would have to do it alone. Also I learned from my previous projects to protect myself better with better legal agreements, written down agreements.

And maybe the most important is a changed mindset, as I know know the Principles of Success, where one of the principles is that every failure, or maybe better use the word defeat, brings me closer to my goal. And yes, I believe now more than ever that with persistence there is only one outcome possible: success. And I know more about leadership and that keeping a harmonious relationship with your team, with your Master Mind is crucial. And I am a bit scared writing about being scared, about repeating the same situation again, as I fear that that may damage the harmony with my partner. Especially as he asked me about the name of this site today, meaning he will probably read this and read more about my failures and mistakes and feelings. Things some people say I should not share with especially business relations.

But I guess I will just take the positive outlook. As I have nothing to hide and my feelings and my situation and my past are just my feelings, my situation and my past, nothing more, nothing less. And they have nothing really to do with my future, at least not in a negative way I think, as what I am bringing to this project is all my experience and knowledge and even a large part of the product, as the new system builds of course on the things I built for the other projects. And looking at what I have built in the time of a few weeks, not even full time, I think I can be proud of myself and I think hardly anybody in the world could build something like what I have built, especially not with the same quality, the same robustness.

So yes, I am carefully optimistic, optimistic that this project will succeed, where previous similar projects failed. And yes, maybe this is part of the help that was promised, by God, by my Higher Power.

So thank you Lord, for this new opportunity.

Why have you forsaken me?

“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” is something that is in my mind the last few days, as it seems nothing seems to move. And I got the message that help is on the way, a lot of help, more help than I could ever imagine, but it feels like I am back to square one again, no income, no customers, no future plans, no progress, nothing.

And that often brings me to the subject of ‘money’, as it seems without money nothing seems to move. As because I don’t have any income as of the moment (and not enough for quite a while), I feel like I can’t make plans for a holiday or something. Or even go to the city with friends. Or visit family.

And based on the ideas of Napoleon Hill I have worked very hard on all kinds of things lately, among others my internet project. And yes, you can do a lot of things virtually without money. As I just put time and had coffee with people and called and e-mailed them and such. And I came very far, further than I or anyone could have ever imagined. But right now the lack of money, the lack of an investor or investors is starting to hurt. As I really want, or actually need, to go to Manila to meet some people. And I want to formalize the company. And I would like to put some people to work, do some research. And until now I didn’t find anybody who really put some time and effort in the project, except for meeting me, talking with me, at least that’s how it feels or looks from the outside. As they are all busy, mostly because they ‘have to pay the bills’.

And yes, I guess I am not really a team person, a team building person, a people person. But I am good with ideas and I have also converted these ideas into writing, partly even into plans, even though the plans are basically still on the conceptual level. And I can work hard and am very persistent. And I am determined to make this internet thing work.

But while writing I realize that Napoleon Hill states that one needs ‘practical workable plans’, so maybe my plans are not practical or workable enough, at least not good enough. So maybe I should follow the advice and develop new plans. As Napoleon Hill also states that when you are or feel defeated, your plans are not sound enough, not good enough.

But I learn more and more that I can’t do it alone, that I need help.

So who is interested and/or willing to help me develop practical workable plans to achieve my goal:

”Improve internet, starting in Cagayan de Oro City“?

Connect Mindanao


Last Saturday I had an enormous fight with my partner. And it affected me a lot, so I decided to ‘hide’. And in the end I also decided not to write anymore, not here and not in my Dutch blog. And it rarely happens that I don’t write especially my English blog item here, so I guess I was pretty much affected with what happened, even though I am pretty stable again emotionally right now.

And as it was Saturday I decided to postpone my post writing to Sunday, as on Sunday I normally don’t write posts as it is my resting day. But also yesterday, Sunday, I didn’t write a post, as I just didn’t feel like it. As somehow I decided to stay most of the day in hiding, lying on a bed in one of our non-master bedrooms. And I felt kind of bad about all of this, although somehow one of my famous quotes of Napoleon Hill, “Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.”, confirmed that this bad fight, this bad day, had some benefit.

Or even a lot of benefit if I look back. As somehow one of the things that I felt I needed to do the last few days, weeks, was take some time to think, to meditate, to pause. So that’s what I actually did, kind of without knowing it, until in the end I realized that somehow one of my prayers, the thing I had in mind to do, the thing I felt needing to do, somehow had been given to me.

And next to this I started reading Think and Grow Rich again. Especially the chapter about The Brain. As I could not really remember what that chapter was about. And I knew that I did not really make a page about that Principle of Success in this site, only a placeholder as far as I remember. And I was amazed when I read that chapter again. As it read like I was reading it for the first time, as I didn’t remember anything that was written in that chapter, even though it appears to be some kind a copy of things like Infinite Intelligence and Sixth Sense. But it is not, at least that is the feeling I have right now.

And it was strange, continuing reading into the chapter The Sixth Sense, especially to find there, that the Sixth Sense only works when you are familiar in applying the other twelve principles. And also because especially recently I encounter more and more that which is bigger than us, than human beings, the Higher Power. And yesterday I tried to force it, force Infinite Intelligence or the Higher Power or God or whatever you call it, but that doesn’t work. Somehow it needs to come to you, somehow you have to give in and let go of your own will or ego or something.

