Tag Archives: Asking

Guest post

I don’t want to continue my post from yesterday today as I just don’t feel like it. So maybe tomorrow… And no, I don’t intent to procrastinate, I just don’t feel like it.

And the main reason is that I was reading some stuff from Scott Dinsmore who started Live Your Legend. And I notice there are some similarities and some differences between him, his goals, his dreams, his thinking, his site, or actually sites and me. And I guess the main difference is that he wants to help people, from his heart. And I just want to be successful, live my own life, have fun. And yes, of course I also want to help people, but it seems not in the same way as other (successful?) people. As it seems they are doing it by heart, as a definite purpose, and I do it for my own benefit. I just want to be happy and I believe I need success for it, I need to be successful to be happy, or maybe to be free.

And right now I kind of stopped, as I don’t know how to continue. As I wanted to talk about marketing, the marketing of Inspiration for Success, marketing through guest posts. Or actually a guest post to Zen Habits. As I read that that made the site of Scott Dinsmore take off, a guest post on Zen Habits. And/or guest posts to other large and famous sites of other bloggers. And I am getting scared now as I just read in a flash searching for that page, that guest post, that Leo Babauta wrote ten guest posts a month or something when he just started, next to the stuff he wrote for his own site. As that’s not what I have in mind. I am not a writer like Scott Dinsmore or Leo Babauta wanting to write stuff to help people. If it would help people anyhow. So maybe that’s the issue here, maybe I need to define better what I want. As if I’m doing something I don’t want, I’m not passionate about, it will never work.

So let’s brainstorm:

  • Originally I wanted Inspiration for Success  to be a site, a project, to inspire people, especially people who had or have no one inspiring them. And yes, I still want that.
  • Next to that I want to program, like building the plugins I needed for this site, the one for SEO and the one for sending the daily quotes.
  • Then I wanted traffic, mainly to know that I am doing something useful, that people read my stuff. Or use my plugins.
  • And yes, related to that, I want to be famous, I want people to know me, which would confirm I achieved something. This confirmation would mean I am successful, which I don’t consider myself right now.
  • And finally I want financial success as that would mean financial freedom and that would mean freedom to do the things I want to do in life, like traveling.

And I guess that’s about it. That’s all.

Ah, yes, I also want to just work, do work that suits me, that makes me happy and that also makes other people happy. That is even a phrase in my desire document. And that is a major thing for me, as most of my life I did the work I liked, but nobody seemed to appreciate it, at least not in the end.

So how bad do I want all of that? Well, pretty bad, as I spend most of my time on it, even more than I like as I hardly make time for pleasure and friends. But there are some major hurdles that I was never able to surpass and the main hurdle is that I can’t seem to keep people, inspire people, build a team or something. So I’m doing most of the things, the work alone, and I realize more and more that that is not effective.

But then again, it seems Leo Babauta and Scott Dinsmore and many other famous bloggers also started alone. And sometimes still do most things alone. And it seems that Leo Babauta is pretty successful in my terms as he seems to have achieved financial success with his blog, but if I read most of his posts he is still struggling with many things similar to me (and you?). Ah, yes, you may have noticed, I am pretty jealous of him. And also of the many other (successful) bloggers with many followers.

But while writing the last I may not have to be jealous, as I am not a blogger in the way they are. It is not my thing to write posts, good posts, good content to inspire people, advise them or something. Yes, my thing is writing every day, but that is more to have learned and now have a ‘good’ habit, nothing more, nothing less. And to write software, programs, maybe plugins, which is also what I did, including my stuff to handle the top inspirational sites and top motivational sites overviews. And yes, I still want to extend that with stuff to connect people, the two categories of people I have in mind: people who want to inspire other people and people who want or need inspiration from other people.

So well, the idea that comes into my mind is to just ask Scott Dinsmore and Leo Babauta if they are willing to help me with the things I want. As yes, I guess I have quite some stuff to give also, like my overview of inspirational sites and this whole site with a lot of content. So maybe I should stop focusing on the things I don’t have or am not good at, like connecting to people or working with people and things like writing guest posts.

Let’s just ask.

Success by repeating

I encountered several things lately how to achieve success, how to become good at something. And that is something like starting small, starting simple and then slowly increasing your skills until you’re good at it.

So yesterday I encountered a blog with, of course, some kind of book where you can learn how to make your blog successful. And I guess there is something in it and I was a bit jealous yesterday when I found that the site of James Altucher is not that old and much better and is doing much better than mine, than this site, than Inspiration for Success.

And now I am annoyed, as I was just reading something again like ‘if you give to the world you’ll get things back’. And I hear that everywhere and if it is true I don’t give much to the world as I don’t get much back. Or more on the contrary, next to getting nothing in people helping me with e.g. this site I just have a lot of bad feelings, I just feel shit.

And yes, I still have that idea of that it’s  never enough. And of course e.g. the page Top Inspirational Sites is not yet finished, far from it. But I did quite some work on it and it’s going to take an awful lot more work to make that part of the site, of evaluation inspirational and motivational sites, a useful part.

And I know I can write shit, but right now I am still writing, even though it is 3 am right now. And I not fully sure if I am not mainly writing it for myself or for SEO reasons or something, but there is certainly a part of ‘giving’ in it. And yes, the Inspirational Tools part of the site is also not yet fully finished as I have it in mind, but it is certainly working and the idea of focusing on desire document and Principles of Success has certainly a reason as those things brought me further in life than anything ever before.

Ah, yes, the thing in my mind was about following the advice of all those successful bloggers to do things like writing comments and writing guest posts. So it’s all about marketing and sales again in a way that I don’t like. But I guess it works. So what would I do, follow my feeling or do something ‘that works’.

And yes, I think I have been quite generous with links from this site, but until now I don’t think I didn’t get many links back. And I am pretty sure people know I am linking to their site as WordPress has this nice ‘ping back’ feature that reports when someone links to your site. At least as both sites have that feature of course. But most sites are WordPress sites, so I guess they have that feature.

Anyhow, still hard for me to decide to do more of the ‘things that work’, the things I don’t like or the things I think I don’t like, or to just continue writing and working as I have been doing until now. Ah, yes, that was also in my mind, that this site, this blog was never intended to be my main source of income or something and that it is also certainly not my main priority in time, which is also why it is not my priority to do all those things ‘that work’ as I don’t want to spend the time for it.

Anyhow, I would still love to get some feedback or something, whether positive or negative, so at least I would know people read my stuff, next to seeing statistics in Google Analytics of course.

So if you read this, please post some comment or send me an e-mail? Please.

What’s the point

I am kind of at the end of the road as tonight I let myself talk into borrowing another significant amount which I doubt would come back in time. So I just cried up to God what is the point in letting me suffer so much financially and also with other things, like my love life and the connections with my family. I started a new life around twelve years ago or something and it started very well, with lots of promises and good things and starting a business or something. But slowly it has all fallen apart and I have no clue why, even though I guess I have my flaws. And yes, I know they say life is a learning process or learning experience or something, but I also believe life should be enjoyed. And I didn’t have any real joy for the last ten years or so, except a few short moments, short occasions like a party where I felt very happy someone celebrating it here, in The Malasag House.

And no matter what I did, no matter what I do, things still seem to fall apart, including me caving in again to a request from my partner just tonight. And the reason I did is that I just don’t know anymore, as whatever effort I do it seems to end nowhere, it seems to be futile. And it may be right as my partner is closer to me than anyone else, but it may also be wrong as maybe I ‘should’ be stronger and go my own way or something.

Or is this about going beyond failure, beyond anything you can imagine before achieving success, the thing Napoleon Hill talks about. But I started reading Think and Grow Rich from the start again and the sentence is ‘before achieving their major success’ or something and not ‘before achieving success’.

So yes, I just cried up to Heaven that I don’t get the point in more ‘learning experience’, for me meaning right now ‘more suffering’. And of course I know my situation is much, unimaginable much more better than so many people in the world, people without food and shelter, where I still own part of a very large house, so I am still ‘rich’. But that’s the worst part, as I know how good, how fun life can be, even though there are still some things I still didn’t enjoy to the fullest. But I know what it is to travel the world and have a car and just be able to move around and see the worlds and just visit friends and family when you like. And right now, and for a very long time already, I have the feeling I can’t, even though if I would just cash out some things I still could do those things, even though only for a short while.