So strange, how things come to me, even though I somehow feel very down on my way to success, to fame and riches. As that seems further than ever, or no, that’s not true. I just felt it further away recently. But somehow it isn’t somehow I am on the way, at least to something greater, to some greater purpose.

Service and honesty

I am starting to believe more and more that running a business is indeed about service and honest, and not about money. As whenever I am dissatisfied with anything it is mostly, or maybe even always, about service, or honesty, or maybe not being heard, feeling heard, but the last of course back to service, listening to your customers, serving your customers.

And the reason I am writing this article now is because of the behavior and service of the undertaker my mam has hired for taking care of the funeral of my sister, who died last week. And one would expect especially an undertaker to be very careful in dealing with family, as I can also understand it can be very difficult not to become greedy in situations of death, where there is a lot of grieving and where people would very easily say ‘yes’ to all kinds of things and not really think about the cost too much as their mind is somewhere else.

But wait a minute, that is exactly what my complaint is about, not about cost, but about service. As I live in The Philippines and my sister was buried in The Netherlands. And as I don’t have the budget to go and also just didn’t like to go, I suddenly thought it might be a good idea to attend the funeral through Skype, through internet, with some kind of video conferencing tool. And I didn’t really care about the cost, as I just didn’t want to travel, but I would have liked to attend the funeral online. And I didn’t even care what the cost would be. I even mentioned, or at least thought, that if they would charge € 1,000.00 or so for it, that would be okay. As I wouldn’t have to pay for it anyhow as my sister who passed away has money enough, at least enough for such a thing. So cost was not really an issue, unless my other sister and/or my mam would have disagreed with it. So it was really about service, and I would have been willing to pay big time for it and would have praised, promoted the person who would have arranged it.

But no, my remark about possibly attending through Skype, through video conferencing was put down with ‘there is no internet available at the location’. And this is about the funeral of my sister, imagine. And I understand it was not the undertaker who made that remark, but I guess a good undertaker, a good businessman, would have picked up the request and would have made it happen, would have find a way. And I guess it wouldn’t even have been that difficult. As I can’t imagine there would not be some kind of wireless internet nearby. Or maybe even wired. So the undertaker could have earned big time, just put some laptop somewhere, arrange an internet connection for two times one hour, church and cemetery, pay maybe € 100.00 or probably less, and charge  € 1,000.00 or something. Everybody happy.

And as I guess you already figured out something fully different happened. As somehow it seems the undertaker was only focused on getting the confirmation of the order for the funeral, the signature of the person who would pay for the funeral. And of course I can imagine that side also, as funerals are expensive and it may not always be easy to collect the money from the heirs. So yes, getting a signature from someone giving the order for the funeral and taking the obligation to pay is part of the business, how cruel or unethical that may feel. But that’s the business of undertakers. And as far as I know they are paid quite well for it. And I guess they deserve it also, as I wouldn’t want to do their job. But the way how he did it is in my opinion unethical, maybe even criminal. And don’t get me wrong, I was not there, so I don’t know the facts. But I do know my mam, and I guess she was seen as the ‘weak person’ and the ‘target’ having the money, or control of the money. So somehow the undertaker made my mam believe that she was the only heir and responsible for everything, which as far as I could find out is not true. So he made her sign for all kinds of things, five signatures, probably including the order for the funeral. And yes, what option did she have? She was probably still in shock, as my sister died very unexpectedly after being ill for only one day or so. So what else would you do if there is so much pressure as of course cooling equipment needs to be arranged as soon as possible. And would you check if it was all true what the undertaker said, as he deals with these things daily? Or ask another undertaker to make another proposal? I don’t think so, I even thing I wouldn’t do that, even though I am aware of all this ‘business’ around death, around funerals and cremations and such.

And please don’t get me wrong, business is business and people have their own responsibilities, even in a situation when someone died, although if it’s your daughter I’m not sure if you could consider the mother taking proper decisions. So it’s okay someone asks for a certain price in a certain situation, same as a can of coke in the middle of the desert could be worth a fortune. But my point is that I think this undertaker made some big mistakes by not telling my mam that my other sister, my mam and I are responsible together for everything. And it would have been in his advantage if he would have involved me, as I happen to know how much money my sister has. And I wanted the funeral arranged as my mother wanted it. And I would have probably pushed for cars in procession provided by the undertaker, as I would have wanted my mam (and my sister) to be comfortable in such a situation, where now they used their own cars, even cars from other family members as there was not enough space. And I wanted to have the internet connection, which was very important for me. And I wanted to pay for it.

So by not focusing on service, but apparently focusing on ‘money’ and ‘signatures’, this undertaker not only missed something like € 3,000.00 additional turnover for the online video feature and the procession cars for himself. And he did not only created a very dissatisfied client, me, or maybe even multiple dissatisfied clients, as later on also my mam and my sister may join me in my dissatisfaction, but probably even lost money and has to deal with a complaint or even lawsuit as I have the feeling he misrepresented the legal situation by making my mam believe she was the only person responsible.

And I still don’t get it, as I asked my mam to pass on my phone number and e-mail address to the undertaker the very first moment I was involved, like them being on the way to “De Losserhof” to arrange everything for the funeral. And imagine, I am the brother, so to me it would have even be just plain courtesy to just call or e-mail me and send condolences, no matter the matters to arrange or the legal matters or the payments or the budget.

But no, he decided to deal with my mother only. So well, I decided to deal with him, even if it were only to let him know that I believe he made some mistakes here.