So yes, I am tired of the suffering and I am starting to refuse to believe that it’s all ‘me’ who is the cause of it, like many of those self help sites and successful people make me, and probably also you, believe. As no matter how you follow the Principles of Success or whatever program or things ‘successful people’ have invented, if God or Infinite Intelligence or whatever you may call the Higher Being or Higher Spirit, doesn’t want it, apparently it doesn’t happen.

And no, I won’t give up. I will follow things like the Principles of Success and persist in my current quest and my current decisions. So I will ‘outwit the Devil’, but I am starting to get annoyed by the way one apparently has to do that, as I’d rather stay nice and polite and things like that than just being annoyed and angry and all those things I consider negative.

And strange, especially writing this last paragraph makes me realize how far I have gotten, how much more determined I am to achieve success than ever before and how much more self confidence I have now than I had ever in my life before.

So yes, something changed, changed since I started to read and work from Think and Grow Rich.

Why have you forsaken me?

“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” is something that is in my mind the last few days, as it seems nothing seems to move. And I got the message that help is on the way, a lot of help, more help than I could ever imagine, but it feels like I am back to square one again, no income, no customers, no future plans, no progress, nothing.

And that often brings me to the subject of ‘money’, as it seems without money nothing seems to move. As because I don’t have any income as of the moment (and not enough for quite a while), I feel like I can’t make plans for a holiday or something. Or even go to the city with friends. Or visit family.

And based on the ideas of Napoleon Hill I have worked very hard on all kinds of things lately, among others my internet project. And yes, you can do a lot of things virtually without money. As I just put time and had coffee with people and called and e-mailed them and such. And I came very far, further than I or anyone could have ever imagined. But right now the lack of money, the lack of an investor or investors is starting to hurt. As I really want, or actually need, to go to Manila to meet some people. And I want to formalize the company. And I would like to put some people to work, do some research. And until now I didn’t find anybody who really put some time and effort in the project, except for meeting me, talking with me, at least that’s how it feels or looks from the outside. As they are all busy, mostly because they ‘have to pay the bills’.

And yes, I guess I am not really a team person, a team building person, a people person. But I am good with ideas and I have also converted these ideas into writing, partly even into plans, even though the plans are basically still on the conceptual level. And I can work hard and am very persistent. And I am determined to make this internet thing work.

But while writing I realize that Napoleon Hill states that one needs ‘practical workable plans’, so maybe my plans are not practical or workable enough, at least not good enough. So maybe I should follow the advice and develop new plans. As Napoleon Hill also states that when you are or feel defeated, your plans are not sound enough, not good enough.

But I learn more and more that I can’t do it alone, that I need help.

So who is interested and/or willing to help me develop practical workable plans to achieve my goal:

”Improve internet, starting in Cagayan de Oro City“?

Connect Mindanao

Laws of the Universe

The things I found (again) in the chapter The Brain of Think and Grow Rich stay stuck in my mind, together with the things I encountered in the Twelve Steps of Co-Dependents Anonymous. As somehow it seems you need to leave things to your (the?) Higher Power, somehow it seems you can’t do anything alone as a human being. Or just can’t do anything.

So then what is my purpose, comes up immediately. Or why am I suffering so much then. And what about my free will and my needs and wants?

So I am thinking about that Napoleon Hill puts a remark that the book is not about anything religious or God or something, but somehow it still seems to be, somehow the more and more I read it, the book is (also) about religion, about how it all came to be, how it all works. And he phrases it very nicely in the chapter The Brain: “all of us are controlled by forces which are unseen and intangible”. But somehow we have the power of Thought, of Creation through thought. And somehow something is listening to us and answering us. As I experimented with that today and somehow I had the feeling that my questions were answered by ‘something’ outside of myself.

And yes, I have been setting myself up for those things, as the last few days I had some encounters and meetings with my virtual cabinet. And somehow it seemed, it seems that you can summon others, can summon ‘things’. And I experienced that strongest in some Family Constellations meetings.

So today I strongly asked for help in a way passing it to the spiritual world, I think in a way as I never have done before. And the answer was very strong, that help was on the way, that there was more help on the way than I could have ever imagined. And something that I should be careful with what I have wished for, that there is some kind of danger in what I want, what I wanted, what I asked for.

But the general feeling was positive, that there is help on the way and that my suffering will be over soon.

So I am very curious what is going to happen next. And yes, this was the first time I really let go of wanting to control things, this was one of the few times I really left it to the Higher Power how to let things happen…